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Roll Call: Retirees


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I just sat here typing and I could not explain it without it being way to long, erased it and started over. Ask any questions, if something does not make sense, I am trying to make it short believe it or not, I not really retired unless you ask my daughter or wife.

Was somewhat forced to retire from our last job landscaping by a storm, My mothers health (diabetes) was causing her health to go downhill fast, losing a leg, most of her sight and use of one arm. (I told her if she was a horse we would have to shoot her, she thought it was hilarious) We put the house in my daughters name and what little was left to pay it off (less than 1/4 of appraisal) was taken over by her, she is a RN. We built this house 100% ourselves, never hired anyone for anything.

I then watched my mother for the next few years and my sister would take her home at night most of the time.

My mother died at the very end of 2012, I know I did the right thing and we both really appreciate those last few years.

My wife does custom sewing and embroidery and stays very busy and is very good at what she does. As you can imagine watching my mother provided 0 income, so we have become very good at having little or no income. I do a little electrical and a little work on water pumps and construction here and there to help.

Our daughter (the RN) and my wife does not want me to go back to work, it has been a fight, I stay busy but really feel useless, I have worked all my life. They want me to just keep fixing up the house and property which I want to do but I should be doing more.

Part of the problem is I am close to 57.

I have done electrical work offshore and on houses for years, restaurant management, insurance, and building gardens for the last 15+ years. I got pretty good at those and did fine but very bored and moved on to something new about every 10 years or less, except for the landscaping which we loved but had to give up.

My wife was at one time a secretary, did insurance for almost 20 years before working with me doing landscaping.

I want to contribute, but it's a fight every time I bring it up. It's like they think I am going to drop dead soon and all they want me to do is have a good time and do what I want. Unless they know something I don't I don't get it ? I know I have lived longer than any male in my family but I am not dead yet and can still do much more.

I feel stuck and useless and sometimes get upset about this which seems to make them even more insistent I call it retired, I'm screwed. :mellow:

So technically I am homeless and unemployed, strange how crap works, I would have never thought it would end like this. :( Except for this little problem :o I have been very lucky and were happy.

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"All they want is for me to have a good time and do what I want". You are lucky dtel and apparently appreciated by your family. I hear what you are saying about doing more as I feel that way sometimes too even though it is just me and Jake here. It doesn't have to be about money for me though it would be nice to have more. I volunteer some now and just ran this by the girl friend that seeing how lucky Jake is I might see if I can volunteer at the shelter walking and spending time with the dogs that don't get "chosen". That would make me and them feel good.

From what I have read here hotel dtel is a welcoming and great place to visit and your family seems very happy so I would say revel in your success, relax, and keep on keeping us entertained here on the forum.

Just my take....

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So the wife and I over the last 20 or so years have shot the chit one time or another about how long she has been with the state.

Ask her as I remember a few years back, maybe she should check, she did and it came back at I believe 24 years.

Since the last time I ask it seems time has run away, kid off to collage, buy house and just messing around, thought id ask again when I retired back in feb, hey babe, check how much time you have in and we will take it from there, she comes back with a paper stating she is the senior in the dept, @31years+,

OMG! your kidding ! 31 years ?

Yeah, I think it's time.

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I retired in September of 2013 after 36 years in transportation. The job required lots of hours and lots of days/nights. Over the years I missed many family reunions, funerals, weddings, holidays and football games that I would like to have attended. So now it doesn't bother me in the least to say I never intend to be employed again. For me, I'm not sure it gets much better than this.


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I just sat here typing and I could not explain it without it being way to long, erased it and started over. Ask any questions, if something does not make sense, I am trying to make it short believe it or not, I not really retired unless you ask my daughter or wife.

Was somewhat forced to retire from our last job landscaping by a storm, My mothers health (diabetes) was causing her health to go downhill fast, losing a leg, most of her sight and use of one arm. (I told her if she was a horse we would have to shoot her, she thought it was hilarious) We put the house in my daughters name and what little was left to pay it off (less than 1/4 of appraisal) was taken over by her, she is a RN. We built this house 100% ourselves, never hired anyone for anything.

I then watched my mother for the next few years and my sister would take her home at night most of the time.

My mother died at the very end of 2012, I know I did the right thing and we both really appreciate those last few years.

My wife does custom sewing and embroidery and stays very busy and is very good at what she does. As you can imagine watching my mother provided 0 income, so we have become very good at having little or no income. I do a little electrical and a little work on water pumps and construction here and there to help.

Our daughter (the RN) and my wife does not want me to go back to work, it has been a fight, I stay busy but really feel useless, I have worked all my life. They want me to just keep fixing up the house and property which I want to do but I should be doing more.

Part of the problem is I am close to 57.

I have done electrical work offshore and on houses for years, restaurant management, insurance, and building gardens for the last 15+ years. I got pretty good at those and did fine but very bored and moved on to something new about every 10 years or less, except for the landscaping which we loved but had to give up.

My wife was at one time a secretary, did insurance for almost 20 years before working with me doing landscaping.

I want to contribute, but it's a fight every time I bring it up. It's like they think I am going to drop dead soon and all they want me to do is have a good time and do what I want. Unless they know something I don't I don't get it ? I know I have lived longer than any male in my family but I am not dead yet and can still do much more.

