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Speaking of preamps...


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Your idea of sensitivity training seems in the vein of, "I'm going to make you sensitive to other people's feelings if I have to beat it into you." Would be kind of funny if you weren't so obviously serious. I'm a couple of minorities, too, and I don't make a big deal of it.

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You two whinners really think your getting somewhere with this don't you !!

I'm not changing

I'm not leaving

I could careless what either of you think !!


I can not wait for the day I get to meet a wimp like you and have you stand up to me. What a laugh !!


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Good one Hofy

I may be insensitive but if you ask me some people around here remind me of my 16 year old daughter "OVERLY SENSITIVE"

Besides none of this has anything to do with what I said it just has to do with who said it. These two clowns have had a hard on for me for a long while.


Jazzman thinks he is MLK reincarnated !!

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Thicken your skin.

I have been a gringo doing business in Mexico for 10 years.

I have been the only gringo in a 3000 employeee plant. I have gotten crap from all angles.

If I did not have a lttle hair growing in the right places i would be out of a job by now.

And I am Irish Catholic as well. Read up on how the English continue to persecute Catholics in Northern Ireland. The USA treats Iraqis better.

Disadvantaged minorities in the USA?

They only exist in the fantasy land of the left. The poorly parented and the lazy, permeate all cultures because they choose to pass the ethical base down to the next generation.

Craig making fun of a silly name; of course.

Why do you think Datsun changed to Nissan?

Jazz and Guy,

You 2 continue to be silly.

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On 10/29/2003 9:26:10 PM Audio Flynn wrote:

Thicken your skin.


Disadvantaged minorities in the USA?

They only exist in the fantasy land of the left. The poorly parented and the lazy, permeate all cultures because they choose to pass the ethical base down to the next generation.



You are so truly ignorant and not worthy of a response other than, it's not religion, but color other than white that is the main discriminator in America, and always has been regardless of parenting or anything else. Another moron!

Klipsch out.

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I can not wait for the day I get to meet a wimp like you and have you stand up to me. What a laugh !!"

The last person that thought like you, will never make that mistake again. You'd be lucky to be standing for more than a few seconds, and I'll give you the first swing. So bring it on "big mo'". Unlike MLK, if you push me, I pity your ***, and I don't need a weapon.

Klipsch out.

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On 10/29/2003 10:00:08 PM jazman wrote

You are so truly ignorant and not worthy of a response other than, it's not religion, but color other than white that is the main discriminator in America, and always has been regardless of parenting or anything else. Another moron!

Klipsch out.


What you think Poles, Italians,Russians,Irish, Jews,Gypsies, Czechs, Ukranians,Hungarians, et. al. have never been discriminated against because they were white? Give me a break.We just don't whine you moron!

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On 10/29/2003 8:14:10 PM Dflip wrote:

Now that Craig has made his politically incorrect remark and two of you have flamed him about his lack of sensitivity on the issue and he has responded, can we get to the chase?

...the actual review of this new amp is...? pluses, minuses???

Enquiring minds want to know.


C'mon now...take it out back if you have to. Beat yourselves senseless if need be.

Stop all the BS amd get to the point...I wanna know what Craig got.

"Can't we all just get along?"12.gif

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Craig's brand name for his pre-amp might have been, to some, "insensitive" but, there was no malice in it. I see anger and malice in your response. Chill out, we only get one life, enjoy it. Have you never said that you are going for "*****" food in your life? Have you never made remarks about an immigrant? Told a "Diego" joke? If you are that pure we will start a religion around you and two thousand years from now the masses will worship at your alter.

We are all men, proud of our varied heritage and we must live together as best as possible. A hostile outlook on life will get none of us anywhere but an early grave.

Respect isn't automatic, it is earned.


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Jazzman, do you live as angry a life as you sound here? You might have legitimate reasons behind some of your anger; anger is a reaction to hurt. You must have LET a lot of people hurt you to be this angry. Many of us have been hurt by words of others, but we eventually grew emotionally and intellectually to realize that those who were casting hurtful words were either ignorant or were trying to take negative focus off themselves, and at other times were just plain meaningless. Not all that seems as an attack actually is one unless you make it out to be that way. Don't let YOUR anger define you. It's your anger, you own it. You can CHOOSE to hang on to it and let it run your life, or you can run your own life. Don't expect everyone around you to walk on eggshells. We might not choose that route and we certainly are not obligated to.

BTW, how many languages do you speak? How many countries go to the trouble of translating signs and voting pamphlets etc as we do in the US? Most countries expect if you want to live there, you learn their language. English is there for the benefit of tourists.

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On 10/29/2003 10:46:49 PM the_highlander wrote:

hey what with all the fuss...we Americans (the white boys that is) have been stereotyping and discriminating others for more then two centuries here...and we will continue to do so for a long while...just ask Paul Klipsh...big deal!


My point exactly. But it really is a big deal!


You wouldn't recognize the issue if it sat on your beak. I am not whinning, merely stating facts. The fact that many of you can't accept, nor understand those facts as found and reported by bipartisan Congressional committees and other Think tanks is not surprising but truly pathetic.


Considering my family tree consist of Anglo Saxons, Native Americans and African Americans, my father taught me not to do jokes at the expense of others, so I DO NOT, have not, and will not tell emigrant jokes. I discourage them anywhere I encounter them, no matter who is doing it. No sainthood is required to treat others the way you wish to be treated. Don't confuse personal respect of interpersonal relationships with what should be greater general respect for all humans; both men, and women of all ethnic, national, and religious groups.

I am apalled, but not too surprised to find the attitudes expressed here. Such is the reality of life in America.

and Craig,

Don't get happy. No threat was extended, again only facts. I'm giving you the first swing if you've got the guts...in person. You're great at sending me email where you then call me names. Let's me see you do it in person, coward.


Give me a break. If you think anything so far is "angry", you've missed the boat.

Klipsch out.

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"Dean has called it much the same thing in the same joking manner here a number of times and you two babies didn't jump all over him ! Why is that ? I call it that because it really has no name or company that makes it ! "

Yep, I'm the truly guilty party here. It started because I could never remember his name. The joke wasn't associated with the fact that he was Chinese, but because I couldn't get the name right in my head. What Craig said is true as well -- we just didn't know what to call the thing!

Edmond, I have several friends that are Black (is it O.K. to point out that they are "Black"), and if you heard the way we talk to each other -- I think you would either be astounded or disgusted (probably both). I am affectionately referred to as "White Boy", among other things -- and I've got a few comebacks of my own that I won't mention here. We've broken through the racial issue by simply being "real" with each other. There's nothing malacious or crude going here, and the thing that continues to perpetuate racism is the insistance that we all become "colorblind". True acceptance and tolerance comes from embracing and recognizing our differences -- not by pretending these differences don't exist. Most of today's youth (at least around here) don't seem to have a problem with this -- it's those who carry the painful memories that can't seem to let go.

If we look at the way Blacks treat other Blacks (use any minority in place of "Blacks"), and the way Whites treat other Whites (past and present, and anywhere in the world), it is apparent that "racism", "antisemitism", etc -- are just symptoms of a much deeper human problem.

Craig's problem is deeper still. He's out of minutes on his cell phone.

Incidently, I'm pretty sure that neither you nor Craig are as tough as you pretend to be. For cry'in out loud -- you're freaking sissy *** audiophiles.9.gif

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