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Heresy Speakers How Much Power


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Might want to check into some of this gear if you're buying new.  A few of us run the Mani for a phono pre-amp.  Others in here run some of their other gear and seem satisfied with the results.  Think there are a few threads in here on that.  Solid State, built in the USA, nice clean look, priced right and they sound good.   https://www.schiit.com/    I'm sure there are some Youtube videos out there.  They make some good Schiit! 

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Running my lll's with a Cayin MT34 with 2x32 watts in a larger room and the volume knob does not go over 1/3rd and they easily fill the room. For the lows I am using a super small B&W 608 sub in a decent way so I do not realize a sub is there and running. Works perfect! I know it is not the subject here but I read about a sub can take away the magic of the Hereseys but thats totally not the fact with the experience I made. It makes them complete in every way. Btw the Cayin is dead quiet, even no plop or whatever when turning on.

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I used in the past various amps: tubes (300b, EL34, 845) and solide state. Sometimes, for some kind of music, was better an amp, some others time another one.


Nowadays I run my Heresy's III with a McIntosh MA5200 (100wpc) and, in my opinion, I reached a perfect balance: warm sound, clearness and, when needed, very dirty ROCK! 😎

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How much power is needed to run these speakers for the most part?  What about Heresy II's and III's can the same amount of power be used?

Klipsch are some of the most efficient speakers in the world. They’ll get plenty loud with a handful of watts. 100 watts continuous and 500 watts peaks. You’ll be fine with any quality amplification.

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  • 1 year later...
2 hours ago, Weltfaul said:

I resuscitate an old thread, but in the light of all the opinions what conclusions are to be drawn from Klipsch's own suggestion of 100W minimum for the Heresys?


it's a 100 W maximum......not to exceed  100 wpc ,  otherwise you risk  blowing   a tweeter and a midrange driver .

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On 6/30/2021 at 6:26 AM, jcmusic said:

How much power is needed to run these speakers for the most part?  What about Heresy II's and III's can the same amount of power be used?


You need at least 1 watt/channel.  Really.  Any of them are rated to absorb 100 watts.  In the later of the original Heresies, they will probably suffer woofer damage before the tweeter and squawker are hurt.  Fear not. 


Having run mine with 25 to 140 watt amps, a good 25 to 40 watt amp is plenty.

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Thanks for all info y’all have given me throughout this thread. I’ve been out of the ….hobby of enjoying music for a long time, since around 1995. As I mentioned in another thread my best friend passed away earlier this year and left me so many albums, cd’s, 13 guitars, 5 nice guitar and bass amps including effects, synth’s, keyboard, so much stuff that there’s boxes filled through out our house. Combined with my meager when compared collection warrants the addition of converting our garage into a man cave/ home studio. According to our contractor we’ve got about a month before he can get started so I’ve got this time to make choices on preamp and auxiliaries and any advice from y’all will help. Discussing with contractor about wiring for auxiliaries and power After reading some of yalls post I may need to pay more attention and have more input into what he’s actually going to install. Thanx and again I apologize for length of message. 

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  • 1 year later...

Well, I waited over 40 years until I could justify spending the money for my dream speakers, the Klipsch Heresy 1's.  I was able to find them at a fantastic rehab shop here in STL. Though I paid more than the original MSRP, the speakers had been completed reworked, inside and out. They look brand new! And I knew I wanted an Amp with really clean power. And I was hoping to find something newer with modern technology, but used, for a decent price. The Marantz receiver I found on FB marketplace wasn't worth the $200 I paid for it.  The incredibly complex remote only controlled the volume. Nothing else worked. Fortunately, I ran into an old friend who had just completely rehabilitated a Sansui AU-717. It sounds absolutely amazing with those Heresys. At 85 wpc, I can't even turn it up tp 10 wpc without upsetting the neighbors!  5 wpc is where it will stay, unless I want to rock hard during normal business hours. 😉

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