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OT: Whew. The doc says I'm alright.


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I have been having stomach problems for over 3 months and the doc wanted to check me out. Yeah, you might have guessed it. Colonoscopy. 6.gif

Let me tell you, the preparation for that procedure is pure hell! I would not wish it on even my worst enemy!!

I don't remember the procedure at all. I DO remember (and this is the part m00n will chime in on) the hot 25 something yr old nurses that surrounded me to "prep" me for it. They must have given me something strong to knock me out because the only thing I remembered from about 9am - 3pm is lying down on the couch at my house with my father watching Jerry Springer..after the procedure. I don't even remember who put my clothes on, or if I even did!! Maybe one of the hot nurses?

Anyways. I look healthy the doc says. He really wanted to check because of potential colon cancer, as it has run in the family before. I look to be alright. I'll just have to live with IBS for the rest of my life it seems. That's ok. It's good to be just alright.

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Congratulations! Definitely a reason to celebrate. Did they put you on some sort of schedule for the colonoscopies? Like, "OK, we'll see you back here in a month..." If so, hopefully it's more like "next year!"


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On 11/18/2003 9:03:40 AM lancestorm wrote:

I have been having stomach problems for over 3 months and the doc wanted to check me out. Yeah, you might have guessed it. Colonoscopy.

Let me tell you, the preparation for that procedure is pure hell! I would not wish it on even my worst enemy!!

I don't remember the procedure at all. I DO remember (and this is the part m00n will chime in on) the hot 25 something yr old nurses that surrounded me to "prep" me for it. They must have given me something strong to knock me out because the only thing I remembered from about 9am - 3pm is lying down on the couch at my house with my father watching Jerry Springer..after the procedure. I don't even remember who put my clothes on, or if I even did!! Maybe one of the hot nurses?

Anyways. I look healthy the doc says. He really wanted to check because of potential colon cancer, as it has run in the family before. I look to be alright. I'll just have to live with IBS for the rest of my life it seems. That's ok. It's good to be just alright.



Congratulations, glad to hear it was for the better.

Did you go lightly? (I've had four (4) so I couldn't resist)

The stuff they give you so you don't remember the procedure is kind of neat.

La-la land can be nice when it's legal.

Win dodger

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Glad to see you came out of that proceedure fine. So much for being a virgin huh? I have to go every couple of years because colon cancer as well as stomach cancer runs in the family. I also always have the luck? of having extremly HOT nurses to prep me. Last time I went I told doctor Goldfinger if he found any nickels they were MINE! Heheheheheheh Oh well glad to see your O.K.

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Good to hear your o.k. I also have bouts with IBS+consitpation and I've found that most of mine is due to an artificial sweetener that is but into "sugar free" food and drinks. Too much Sorbitol or Aspertame, etc. and WAHAAAA!! I used to wonder how many balloons I could blow up if I could harness all that gas 16.gif. Since I have Type I Diabetes eating gets to be a real chore by itself.

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It looks like I don't have to worry about it for a long time. I think the doctor is through with seeing me. It is probably that I just have a really really sensitive stomach. The guys make fun of me eating the same bland stuff and being a wuss about not eating spicy things...if only they really knew.

I can't believe some of you have to do this every few years. I don't want to do it ever again! That Phospho-Soda does not taste like soda!! I had to drink 3 oz of the stuff, which was 2x the adult recommended dosage in 24 hours. It was during this time that I really wished I had had my internet to just read old posts from this site. Instead I managed to bring in a tv and play my Xbox. LOL. Also got a good read of the Sunday newspaper.

To health :).

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Oh... Hotties or no hotties, I really would not want anyone playing with me bum. That is exit only, do not disturb, wrong way, denial of attack and what ever else. However, if you could get a little hannie out of the deal to help cope. Hmmmm.

How long did the procedure take. They let you play games durring the procedure?

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I've always held that same stance when it comes to my bum. No entry. No access point. Access Denied. Etc. It was after I told my mother, "Hey, when I get in my 30s or 40s and they require the check, I'm gonna say nut uh no way no one gets near my bum." And then I got what I never wanted much sooner :).

"How long did the procedure take. They let you play games durring the procedure?"

