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Everything posted by Rivervalleymgb

  1. Bought Judy a 370Z with rear mounted turbo, lowered 1-1/2 inches four point harness, straight exhaust. She decided it was too much car and too loud, she she traded for a 2015 Mustang ecoboost. She loves the Mustang. Sorry, I can't downsize the pics in order to post on my work laptop.
  2. Make it a finer grind and the strength will increase.
  3. Forgot to tell Judy to pickup some pup-eroni. The big dogs are happy with their large Milk Bones, but the little have gotten so spoiled to Pup-eroni that they refuse to take anything else. Tongues are hanging out due to the AC being out. Waiting on AC guy to tell me the heartbreaking price of replacement. First cup gone. Slept with the windows open, but it just now got down to 75. Supposed to be 100 the rest of the week here. The humidity right now is only 84%...
  4. Well, the curse must be catching. The AC on the house went out this afternoon, with the hottest week of the year coming. I guess we could go sleep in the shop where the air is blowing cold. Load all the dogs in the van and go to my house in Clarksville. Supposed to be a hundred here tomorrow...
  5. I have it down somewhere for measuring woofers. Still have all the old equipment to do it. I always made custom frames to suspend speakers in air to do measurements. Much easier with modern software!
  6. Powerful statement. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/07/11/graceful-in-the-lions-den-photo-of-young-womans-arrest-in-baton-rouge-goes-viral/
  7. The Fiero will definitely get a crate engine. My last hot rod was a '74 MGB with a '99 Pontiac Grand Am V6, S-10 bell housing mated to a '91 Camaro T5, with aftermarket ECM. Wonderful to tune your car with a laptop in the passenger's seat.
  8. I used to smoke Corvettes in my '74 Trans Am. Not so much out of the gate, but on the highway all the Vettes had to back off at about 100 mph. The nose started to lift off the pavement due to the aerodynamics. The Trans Am air dams actually pushed the car down giving you more tire at higher speeds. Miss that car! I am saving to do the V8 conversion on Judy's '86 Fiero. Update the suspension. Just not much you can do with that '80's boxy dash, though.
  9. I removed the plastic on the motor board and sanded, then painted a piano finish on the MDF. Sanding the cabinets revealed a red oak plywood that I should have left before painting satin black. The red oak with the absorbed black satin made a beautiful combination.
  10. I have thought of using Frazier 12-4H for ceiling speakers for an all Heritage system. Those Fraziers are about as close as you can get for a Heritage ceiling speaker. The problem will be in framing in the big Fraziers. Just my thinking out loud....
  11. Those in the pics are Model 065. I sold my pair at the Klipsch Pilgrimage this year. Sold my M-100 a few months before.
  12. I had Springer for a lot of years. They went everywhere with me and always guarded the kids. We lived in some less populated areas then. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
  13. My CF-2 are Series I, and I have yet to find a schematic. I have though about dropping a pair of the crossovers at Bob,s and let him do the work.
  14. I feed our toothless Yorkie Little Ceaser's, along with using a container of it to give our Great Pyrenees to mix his probiotics Of course, the rest of the dogs get to lick the container. We also use it to give out meds. It is pandemonium here when I get out of bed. That is when all the dogs get their dog treats. What a ruckus! Barking and yelping about the joy a dog bone and Puperoni can bring first thing in the morning! Judy has been grooming for 48 years, so we get a lot of unwanted dogs from elderly folks. Ranger, the Great Pyrenees I found at an isolated gun range in SE Oklahoma where someone had dumped him hoping someone would pick him up. The latest addition, Gretchen was placed in our backyard (without our knowledge) by a couple who were being deployed overseas. All our dogs, except for the last standard poodle we have (we lost our male blue steel standard to lymphoma earlier this year), are rescue dogs.
  15. I have spent the last 40 years in water treatment. Currently I specialize in municipal water and wastewater treatment. at least I live in an area where water is plentiful. There are lots of different ways to treat well water, and the approach should be multi-faceted. The reject water from an RO unit should be disposed of properly (damn, that sounds like a regulator which I started out as). The water table in this country is at an unbelievable low level. Our kids and grandkids will have to fight wars over water. Sad, but true. We take safe water for granted in this country. Things happening such as Flint are failures of all levels of government. We have plenty of regulations, but if they are not enforced by operators and regulators... well.... Flint happens. I don't know of any operators or systems in the states I cover that try to cut corners on drinking water. Wastewater is another story in some states. Wastewater eventually becomes drinking water no matter where you are. I just think the water table issue is just being ignored. I have had to deal with losing a well. Not any fun!
  16. http://www.cepro.com/article/avad_acquired_by_private_equity_firm_former_klipsch_harman_execs_to_lead_th
  17. I would have to say that in both of my Epic CF-2 pairs, the bass is anything but weak.
  18. Dang, I wish I was closer. Billy Gibson is a good friend of mine and I would so love to have them!
  19. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." - Preamble to the Declaration of Independence
  20. I have driven my CF-2 with every different type of power. Currently, it is an HH Scott early SS with only 22 watts of power. Plenty loud for the garage. I have used lots of different receivers, from a heavily modded Sansui 7900 (heavily modded by Paul 79) to Kenwood, Marantz to Adcom amp. I heavily modded one pair of CF-2 by damping the horn, polyfill, etc, but the pair currently on line is stock. I would say a different horn might sound better. The main complaint for CF-2 owners is that the horn is too hot. I haven't tried the ping pong ball yet for taming it, but I really don't have any problem with the way they are. I have Klipschorns in the house and have other heritage speakers I could use, but for what they are, I am happy with them.
  21. I own two pair of CF-2. Tons of detailed bass on both pair. They fill my shop with great bass!
  22. They are amazing speakers. The worst decision I ever made was selling my 4333a's.
  23. Fort Smith, Arkansas (about 15 miles away from me) http://rmloudspeakers.com/welcome.html
  24. Judy has a 2015 EcoBoost 4 cylinder Mustang. An absolute blast to drive. It is loaded with options and has a the bells and whistles along with selective suspension for different types of driving. About 320 HP and gives her all the power she needs. It really flies when in the power band for the turbo. Gas mileage is good and hold the road like a dream.
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