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MMF-7 Turntable recommendation - Underwoodwally

mobile homeless

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Clipped, on your trashed LP question, I can't remember if you have an LP washer on not. I would think the only thing that would trash a stylus is flotsam and jetsam in the grooves, and that can be pretty effectively cleaned out.

I've been receiving about 10 LPs a week for the last few months or so ... just replacing my old collection which went to heaven slowly over the years (16 moves in 12 years will do it). I've been surprised by the good, inexpensive stuff that can be scored on Ebay if one is selective and gets to know the dealers ...

Anyway, my routine has been to set up my VPI 16.5 in the kitchen on Sunday afternoon (with a glass of wine, of course) and wash up about 20 LPs and then re-file them ... Even though the LPs appear to be clean before washing, I'm always amazed at what the old LP juice looks like afterwards (like after cleaning your carpets ... yuck). There is definitely A LOT of dirt in there.

Having done this about 80 times now, I would definitely not put an LP on my table without the buff and hot wax routine. Would kind of feel like waxing your car without washing it first. Finger nails down the blackboard ... You get the idea.

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On 11/5/2002 4:13:43 PM mobile homeless wrote:

BTW, if there are ANY people NOT voting Republican, please go to the polls!!!!! heh....


I voted Republican on every candidate down here in Florida. Oh, I see you said "NOT voting Republican". 9.gif I won't hold it against you, mobile. I still look forward to that bottle of wine in May...

BTW, just finished listening to Genesis' "And Then There Were Three". I had forgotten how good this album is. I am gonna have to buy some of the older stuff with Gabriel, I think...


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Not sure if everyone missed the Rich Text option. But if so the next time your going to put a link or a picture in your post. There is a option for rich text after you hit the reply button (right under attach file and Quote). This gives you all kinds of options for this forum. The only draw back is no Copy and paste which is weird !!


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Politics? Well, to understand where I'm coming from you should know that I attended BOTH Clinton innugrual balls. I have never voted for a Republican in my life and I never will. I donated by GW Bush "tax rebate" to the DNC.

I was at a cocktail party in Orange County (CA) a couple of weeks ago and the upcoming election became the topic of discussion. I was the lone Democrat. One (typical) Republican said to me "well, you must either be unemployed or on welfare." I responded by saying I was for higher taxes and bigger government. He was dumbfounded.

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I am not sure when the copy/paste options were added but they are available now. There is also a "paste from Word" button so if you type something in Word you can copy it into the forum post. I had tried to copy a M$ Word document in a post when the "new and improved" forum first came out but I couldn't make it work.

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Republican jazz fan?

Yes. But very few. And most tend to be "Goldwater" rather than "GW" style Republicans.

You know, my favorite political cartoon involved Goldwater. Herblock had one of Barry G lecturing a bunch of poor black children on the stoop of a DC tenament with the Capitol Dome looming in the background. Barry G was telling them "if you kids had any ambition you'd go out and inherit yourselves a department store."


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On 11/5/2002 6:54:52 PM edster00 wrote:

I am not sure when the copy/paste options were added but they are available now. There is also a "paste from Word" button so if you type something in Word you can copy it into the forum post. I had tried to copy a M$ Word document in a post when the "new and improved" forum first came out but I couldn't make it work.


I see how it works now !! You have to paste it in with the provided button and can't use the right mouse button isn't that strange !!

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C&S, Fini, you guys are definitely whacked.

I couldn't help but think of all those dead cat jokes as well. Maybe a cat under every MMF7 (Seven Maliciously Maligned Felines) ??


"Honey, where's the cat?"

"In the soap ... It's in the soap! There's a dead cat in every bar of DEAD CAT SOAP!!!"

"Arrrghhhh ...."

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Speaking of cats, I remember an invention Clipped had long ago that never made it into production: a coat made from live cats. Very soft and warm. You'd be encouraged to keep them happy (lay off, PETA): the purring of so many cats, so close to one's body was so exhilarating. Might make your needle skip, though.


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There is a happy ending to this long thread ...

Got the replacement MMF-7 from Walter Liederman yesterday ... Box arrived at the office in great shape, which is always a good start. I got it home and after taking the lad to school this morning, set it up.

It would appear that the two TT's I received were packed differently. This one had the cartridge guard on it, which Walter secured with a small piece of tape to keep it in place for the trip. He told me that these "fall off in shipment" quite frequently, and he's talked to Mr. Hall about including some tape prior to shipment. Hopefully this will become part of the SOP at the factory, because they do little good (and maybe some harm) bouncing around in the box. I also noticed that the DC motor was wrapped in plastic, and on the first shipment it wasn't. I'm not going to draw any conclusions from all this, but suffice it to say Walter stood behind his word and the second TT was pristine and intact.

I set it up based on the included instructions and MH's supplemental documentation, which was a BIG help. The second time you set one of these up, it goes a lot faster as well.

I leveled the table using (very carefully) a long bubble level. The bubble in the window on the table actually is centered as well, but there is more room for error using that as a primary indicator.

I checked the cartridge/arm with the protractor, and it looked perfect. The VTA is dead on as well so no adjustment was necessary. The azimuth looked fine as well.

I got out my "donut" and put it on the acrylic table. Sure does look like the stuff I put under my throw rugs, for sure :). Looks nice, actually. Then I went to my modest LP collection and grabbed SRV ... went to Tin Pan Alley and cranked it up.

Nothing. Jeez.

I remembered that I could hook the interconnects to the CD inputs on the amp and tried that (looking for some output). Zip.

Hmmm. Now I'm really doubting myself. Table looks perfect and the room is quiet.

Anyway, I pulled off the interconnects and left the grounding wire in place. I got a pair of Kimber PBJ's and hooked those up. Put the LP on again and voila!! Beautiful sound !!!

Could have been the Bermuda Triangle. I'm sick as a dog today, coughing and running a fever. Who knows. As Walter calls it, another return from me was going to be a POU. Product Outperforms User. Sounds like a nice way to call someone a bozo ... and probably deservedly.

I write this listening to Miles' KOB. I have the volume knob up to about the 2:00 position and I have to say that vinyl really brings out the best in this amp. It beats the heck out of the CD as a source, although I generally like my CDP a lot, esp. for vocals and woodwinds.

I have to add that I hear none the congestion I heard and wrote about in my Eico HF-81 vs Scott LK-48. The music is just pouring out of the Klipschorns and FILLING the room with sweetness. I just dialed the volumen knob over to 10, and a LOT of sound but no noticeable distortion. Of course, the music I'm listening to now is different that the CDP was rolling out ... but I've got to reevaluate the digital source a bit. Some tube rolling may be required, who knows. I just never heard it with the Eico.

Anyway, since break-in on the table is required, I'm just thrilled with the sound. I know it's only going to get better and I'm one happy camper with lots of vinyl to revisit.

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"I checked the cartridge/arm with the protractor, and it looked perfect.  The VTA is dead on as well so no adjustment was necessary.  The azimuth looked fine as well."


Good to hear another positive experience.

Where did you get the protractor? any recommendations. What is the azimuth again? Is your mat staying put?


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The azimuth (see Kelly's MMF7 manual) is the vertical angle to perpendicular as you look down the axis of the tone arm. If the stylus is not perpendicular to the LP plane, then the rotation of the arm (azimuth adjustment) can fix this.

Hope I got that right. Probably not.

The donut likes to come off with the LP but it's no biggie. I just peel it off, give it a shot with the zerostat, and put it back down. I haven't done an A/B with the felt mat yet since I want to get a good feeling for how this sounds first.

The felt mat is a static MAGNET.

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