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Everything posted by wuzzzer

  1. If these are yours, please post in the regular Garage Sale section. Alerts is for giving a heads-up about items you’re not affiliated with. Pictures will also help.
  2. Took about three seconds to google and find this thread:
  3. Now those are some beautiful speakers.
  4. Unfortunately the serial number doesn’t indicate the model on Klipsch speakers. Post pics.
  5. You forgot the Belle Klipsch. And you’re responding to a thread from 2002.
  6. The typical buyer for a huge vintage speaker like that is going to want them as original as possible.
  7. Should repost in the main Garage Sale section. Alerts is for tipping people off to stuff you find for sale that you’re not affiliated with.
  8. The modifications to the cabinets might turn away some buyers and definitely affect the value. In their current condition I would price them at $750-1000. If they weren’t modified I’d say they’d be in the $1,500 range.
  9. Just FYI, you posted this in the 2020 Pilgrimage forum section.
  10. I got used to 11 right away. Very minor changes in my opinion that were very intuitive to figure out.
  11. If you Google it Klipsch has the procedure on their website. https://support.klipsch.com/hc/en-us/articles/360025674551-Reference-Premiere-Tweeter-Woofer-Removal
  12. Thanks for letting us know. 😟
  13. @WillyBob @grasshopper 😟
  14. Welcome to the forum! Unfortunately phrases like “won’t break the bank” are never helpful because only you know how much you’re willing to spend. The new RP subwoofers from Klipsch have received a lot of great reviews and are available in a wide range of sizes and prices.
  15. This thread is of legal drinking age.
  16. It’s posted earlier in this thread.
  17. -You’re posting in the forum section regarding the Klipsch pilgrimage in 2020. -You say “don’t buy it” but then never say what “it” is. Welcome to the forum? 🤷
  18. The -3dB point of your speakers is 110Hz so a crossover of 120Hz makes sense to me.
  19. SR stands for Slanted Riser. Post a pic of the tag if you can. Not sure on the TH.
  20. The person I quoted above was asking the original poster if they still had those LaScalas for sale. I was informing them that they hadn’t been on the forum for years so chances are very slim they’ll get a response.
  21. If you’re ever replying to a thread that’s several years old and hoping for a response, it’s always good to tap on the username of the original poster to see when they were here last. In this case the person you’re hoping to hear from hasn’t been on the forum since November 2020.
  22. This post is stickied at the top of this forum section and will give you everything you’re looking for: https://community.klipsch.com/index.php?/topic/212916-klipsch-heritage-series-historical-reference-data-v4-–-27-january-2016-by-groomlakearea51-with-additional-information-from-the-historian/
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