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Klipsch KG SW


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I picked this up yesterday from forum member pollyoscar3722. Great transaction BTW. Held it for me until I found time to travel a bit. Someone else asked I do a review of it when I get it. I'll make an attempt at brevity. Here goes.


The system it's attached to is:Fisher 440T with 500T output (30+ watts?) and rebuilt-Schiit Modi 3+(the real surprise for me)-Wiim Mini streamer feeding '79 Heresy 1 all OEM and the KG SW also OEM as far as I can tell.


I began by positioning it in between the Heresy off to the left with ports facing me. The system is about 12-13 feet away from the speakers so I had to scavenge speaker wire from everywhere to make it work as it's passive and everything runs through the sub. At first I had the sensitivity on high. Too much for me so I changed it to low. Then I listened to everything. Carly Simon,Emerson Lake and Palmer,Crack The Sky,Macy Gray,Diana Krall,Little Feat,Dire Straits....I mean everything. Even listened to the Telarc recording of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overturn by the Cincinnati Philharmonic with the cannons.For about 5-6 hours. Then this morning I listened to Dark Side of The Moon. Because I know it. At least I thought I did. It was a different collection. I heard things never noticed.


It's just what I sought. A way to fill out the range of the system without muddy sloppy noise that passes for....oops nevermind. It seems to have eased the load on the Heresy woofer allowing it to do what it does better. The whole soundstage seems bigger in all dimensions and spacious. Bass is brought forward without being forward. It is crisp clean and integral to the music as it was meant to be. For now I'll just listen where it is then maybe I'll change position. I did turn the ports away from listening position but it lost the speed it had.


Hope this makes sense to anyone who reads it. This system is my introduction (at 63) to this level of sound quality. I thought my stuff in the '70s was good. Don't mean to gush but this sounds so good I'm afraid to screw with anything. Think I might be done for awhile. I'm surprised the Fisher is as good as it is.


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Great, detailed review! Interesting that you prefer the lower output setting. As long as you enjoy it, good for you. The fact you noticed a difference just by adding the kg SW to the Heresies says the sub is no fluke but a real addition.


The kg SW in my basement system has the ports facing the room. I tried them facing the wall but I'm within a couple inches and figured that was too close, without the option to move it away from the wall, and I couldn't tell the difference in sound anyway. But I certainly can tell the difference without the passive sub. It magically turns Heresies into full-range speakers without the higher end Heritage prices.


I like the fact it actually high passes a signal to the satellites rather than a passing a full range signal. Those people at Klipsch are smart.

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  • 2 weeks later...

At first I could (would?) hear where the bass was emanating from and it bugged me.  As I listened it became less prominent. Or has it just receded back to where it belongs? Anyways I flipped the switch back to 94dB sensitivity. Better....

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57 minutes ago, geezin' said:

At first I could (would?) hear where the bass was emanating from and it bugged me.  As I listened it became less prominent. Or has it just receded back to where it belongs? Anyways I flipped the switch back to 94dB sensitivity. Better....

Probably just your ears adjusting to it. 

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Noticed something while working on my Heresy. I don't have a TV so music is on 99% of the time I'm home. So I drug my Klipsch R-610f out from the bedroom to fill in for the H1. Just unplugged the Heresy from the KG sub and plugged the R-610f in. The sub really helped them. Soundstage was improved as was the mid. Unfortunately nothing will help them up high compared to the Heresy no matter what I hook up. So now I'm looking to find another KG SW.

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