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Coffee and headaches.


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I remember reading somewhere that drinking unfiltered coffee (like the

french pressed kind) can lead to either some form of heart problems...

Though coffee is where we get the most antioxidants into our body

I love pressed coffee! I stumbled upon the coffee press in Ireland and

haven't gone back to drip unless I'm at work. I think its funny

that contradictory reports come out on coffee and cafeine all the time.

Moderation should be the best way to do most everything but ahh hell

moderation is for monks.

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Habitual coffee drinkers sometimes report headaches if they take a day off. On fellow told me about quitting and said he felt run down for several days. Then his energy returned.

I have not had the headache. I was getting headaches from too much coffee. It was coffee from the office service and quickie marts. I quit for a few weeks. The major problem was that then I could smell the aroma of coffee from quite a distance.

I eventually started again but only Starbucks and mostly mild or half decaf and stop at noon (sometimes). OTOH sometimes I feel tired in the afternoon if I don't get my morning coffee.



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I tried quitting cold turkey for a few days, and it wasn't pretty. I had a wicked headache, cold sweats and was shaking like a leaf. If this is what withdrawl does to you, thank god my only addiction is coffee.

I felt like Jamie Foxx looked like, portraying Ray in the movie, battling his addiction in a hospital. I think I am going to brew a fresh pot.[:)]

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Just curious about affects of coffee. I drink too much coffee and with my high blood pressure, I should really consider cutting WAY back. So, with that I have some questions.

1) Do any of you who drink coffee get headaches when you don't get your morning coffee? If so, how do you know the headache is from not getting your coffee and not something else?

2) Does drinking too much coffee give you a headache? If so, how do you know it's from drinking too much coffee and not something else?

3) Have you stopped drinking coffee completely, if so, did you suffer headaches and if so, for how long?

To answer:

1)I've never gotten headaches from not drinking coffee (to use a double negative) although most people who do drink on a regular basis will suffer some withdrawal symptoms when they quit.

2)Yes it gave me a headache when the dosage was too high. How do I know? Because it was the only thing I was ingesting -- mass quantities of the strong stuff! My symptoms started with headaches, but over time it came to include blurry vision, peripheral numbness, heart palpitations and chest pains. All are standard symptoms of overdosage from caffeine.

3)I've quit caffeine altogether several times in the last few years. Sodas, chocolate, coffee, tea, etc.... cold turkey. While I didn't get headaches from quitting, what I do find interesting is that caffeine is not really for my benefit but for other people.[:)] I'm just not very sociable in the early a.m. without it. That's just me and I'm definately not like everyone else[:P]

In short: everything in moderation. Like you, I have hypertension so when I do drink coffee I try to limit it to one or two very small cups of black coffee first thing in the morning. Any more than that and I will either end up with a headache at night or not be able to sleep (or both).

Most of the time its water for me, but I sure do enjoy a good Coke with BarBQ.

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mOOn here is the scoop on caffeine probally more than you care to know.


coffee in the diet


what is caffeine?


caffeine and dopamine. It activates the pleasure zone like Heroin, and cocaine. Of course on a smaller level.


caffeine and adenosine


I get headaches from to much coffee. I haven't got any from not having any though. I am not to that point YET. Give me time I'm sure I will arrive,.

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Today's newspaper had an article based upon a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Assn. The JAMA study was done by Harvard and was restricted to women.

The JAMA article claimed that coffee did not raise blood pressure, but colas did raise blood pressure. No scientific explanation was given to explain the unexpected outcome. This was new information, not yet confirmed by other researchers and is limited to female subjects.

Darn, I love diet colas. It's time to drink more water and less cola.


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There seems to be a great synergy between coffee, cigarettes, and sugars. mmmmmmm


As well as cigarettes and beer. [;)]

Thanks for the good info everyone. I still have not heard if too much coffee causes headaches.

I just couldn't stand it. I had to jump in.

Stopping the consumption of coffee after it has become a habit will cause headaches. The reason is because you body has become use to the vasoconstictor properties of caffiene. Once you stop the drug, you then have cerebral vessels that are more vasodilated from a reletive standpoint. Thus you get headaches because your skull can't expand when the vessels expand.

This is common.

Many people who get migraines or suffer from headaches for other reasons will drink a caffiene beverage to get rid of a HA.

If you are getting HA from drinking too much coffee could be explained like this. You have upregulated your alpha receptors in your blood vessels too where they are desensitized in the presence of caffiene. Your vessels "expect" a certain serum level to maintain a "balance". In this case, you have created a catch 22. You have created a "zone" of fineline regulation instead of a large range of regulation. Any little off balance of the caffiene is giving you a HA.

As far as long term problems with caffiene consumption, it is unknown. Much debate there.


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you wanna talk about a headache?

Try snorting your day starter off the counter for a few months..... LOL


Don't you mean the day starter, mid morning snack, brunch, pre-lunch, lunch, mid-afternoon snack, tea-time suprise, dinnner, supper, dessert, midnight snack (x20)... and then repeat the next morning.

All that and still not hungry!

Yep. That's a migrane fo sho.

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Moon, I'm not in medical field nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn within the last 2 years... That said

For, geez, 30 years my mother has had chronic headaches. She's a nurse and worked in the operating room, then transferred to home healthcare. Always presumed it was just the stress of the job (and being a single mom with 3 kids)

Couple years ago she was complaining to Dr. about the chronic headaches (she also had a cebrial anyrusim (sp) when she was young, so she feared it was back).

Long story short, brain scan came up negative, but on a bit of luck, the guy saw something off to the side as the picture had included part of her upper throat.

End result, they took another xray of her throat and found she had a (forget the name) tumor that was benign BUT was wrapped around her salivary glands. They took the tumor out, and I don't think she's had a SINGLE headache since then, after 30 years of almost daily headaches. [:D]

The bad news, because of something about the operation, she ended up with part of her salivary glands secreting saliva on the underside of her jaw so when she's eating & salivating, it's coming out from under her jawbone [:$]

There's a technical name for that but for her, it's an easy tradeoff to lose the heaches.

Point being, it's probably cafeen related but don't rule out anything medical even though it might sound a bit off the wall. When she now eats, she just discretely takes a napkin to her mouth and then takes it by the weeping area, which is small.

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a couple years ago i had a breathing scare that i associated with many things one of which was coffee(i had drank coffee daily for many years), i began to feel that when i would drink coffee it would agrivate the breathing problem, i guess the caffine would get me revving and thereby excellerate my breathing making it feell even harder to catch my breath, so i quit cold turkey. does it cause headaches YES but they subsided after a few days. i still wish i could have a cup every now and then but as i associated it with breathing i leave it alone (you know breathing is alot more important than coffee) as far as acid reflux after many tests i was told caffine does affect the stomach and has adverse affects on reflux as well


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-it would agrivate the breathing problem-

I recently had a (bad) reaction to a wasp sting & my airways swelled about 1/2 way shut. Emergency room trip and lots of drugs later, I was ok.

I can attest to the fact that breathing is a pretty nifty feature of the human body. My wife, a (former) heavy smoker for nearly 30 years woke up one night with "breathing issues" (no idea what it was).

Bottom line, with the help of the nicotine gum, she quit smoking cigarettes the very NEXT day and has never had one since then. That's been perhaps 7 years ago and she's suffered with marrying me AND us building the house from scratch while NOT smoking!! I'm very proud of her, and to clarify, when I say build house, I mean we had shell built for us and we've done everything since then. Installed flooring, tile, appliances, build closets... painted... the whole kit & kaboodle.


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