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Pull the trigger, yes or no!

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I ran into a set of Heresy 1s in the local add paper. He wants $300 for them, with bases, no grill cloth, face board painted black, wallnut finish in good condition, new interior baffeling, Cardias wire inside and configured to be able to be by-wired. He is about a 45 minute ride for me from work.

These would be for use as rear surrounds to my Heresy 2s which are the main speakers in the H.T. system.

Part of me says grab em and part says "do I really want to find a way to mount these monsters (compaired to the bookshelfs there now) to the wall?"

Any ideas on how the series 1s sound vs series 2?

I will need to bring a reciever and some zip wire to hear them, he is no longer setup to use them. He was very receptive to me doing so!

What do you guys think? I need to replace the cane grill cloth on my series 2s anyway, might as well make it 4 speakers instead of 2!

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I say go for it! Mounting could be trickey, but that is not a bad stumbling block.

I don't think you will notice much of a difference timbre beween the I and the II, both sound very similar to me anyway. The I's may sound a little brighter, but not by much.

That's not a bad price for Heresys + you don't have to pay shipping - if they are in good shape... it's an easy call.

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Jeeesh Wayne, you made me go from HT all the way up here to 2Ch to comment, man what a slave driver!2.gif

I use Heresy II's for surround duty and I third/fourth/fifth, well I ll drink the fifth anyway, but yes get them. Heresy speakers regardless of their iteration do an excellent job for surrounds in a Heritage rig. I have had mine in and out of various rolls in my rig. Currently I have my split La Scala torn apart to refinish the bass bin and build a new HF cabinet and I have one of my H II's as my front center and the remaining three serving as surround L/C/R units. I doubt youll notice any variation in timbre and like all have said they fill the surround roll very well. At $300 pull the trigger!!!

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ARRRG, you guys are right, what was I thinking? I talked to the wife last night and told her I found 2 more Heresys for the HT and all she said is "you just put these speakes up, Ok, I guess" (You GOTTA love a woman like that!!)and she is right, we only mounted the bookshelfs to the wall 6 months ago after having them on the floor for many years6.gif But the wires are run now and I only need to switch the speakers out.

I have my garage reciever in the car and a cordless screwdriver to look inside the backs with. I will stop at the local Rat shack on the way out to pick up some zip cord to listen to the speakers this afternoon. If they are in any better than trash condition, they certanly are worth the $300 and I do beleave they will add to the system we now have.

What is up with these computers? Some days it will let me log on and others it it won't!7.gif7.gif To post this message, I had to switch computers6.gif at least there are others to switch to!

It is now 5:20 in the morning and I am off work at 1:30. I will drive from Long Beach to Van Nuys to check out these speakers then back home to Riverside. Local board members will know exactly the drive invlolved, for the rest of you all, it is North about 50 miles through L.A. at the start of the traffic rush, then 70 miles back East through the height of traffic, if all goes well, I will have them tonight. If not, OH WELL9.gif

Edit, BTW, it has just started pouring out of the sky, add that to the traffic mix6.gif3.gif3.gif

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The fronts of my new set of Heresys on stands.

The stands are removable. They are on spikes and they have rubber bumpers for the speakers to set on. The cabinet has been modified with the addition of another motor board OVER the original. This makes the surface above the sides of the face of the speaker and the speakers have been front mounted to the new board. I was able to get these for $275.

Edit: To make grills for these, I think the easiest way would to be to make a mdf frame to fit the front then cover it and attach it with Velcro. The wife will tolerate a lot but the look of bare speakers is just not her thing. Thats ok!


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