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Everything posted by jimjimbo

  1. Numba one!! This hangup with post count thing is truly whack...can't wait for #417!!!!
  2. We were having fun.....until you got here.
  3. Dang, I forgot the smiley face
  4. Marvelous!!! Terrifically insightful, yet fabulously clueless. You are a winner!!
  5. Perfect holier than thou bullshit as usual
  6. Bring the green......you know what I mean.....
  7. also known as the "forbidden from purchasing my sauce" list. No!!! Not that!!
  8. Wait, I thought you loved me? WTF I love all my fellow man, unless you really piss me off. Then you go on the smite list. Go ahead and smite me sweetie pie
  9. Wait, I thought you loved me? WTF me love you long time, Jim. You have no idea how many times I heard that, but from you, I believe it....
  10. Wait, I thought you loved me? WTF
  11. I stream through my laptop, then to my Schiit DAC, then to my Pioneer SX-1250 and out to La Scala Industrial Splits. The fact that I can choose almost every artist I want to listen to, and all of their albums are available is fabulous. Not my main system, but damn, damn good....
  12. I don't know anything about Rotel, so I couldn't say on that, but the Marantz and Pioneer for sure. As I said though, the Marantz is a bit high (especially if you planned on reselling), and the Pioneer is a good price, even for a reseller. The Pioneer XX80 series is not as desirable as the XX50 series, but that unit looks well taken care of. Now, your question as to whether "is this stuff people still look for"? Absolutely. Vintage gear, especially in good shape is hot.
  13. The Marantz is a tad high, but it does look nice. The Pioneer is a good price for a good looking unit.
  14. Where are the specs and details of these new "Heritage" (inspired) speakers and the turntable? (On the Australia site? )
  15. Video is now blocked on YouTube.....
  16. IMHO, definitely more trouble than it's worth...
  17. It'll only hurt for a little bit...they're like old (flames).....you remember how lovely they were, and how much pleasure you gave and received, and then....POOF!....they're replaced by a some (one) (thing) wonderfully new and exciting...and it's all good again....Don't worry, be happy....
  18. Got the answers and guidance I needed from Craig and Maynard. Thank you both.
  19. Mike, did you get the tubes I sent? Were they ok?
  20. Dave must be bored.....replying to a post made 6 months ago.... And, he's still correct!!
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