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Everything posted by jimjimbo

  1. IMHO, if they are fine now, in good shape, sound good......, leave them alone.
  2. Although...they look pretty darn nice.
  3. cup of single estate Honduran joe, great stuff, almost as good as my Monsoon Malabar, but still not there..... Hitting a new record shop about a half hour away later today. Hope to find some goodies. Now all I need is a turntable.....
  4. sorry, never mind. my bad, as usual
  5. Do you think hi-res is going to be necessary? I know it would be nice, but in reality, there's going to be a whole lot of talking, eating, drinking, dancing, smoking, drinking, talking, laughing, crying, meandering around going on.....yes? Does the Super 8 have bass traps and treatments installed? BTW, I have cases of mason jars of all sizes for drinking...my wife and I do a tremendous amount of canning every summer and fall. It's a "cool retro thing" dudes and dudettes....
  6. Your "system?" You need at least four to enter. I think Earl has some Synergy's and a couple of Bose 201's that he wants to show off.....Of course he sold his only good integrated amp to me, so he really has nothing left to drive them...
  7. because opus gets them first.....
  8. Did you see in the ad where they said something like "have others as well....."?? Someone should swoop on this one....
  9. Come on, we can do better than that. Bill OK then, try the Radio Shack forum. How's that? I thought you were not going to pollute my thread anymore. You just can't stay away from trouble. Yea, I couldn't resist, you're just too easy.
  10. And then we won't be anonymous....at least to a few others... Oh yea, the Schiit is still available. Great unit, and........minty!!
  11. Come on, we can do better than that. Bill OK then, try the Radio Shack forum. How's that?
  12. Take this any way you want, but you are walking a fine line as a "new" member of this forum between being ignored in the future, or being flamed immediately, and then being ignored. I would recommend you put your attitude on the shelf and listen to the advice of those that have been around for a good long time...Try a little "honey" for a while, and then see what happens.... Why do I have to "try a little honey" after asking a legit question?I wanted real tech info if anyone had it and didn't think I had to kiss anyone's rump to get it and without being insulted. Maybe you think Newbee's have to cowtow to "seasoned members". I've been around a long time too. You're the one here with the attitude problem but thanks for your elitist imput. Maybe Newbee's here should be warned that legit questions will be answered by snobs who threaten them with "being ignored". Bye bye
  13. I think the holiday lights add just the right touch.
  14. jimjimbo

    Belle Klipsch

    From the same seller? Wow.
  15. Mark, what is it you are itching for???? I have a bunch of goodies we could talk about, considering you are relatively "local". PM me if you'd like.
  16. A couple of months ago, I had a couple of old friends down for the weekend. Both of them are very accomplished musicians, and they also collect and build incredible tube amps. We spent the weekend listening to all kinds of music through my collection of Heritage and receivers and amps. At the end of the weekend, my friend Joel said "I need to find a pair of those La Scala's....". We subsequently did find a pair for him close to where they live, and he is currently in the process of giving them some TLC. In my mind, a rather glowing recommendation. Enjoy your La Scala's!
  17. Take this any way you want, but you are walking a fine line as a "new" member of this forum between being ignored in the future, or being flamed immediately, and then being ignored. I would recommend you put your attitude on the shelf and listen to the advice of those that have been around for a good long time...Try a little "honey" for a while, and then see what happens....
  18. I would venture to say that Coach Harbaugh and the Wolverines are going to have their hands full with the Buckeyes for a few years.....Congrats.
  19. You could call Klipsch Customer Service, but I'd bet monkeys to jazz bands that they will tell you the same thing (if they know....) Bob knows.
  20. Yes, I always thought The Monkees were wonderful songwriters and extraordinarily talented musicians.. Especially Peter.
  21. I'm kind of partial to George "Wooden Teeth" Washington and the Valley Forge Trio....now THAT'S an American Band!!
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