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  • My System
    Marantz NR 1606 HT. NOSValves NBS Preamp. Technics SL-1200MK2PK. 2 McIntosh MC1201's. Classic Cornscala.

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Klipsch Fanatic

Klipsch Fanatic (6/9)




Community Answers

  1. Bruce!!!!!!! I have moved to Milton GA. Closer to you. Hey you...wife... and your son need to come see me. Heresy I Subs. 4 sealed Eminence lab 12s . Klipsn 510 and Klipsch k 691 driver above a B & C 10inch woofer... How are the snails? Jc
  2. Meetoo. Hunkered down... cheers
  3. Are they cast frame?. Like to see a photo
  4. jwc

    KP-600 stuff

    I used crossover points 100, 400, 1200.
  5. jwc

    KP-600 stuff

    Start with this. I need to see the back. I pray all my wiring is still there KP 600-spec.pdf
  6. jwc

    KP-600 stuff

    I've been communicating with him. This is a functional system. I have these in a 36 x 36 room and jaws drop when I play them. Midbass thickness like no other .....that slams. jc
  7. jwc

    KP-600 stuff

    I hope these don't end up in the dumpster https://www.ebay.com/itm/186511681309?itmmeta=01J4Q07R9334RWQ253XT685C0K&hash=item2b6cf6671d:g:vAEAAOSwgNhmdy4B&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAAwOTg9mqh%2BcFbeOt9wHgRJIlk7ABjJXbRJgoB3FxMFx%2B6fqj3AKlXjZDUX60x0LQf0B9RkTwpMXVcgEmWr1h3XbCHEheT%2BZfSGSVpMuowbdUq1XSgtNKLm5Og9ya%2B7mqWZ2Th1PLYyTg2tkCTlKpU0wXA7Ily2IQdv3tpdGlfFrNIM224v56eV8vsRUgt07mKryqLsOQYfcGZIQhqMH7YiLrytED93cId1gKvZm46jbretIAV7vcGTofWFX5uII6d1g%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR96En-ClZA
  8. Great deal. I have two of them. When updated as good as any.
  9. That pair in the picture has a unique history. Those came from the huge system I bought that was Ram sound. That entire system was taken very good care of and Bob McTeiry (sp) had very close ties and knowledge of Klipsch pro. He kept his stuff up to date with the latest parts so he could have changed stuff out.
  10. Amazing. Work of Art
  11. https://www.audiophilia.com/reviews/2023/6/11/49fkfmqfnubr67p4v3hwqf1mmlipym
  12. https://www.estatesales.net/WA/Spokane/99206/4125906 Address10714 E. 8th Ave. Spokane, WA 99206
  13. """What makes it so special?""" I'm not the expert. Consideration would be the point-to-point simplicity, McIntosh transformers, and 7591 tubes. jc
  14. I have read up on McIntosh equipment for years and own quite a bit of it. If you ever search "the Best McIntosh amplifier ever", the MC225 comes up quite a bit. It also is a fav of many of the Singled ended lovers but we know it's not single ended. I own one and will eventually let John Warren get his hands on it. My advice would be to never let go of it. jc
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