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Ebola - NY/NJ beginning mandatory quarantines

Guest Steven1963

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different, they are going to help...im talking about people who are travelling for pleasure.

I gather you are also okay with the doctors and nurses that are going there--If that is so I agree...That said, I definitely feel there needs to be protocol followed by "vacationers" that choose to travel, which seems like it's being done. I don't agree that it's a belated response from our government and found it interesting that NONE of the family members of Eric Duncan (1st Ebola patient who died in the US) or any of the other 21 people that had close contact with him got the disease--His family was with him for several days after he was symptomatic and actually stayed in that apartment for several days after he was admitted to the hospital..    

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...I am a big believer in Constitutional Rights...but this is the correct action to take.  Too bad Obola couldn't get off the golf course long enough to do this a month ago at the national level.


I can't believe this thread didn't get shut down after the first post given this comment. I too am a believer in Constitutional Rights and the First Amendment is paramount...That said, this is a Speaker Forum and there are places where discussions like this are appropriate but calling the POTUSA 'Obola" in a thread about Ebola seems needlessly political and IS against Forum Rules. That said, I am not going to lobby to get it shut down just wanted to point that out.... 


Of course I see it's also turned into another Gun debate so I am sure that is a subject no one has strong feelings about. :huh: For the record, I don't have a problem with either discussion but when it gets to name calling it seems things get out of hand quickly and why we are fortunate no one can actually bring a gun to a speaker forum where who knows what could be the outcome--Then again, can't catch Ebola from one either unless you believe 'The Media." LOL!



Some of the new forum moderators even post political comments and photos, these days...

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Some of the new forum moderators even post political comments and photos, these days...



Really? Fwiw, I wasn't complaining but having had these discussions realize that folks can get bent out of shape quick...Words are a powerful tool to rile emotions and idiotic comments seem to run rampant when allowed to do so--I guess I'd better watch my back (and comments)  or one of those moderators will strike me with warning points and I want to keep my slate clean...Then again, it's been a while since I've been banned from an audio forum. ;)

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Some of the new forum moderators even post political comments and photos, these days...



Really? Fwiw, I wasn't complaining but having had these discussions realize that folks can get bent out of shape quick...Words are a powerful tool to rile emotions and idiotic comments seem to run rampant when allowed to do so--I guess I'd better watch my back (and comments)  or one of those moderators will strike me with warning points and I want to keep my slate clean...Then again, it's been a while since I've been banned from an audio forum. ;)



Yes. Really.

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A debate on gun control? Really?? Injecting that in a discussion on Ebola containment??!! Hijacking.

Yep, that's what it is.  Glad someone pointed it out to me before I got involved.  Won't get on the soap box at this time.


I kinda like some political debate in this forum.  However name calling contributes nothing to the thread other than showing ignorance and a lack of respect for others.  I can see where an exception to my statement would be where at least the poster and the person being called something know it is in jest.


Perhaps we are being tested to see if we are intelligent enough to be civil when political statements are made.  Thus allowing more room to step in it before scraping it off our shoe.

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I kinda like some political debate in this forum.  However name calling contributes nothing to the thread other than showing ignorance and a lack of respect for others.  I can see where an exception to my statement would be where at least the poster and the person being called something know it is in jest.


Perhaps we are being tested to see if we are intelligent enough to be civil when political statements are made.  Thus allowing more room to step in it before scraping it off our shoe.


I like this comment, however in the initial post that started this thread the POTUSA was called a name that detracted from the topic du jour. Otoh, more Americans have a chance of being shot than catching Ebola and that would be the case if we limited the discussion to hospital workers in the USA....Of course stating it that way makes it more of a 'political' statement and the fact  I find amazing is that none of the family and friends of the initial patient from Liberia have Ebola yet were exposed to him when he was contagious.


For the record, I think "the Media" is making more of this story than it actually deserves.

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A debate on gun control? Really?? Injecting that in a discussion on Ebola containment??!! Hijacking.

