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9/11 moment of silence


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I have been working in Manhattan since 1988 and was at work on that horrific day.

I ride home on the Staten Island Ferry each weeknight. All it takes is just one glance at the skyline. Forever missing are the buildings that made up the signature skyline of one of the greatest cities in the world. Then the images come to mind of them burning and then of course all the surrealistic images we are so familiar with. And yet, I know that I can never come close to feeling all the horror, anger, anguish and total despair of those who suffered the loss of an immediate family member.

For me, a 9/11 moment of silence happens just about every day.

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"For me, a 9/11 moment of silence happens just about every day."

I hear you Stan. My wife and I live in Battery Park City directly across the street from the WTC. We have no choice but to be reminded of 9/11 every single day. We lost over 40 friends, neighbors and co-workers on that day and it pains me to see folks in this country blame our government for this heinous act of terrorism. At work today we are listening to the names of the dead being read from Ground Zero and it is difficult to hear the names of people you worked with and remember the horrible way they died. Cherish their memories and never forget that terrible day.

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... and it pains me to see folks in this country blame our government for this heinous act of terrorism. ...

Yes. That is sad and tragic.

Maybe our government could've done more to prevent it and we'll never know, but it was still a highly orchestrated heinous attack on thousands of innocent people, on all of us really.

We should be thankful at all the work our government does do to prevent this type of thing as we'll never know how many planned attacks that have been stopped before or since. I'm sure most things never make the press.

Most of us can't even begin to imagine the horror of what it was like for our countrymen in New York that day and how painful to lose so many friends and family members in such a horrific attack. And the bravery of the police and firefighters and common citizens helping each other that day... and those on the planes who all died horrifically and those on flight 93 who took on the terrorists before they could hit their target. I can only hope and pray that I'd have half the courage and resolve of those who did thwart the terrorists plans and gave up their lives doing so if I'd ever be in such a situation and thank God that I've not been and pray that nobody ever has to face that type of thing again.

I can still hear my co-worker's voice when I first learned of the attack while at work that day after he had pulled it up on video. It was so surreal and ghastly, like a movie.

May God bring peace to everyone who will live with this for the rest of their lives.

We must never forget and never stop the battle against terrorism.

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I would add a word of appreciation to Klipsch for the 9/11 remembrance with US Flag and statement on the main page of Klipsch.com.

It reads: "Honoring the Victims and Heroes of 9/11"

Beautiful flag pic, too.

Thank you Klipsch. Nicely done.


Yes, I'll thank Klipsch as well for remembering the victims and hereos of 9/11. Well done. I'm sure we all remember strange little details of that fateful day. Working outside on Long Island that day, I remember being completely startled by two jets that were racing towards the Towers. It seemed as if they were clipping the tree tops, they were so low and fast. And as I watched them fly to the rising smoke I felt completely overwhelmed with patriotism and love for our United States. You may kick one of us, you may knock another down, but Americans will always rise together.
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