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Cat deterant spray...

Mr. RF62

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Why do dog owners constantly love to show their dislike, or even hatred towards the feline persuasion? Perhaps they're jealous of cats superior intellect and hygiene? I love to watch my neighbors follow their dogs with Ziploc in hand ready to pick up poop. Darned if I'd do that! Maybe that's why the other neighbors let the feces rot on whoevers lawn...very nice. A cat let outside will: dig a hole, poop or pee and then backfill said hole. A cat will not get lost, no matter the weather. A cat can be left alone for days on end, left with just food and water. A cat cleans itself and does not make your hand smell after petting. A dog respects the provider. A cats respect must be earned. Dog owners: flame away [:@]

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A cat let outside will: dig a hole, poop or pee and then backfill said hole

Most cats will do that or use a litter box.... I say most cats as we've got one or two that love to unload in the loft in our garage rather than going to the field or the litter box downstairs in the garage... I think ours are intellectually challenged and at least one was probably taken from it's mother too young. Not sure about the others as the rest of 'em just showed up and never left. Most were probably dumped off out in the country near our house by some moron.

And our dogs aren't much smarter. One of them pees on his doghouse. We got him from the local humane society, the other one just showed up and never left. Probably dumped nearby.

It's like there's an invisible sign on our garage that says home for stupid cats and dogs that only cats and dogs can see.

We haven't seen any mice in the house for several years though until recently shortly after the one we've had the loungest who was the queen of them all - she would smack around most of the other cats and they didn't mess with her - disappeared. Don't know if the other cats were in mourning or she's been doing most of the work though she always seemed to like birds better. Also found a small dead rat in the front yard and what I suspect to be rat doo doo in our garage loft since she left. So I've probably got a bigger rat to get rid of. Makes sense the cats won't bother it - an enemy that's as big as they are possibly. They just ignored any opossums which got into our garage.

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You don't know me good enough to be so judgemental, but I can tell that won't stop you.  Guess you hate dogs too, eh?  Don't worry, be happy.



Actually I love dogs. Other peoples dogs. Too much work for me, been there done that. What I hate, are people who hate cats for no good reason. Most have no experience with cats and think of them as pissy little creatures that scratch and spray. Some are oh so proud of their "tough" dog that chases or kills cats, that really ticks me off. I was at the vet when a large k9 became agitated by my caged cat. The owner took sick pride in his dog wanting to harm my cat. Of course the owner was making up for some sort of shortage by displaying such macho [bs]. He declined my offer to talk about it in the parking lot.
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Our big loveable stupid (at times I think it's an act) yellow lab loves cats. Even brought her own cat with her though he met his fate in the road a couple of months ago.

Our smallish stupid mutt ffrom the pound was originally listed as dachsund and jack russel but had crossed out jack russel and replaced with beagle or vice versa - so I'm thinking great, a hyper active weiner dog but I think all 3 may be accurate but thankfully he's not overly hyperactive like a jack russel but he acts like he wants to kill cats and didn't seem like he was playing the last time he got ahold of one. Silly cats he'd probably cry and run should they swat him a good one in the nose.

So how do you cure a dog with a little dog bad attitud of wanting to kill cats?

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You don't know me good enough to be so judgemental, but I can tell that won't stop you. Guess you hate dogs too, eh? Don't worry, be happy.

Hey you have my cat !......... Our cat looks exactly like that.

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So how do you cure a dog with a little dog bad attitud of wanting to kill cats?

My parents had a dachsund named Spike J Rambo who thought he had to prove he was worth of his name.

He would always surprise cats in our yard and they would run but we had to save him from big dogs that came in our yard.

Since Dachsunds were bread to go into badger holes they have a combination of stupid and no fear towards anything in their territory that can be dangerous for them. I doubt you can stop him if he is outstide, to him something is in his yard and gotta go get it.

Now spike loved Wintson our big old tomcat.

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Hey you have my cat !......... Our cat looks exactly like that.
- What a sweet lil cat, sits up in the trees.