Yep, that's what it is.  Glad someone pointed it out to me before I got involved.  Won't get on the soap box at this time.


I kinda like some political debate in this forum.  However name calling contributes nothing to the thread other than showing ignorance and a lack of respect for others.  I can see where an exception to my statement would be where at least the poster and the person being called something know it is in jest.


Perhaps we are being tested to see if we are intelligent enough to be civil when political statements are made.  Thus allowing more room to step in it before scraping it off our shoe.



Pretty sure "Obola" doesn't know whether or not the comment was in jest...

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I kinda like some political debate in this forum. However name calling contributes nothing to the thread other than showing ignorance and a lack of respect for others.


I've been around a long time.  Way back, the lounge (under a different name) was open to almost anything.   However, as you mention, there are always immature children who when confronted with a position they disagree with or a politician they didn't vote for go into juvenile mode and start name calling.  When Amy came along, she cleaned the place up nicely.  While a few old pioneers miss some of the rough and tumble of those days, this is a fundamentally better place for Amy's efforts.  During the years I worked with her I left all the thread locking and such to her as she was superb at it and paid for it.  With her gone it's Chad's responsibility.  However, he stays busy just keeping the engines running here and his deputies have been expanded to keep the peace. 


While I still will be very slow to lock, warn, or worse...I do know it when I see it and will only hesitate long enough to ask myself "What would Amy do?".


All in all, I just want to enjoy the music and great company here.  



Edited by Mallette
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Well put, Dave!  I like that..." What would Amy do?" 


I firmly believe that there is no gun accident that isn't a direct result of a gun safety rule or combination of rules being broken... period.  

That said... it seems that we don't yet know all the "RULES" when it comes to ebola.   It would be nice if there was enough clear and accurate information where we could adequately and calmly handle ebola prevention and treatment.

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I firmly believe that there is no gun accident that isn't a direct result of a gun safety rule or combination of rules being broken... period


As a training professional who has spent decades in the oil patch, just take out "gun" and you have the explanation for ALL accidents. 


I've yet to find any task in the oil patch where injury or incident cannot be reduced to negligence, OEM error, or an Act of God by good training.  



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Well put, Dave!  I like that..." What would Amy do?" 


I firmly believe that there is no gun accident that isn't a direct result of a gun safety rule or combination of rules being broken... period.  

That said... it seems that we don't yet know all the "RULES" when it comes to ebola.   It would be nice if there was enough clear and accurate information where we could adequately and calmly handle ebola prevention and treatment.


Again, if this is a thread about Ebola, then one must realize that to get it you must be in contact with a person who's symptomatic and has fluids coming out of their body--The only people who've gotten Ebota in this country are those Healthcare workers who came in contact with Eric Duncan or those that traveled to Africa to help those infected with the virus--So far that total is 2 that contracted it here and 3 who contracted it abroad, afaik. Interestingly enough (once again) NONE of the 21 family members/friends who were in contact with Eric Duncan when he was symptomatic got Ebola and I found that surprising...


Insofar as the gun discussion--Agreed that accidents happen if safety rules aren't followed, but that isn't the only gun deaths and injuries we have in this country. Some are intentional shootings and not always by the gun owner. The latest example is making the rounds in the News. and more Americans died in that one incident than have died because of Ebola. In fact, have any Americans died of Ebola?

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Have any Americans died? Are you asking about whether any have died IN America?



I hadn't realized any American had died anywhere, but given that poor gentleman's circumstance of taking care of his sister in Liberia unprotected, it seems he didn't understand the ramifications. Thanks for posting that link, but he would've been the perfect candidate for a 21 day waiting period in Africa before boarding that plane and entering this country...That said and what we know now--I'm not so sure about those Healthcare workers and doctors coming back who did take the necessary precautions and aren't symptomatic--they should definitely be monitored but they are also the ones who would want to seek help as soon as their temperature started to rise because they saw the devastation first hand and know they would be treated here.  {EDIT: I don't think they should be quarantined just because they went to help as professionals.} 

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