No no. It was the day before the procedure that I was playing games. I had to take this Fleet's Phospo-soda which is not soda at all haha. It's a laxitive...and within 4 hours I had to take 2x the adult recommended dosage for 24 hrs. So I had PLENTY of time to enjoy the xbox, newspaper etc because I was not moving from the bathroom most of the evening/night.

I do not recall anything from the procedure, they knocked me out. It was less than an hour long. Since I never felt it or saw anything go up me bum, it never happened :). lol

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You know what really sucks? Because stomach cancer and colon cancer run in the family I go every two years to not only have them snake my pipe but they also have to go down my throat into my stomach! Talk about getting it from both ends! But look at it this way, I would rather go through this every couple of years and have them catch it early than have them remove 85% of my stomach (My Father). That sucks! My brain surgery was a breeze compared to that. I follow George Carlins way of thinking, I hope I get two types of cancer so they eat each other and leave me the freek alone! Hehehhhe

Be Well


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Now that I think about it, the nurses might have been more comforting to me because I sounded somewhat sickly. It wasn't true. I felt fine. I had lost my voice cheering (okay, SCREAMING) for my boys, the Cincinnati Bengals, on tv the previous day. I had tickets to the game, but couldn't go so I could "prep" for the procedure. But it sure was amazing to watch on tv. They are now in first place. I've waited 12 years for this.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Know your feeling of relief dude... Had to go to a cardioligst (sp?) today. Suspected heart disease. After getting on the treadmill with all the little moniters on me, doc does not think the chest pains I am having are heart related. Phew... There was concern due to my family history and my previous smoking habbit. oh as well as my high blood pressure which I have and am on two medications for.

Hard test though. Started out on a treadmill walking slowly, with a near flat incline. Each level was 3 minutes then she would crank up the speed as well as incline. The test in it's entirety is 24 minutes long. I made it 10 minutes 32 seconds before my legs told my brain to knock it off or they were going to protest violently. Goodness they were hurting. I could have gone an additional (approx) 5 more minutes before collapsing and doing the floppy chicken if it was not for my legs cramping up.

Oh and talk about helga's house of pain... Damn nurse could not even lube up my chest hairs before shaving with that god forsaken butter knife she claimed was a razerblade. 7.gif

Just as a note, they one thing they said was that if I had any kind of heart issues the pains around my heart would have definitly gotten worse durring the exercise exam, which they didn't, good! Something to think about if you ever think you may have some issues. 4.gif

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That's great news, mOOn. Glad you're doing well. BTY, I ran into a fishing bud of mine at a meeting over the weekend, telling me his Doc was going to put him on BP meds, he didn't want to do that, asked for options, he said DIET. He went on the Atkins diet, lost 20 lbs in 2 months and his BP came right back into range. Maybe not an option for you, but just a thought.

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My previous doctor told me to exercise, shed a couple of lbs.... Too damn lazy. However, I am getting of that age (36) where I don't want to rely on meds. I need to get myself back in to shape.... Some of that good old fashioned sexercise. However, 30 seconds at a time... Well, you can see just how affective that will be. Will take years. 9.gif

Seriously though. I have a bowflex that I need to dust off and become best friends with once again. Damn those things will give you a kicken workout. When I met my wife I was some 130lbs. 10 years later I am up to 170lbs. Odd thing is though is that I carry it rather well. I look husky but not fat. Well, until I take of my shirt. I gotta hurry and get back on that bowflex before I start getting some ***** titties.

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On 12/8/2003 8:25:31 PM Champagne taste beer budget wrote:

LMAO @ ***** titties. We gonna have to get get you a Manssiere for Christmas?? We could take up a collection.


Oh man!!! You got me laughing because you are laughing at that... BTW, what's a Manssiere?

Uh... nevermind, not sure i wanna know. Most likely man girdle or something like that. If so, no way man. My gut is bought and paid for. It will let it get bigger and bigger before I wear something like that.

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It's like a brassiere, but for men. Something that one of the characters on the show "Seinfeld" worked on 2 or 5 or 8 years ago. Spelling might be wrong, idea is there. If a 7 year old sees you on the beach in nothing but swim trunks and thinks you have bigger boobs than his mom does, you're deffinatly a canidate for a "Manssiere". Hopefully you're not in that condition yet.

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