Training a terrier to like cats after he's grown up would be no small feat. It would take a lot of attention and supervision. Possibly electroshock therapy or drugs. Maybe both. For you and the dog! Good luck there.
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Why do dog owners constantly love to show their dislike, or even hatred towards the feline persuasion? Perhaps they're jealous of cats superior intellect and hygiene? I love to watch my neighbors follow their dogs with Ziploc in hand ready to pick up poop. Darned if I'd do that! Maybe that's why the other neighbors let the feces rot on whoevers lawn...very nice. A cat let outside will: dig a hole, poop or pee and then backfill said hole. A cat will not get lost, no matter the weather. A cat can be left alone for days on end, left with just food and water. A cat cleans itself and does not make your hand smell after petting. A dog respects the provider. A cats respect must be earned. Dog owners: flame away Angry

Not a flame, just some facts. My wife spends a lot of time in the gardens surrounding our house. The neighbor hood cats seem to enjoy the pre loosened soil and frequently use our flower beds as their personal restrooms. I'm sure the cat owners are proud that their cats are not soiling their own yards. We are blessed to have cat feces smelling flower beds and constantly dug up plants. Superior hygene my ***. I'll bet you enjoy your cat licking your face after he's just licked his butt. We also like to feed birds and squirrels. The cats are constantly stalking the animals that frequent our feeders like deer hunters using deer feeders. We're also fortunate to have scratched hoods and roofs as the neighbors cats like to roost there (as they're watching their feeders). My daughters cloth top on her car constantly has to have the cat hair removed form it. To me, a cat is just so much vermin. No better than a rat or any other type pest. I'm sure I'd feel differently if cat owners were responsible enough to keep their cats under control and not run wild through the neighborhoods like most dog owners do, however that's not the case.

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Why do dog owners constantly love to show their dislike, or even hatred towards the feline persuasion? Perhaps they're jealous of cats superior intellect and hygiene? I love to watch my neighbors follow their dogs with Ziploc in hand ready to pick up poop. Darned if I'd do that! Maybe that's why the other neighbors let the feces rot on whoevers lawn...very nice. A cat let outside will: dig a hole, poop or pee and then backfill said hole. A cat will not get lost, no matter the weather. A cat can be left alone for days on end, left with just food and water. A cat cleans itself and does not make your hand smell after petting. A dog respects the provider. A cats respect must be earned. Dog owners: flame away Angry


  Not a flame, just some facts.  My wife spends a lot of time in the gardens surrounding our house.  The neighbor hood cats seem to enjoy the pre loosened soil and frequently use our flower beds as their personal restrooms.  I'm sure the cat owners are proud that their cats are not soiling their own yards.  We are blessed to have cat feces smelling flower beds and constantly dug up plants.  Superior hygene my ***.  I'll bet you enjoy your cat licking your face after he's just licked his butt.  We also like to feed birds and squirrels.  The cats are constantly stalking the animals that frequent our feeders like deer hunters using deer feeders.  We're also fortunate to have scratched hoods and roofs as the neighbors cats like to roost there (as they're watching their feeders).  My daughters cloth top on her car constantly has to have the cat hair removed form it.  To me, a cat is just so much vermin.  No better than a rat or any other type pest.  I'm sure I'd feel differently if cat owners were responsible enough to keep their cats under control and not run wild through the neighborhoods like most dog owners do, however that's not the case.

It sounds like the cats in your neighborhood are a bunch of hooligans. Some responsibility by their owners is needed, and if you know their owners ask for their help. My neighbor complained about my cat stalking his bird feeder so I put a collar with several bells on him, Helps keep him from catching birds but not rats, mice, moles, voles or squirrels which would overrun America if not for the many domestic cats let outdoors. My cat loves to jump on my car, but has never left a scratch. My neighbors dog however has left many scratches attempting to jump on my hood. And isn't dogs, and not cats who are infamous for licking their hinds and then their owners faces?
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Moth ball keep cats out of gardens.

We'd have to use quite a few. We've tried a pet deterrant that consisted of black and red pepper powder and some sort of pepper oil...........to no avail. I may try moth balls on a section and see if it works, thanks.

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Moth ball keep cats out of gardens.

We'd have to use quite a few. We've tried a pet deterrant that consisted of black and red pepper powder and some sort of pepper oil...........to no avail. I may try moth balls on a section and see if it works, thanks.

Moth balls are very toxic to all warm-blooded animals. Be careful how you use them.

I can never figure out why most dog owners seem to hate cats so much either. I like them both, but dogs are certainly a lot more work to take care of. I always figured the reason that cats buried their crap was that they were doing the dogs a favor, making it harder to find, since so many dogs seem to like to eat it. Duh. How smart is that?

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