I feel stuck and useless and sometimes get upset about this which seems to make them even more insistent I call it retired, I'm screwed. :mellow:

So technically I am homeless and unemployed, strange how crap works, I would have never thought it would end like this. :( Except for this little problem :o I have been very lucky and were happy.

You've got everything you need dtel. There are things that we all need and there are things that we think we need. Things do not buy happiness. If you lived on a remote island in the South Pacific all you would need is a small hut, a fish, a coconut and some p***y. That's all a man really needs.


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So technically I am homeless and unemployed, strange how crap works, I would have never thought it would end like this.

yet Elden, you have the love and devotion of a good woman ... so you're head & shoulders above me already. You're a blessed man for sure.

i'm sure you contribute far more than you realize, and i hope your health is okay and that isn't why they're being so protective of you.

Maybe your a big beefcake and the wife is worried that you'll get snatched up by some southern gal.

Or are you really ugly? I stuck with a girl once that was so ugly, i stayed by her side constantly ... because i didn't want to have to kiss her goodbye.

Edited by BigStewMan
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Well thanks everyone, I almost erased that one also, I couldn't figure how to make it shorter and still slightly explain it but felt I owed some kind of explanation. I have thought many times people reading and noticing I am not working everyday may think I am doing something illegally or have plenty money. Well it's neither, just a strange situation, I got up thinking I should erase it.

I don't feel I should be working just to be able to buy things but to contribute. There is nothing I need or really want.

Well almost, I could be happy with just the things T2K said, a small hut a coconut and the rest.

i hope your health is okay and that isn't why they're being so protective of you. Maybe your a big beefcake and the wife is worried that you'll get snatched up by some southern gal. Or are you really ugly?

Except a little weight I am working on no problems I know of, excluding I'm not 25 anymore. She does get a little nervous with overly friendly females but knows she has nothing to worry about. Really ugly, could be, looks like the same face in the mirror to me but much older than I remember, looks like my dad now.

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I volunteer some now and just ran this by the girl friend that seeing how lucky Jake is I might see if I can volunteer at the shelter walking and spending time with the dogs that don't get "chosen". That would make me and them feel good.

That's a good idea, just one thing to think about, it's not for everyone. I would think it would be very hard knowing the faith of some of the animals as you take care of them if they don't get chosen. I don't know if I could do that ?

I do tend to volunteer, it's usually for people in the neighborhood, they come get me when things break :o But it's fine and they really appreciate the help, the wife always says, well you did your good deed for the day.

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Well thanks everyone, I almost erased that one also, I couldn't figure how to make it shorter and still slightly explain it but felt I owed some kind of explanation. I have thought many times people reading and noticing I am not working everyday may think I am doing something illegally or have plenty money. Well it's neither, just a strange situation, I got up thinking I should erase it.

I don't feel I should be working just to be able to buy things but to contribute. There is nothing I need or really want.

Well almost, I could be happy with just the things T2K said, a small hut a coconut and the rest.

i hope your health is okay and that isn't why they're being so protective of you. Maybe your a big beefcake and the wife is worried that you'll get snatched up by some southern gal. Or are you really ugly?

Except a little weight I am working on no problems I know of, excluding I'm not 25 anymore. She does get a little nervous with overly friendly females but knows she has nothing to worry about. Really ugly, could be, looks like the same face in the mirror to me but much older than I remember, looks like my dad now.

That little garden space out in the woods is just for medicinal purposes......right :)

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That little garden space out in the woods is just for medicinal purposes......right

Well yes, they call it Glaucoma preventive maintenance.

No not really I am just kidding, if were completely legal yes, maby. It would be a little tough explaining why the house an land were being seized.

Funny you say that some one around here must be doing that, we have had black helicopters flying 20' above the trees for long periods in some areas, going up and down the wooded areas looking for something. I didn't care it wasn't me, it's definitely not worth it growing here except if your in it for money and that's really crazy, I'm allergic to jail. It's a misdemeanor / ticket in this state to have 1 1/8 oz or less in your possession so they are extremely tough on larger amounts.

But crazy people do crazy things, including blowing up houses while trying to make meth, the new redneck drug. Most of these drugs these days are worse than some of the old time drugs, I have no use for that kind of crazy. like that comedian says , You can't fix stupid !

Edited by dtel
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I retired in September of 2013 after 36 years in transportation. The job required lots of hours and lots of days/nights. Over the years I missed many family reunions, funerals, weddings, holidays and football games that I would like to have attended. So now it doesn't bother me in the least to say I never intend to be employed again. For me, I'm not sure it gets much better than this.


I don't blame you at all, you missed a lot of things you can't get back, enjoy your retirement, it's your time to do what you want.

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I retired in September of 2013 after 36 years in transportation. The job required lots of hours and lots of days/nights. Over the years I missed many family reunions, funerals, weddings, holidays and football games that I would like to have attended. So now it doesn't bother me in the least to say I never intend to be employed again. For me, I'm not sure it gets much better than this.


I don't blame you at all, you missed a lot of things you can't get back, enjoy your retirement, it's your time to do what you want.

These are excellent reasons to retire.

I was fed up with being verbally abused, kicked, punched, spit upon, stabbed, etc.... and this was coming from the parents...

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