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adjusting to temperature


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I just picked up my RF-62 system from my dealer, one thing he told me to do is put the speakers in the room I will be using them in and leaving them there, in the boxes sealed for 24 hours. Doing this will let the speakers adjust to the temp and humidity level of the room. I understand that I should not take them from the outdoors, which hear in Indiana happens to be cold, and hook them up and play them. But to leave them sealed in the boxes for 24 hours before unpacking and view these works of art? Is this necessary?


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I know for electronic gear its best to play them at room temperature.

Maybe the boxes are filled with sawdust and he's planning on packing up and skipping town tomorrow! [:o]

I would open them up and just play some music quietly through them if it were me.

On second thought, I'd open 'em up and make 'em scream!

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Colterphoto is correct; it's the temperature differential and the humidity difference between where the object has beenand what's inside your house. It's also called the "Cold Bud Effect". Whenever I send an amp or pair of speakers from South Florida (say 85 degrees and 80% humidity) to someplace that's cold, I always tell the recipient to leave the amp/ speakers in the box, with the packing materials for at least 24 hours to allow them to warm up to the temperature in their home slowly. Last year, someone to whom I sent an amp in Canada in December failed to do that. They unpacked it (after spending several days in freezing warehouses and UPS truck...). They plugged it in and it promptly shorted out. They noticed condensation on all of the metal, etc, and realized what happened. Fortunately, it blew the fuse and a couple minor whatevers... They were quite embarassed, needless to say.

How do you know when it's safe? Take a cold beer from your refrigerator and sit it on the counter next to your brand new whatever in the box. When the condensation is gone on the beer bottle, and it's the same temperature as the room, put the beer back in the fridge and open your box! You can't go wrong. besides you can always drink the other beers while you wait.

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Thanks for all the reply's. Since my HT/BAR is not completed I decided to leave everything in the boxes for a couple more months until I'm actually ready to hook it all up. As for using a cold beer to check the condensation........................that doesn't work. When the beer is taken out of the bottle the bottle no longer sweats. But I can tell you it makes me have to take a break to use the rest room.

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So I guess this thread can be summed up as, just wait. I waited about 18 hours or so with the speakers that I got from Groomslake sitting in the heater room in our basement. Very similar conditions to what he had down in Florida, and then took them up to where they now reside and let them sit in the boxes for a few more hours yet. I know its exciting to rip them open and get on it but just hold off. Hey looking back at your post its been almost a week, they better be playing by now, haha.

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user="luckasaaron" Hey looking back at your post its been almost a week, they better be playing by now, haha.

I did open the sub and one of the surrounds just to get the dimensions but they went back into the boxes. I have a couple more months of work to do on my BAR/HT room before I'm ready for them. It sucks but I didn't want to set everything up and calibrate it then turn around and move it all downstairs. This is motivation to get everything done and it gives me a little more time with my 15 year old NAD and Infinity 2 channel setup.

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