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Everything posted by Brac

  1. Jay, the mercury as I understand it stays inside unless broken. I was referring to the headaches some people get from florescent lights in general (the wavelength I believe). as for efficiency, "A recent example of Cree's LED innovation was their February 2010 announcement of a prototype white LED that can produce a record-setting 208 lumens per watt while drawing 350 mA of current, nearly 14 times the efficiency of a typical incandescent light bulb.[2]" from wiki. A much better technology all around. As for having heavy metals in them, I am unsure of if, but even if they have them, they could never be released in your home but dropping. The government should not be in the business of picking technologies, or companies. That power is not granted by the Constitution.
  2. Bob Crites, a member here sells cap kits on his website. http://www.critesspeakers.com/crossover_repair_kits.html
  3. Brac

    Graigslist spotters

    Searchtempest.com is your friend!
  4. Is that happening at just a few freq's or over a large range? If you have any 12v lighting you can get LED's for around $4-5 for those. For Par30 stuff it's $12-18 boiling nitric acid?. what do you do?
  5. You don't get headaches from the CFLs, not worried about the mercury? CFL's are a terrible idea and way less efficient than LED. Sorry about the rant, I have a serious hate issue with chinese made taxpayer funded cfls. Is this a trailer or a house? What sort of construction?
  6. So, how was it explained to you and by whom, that you had to ship before getting paid?
  7. and who mod's only 1 crossover?
  8. I didn't know they did this to anybody (I had heard it was planned). I don't ship until I get paid, my paypal account is not tied to a bank, and I keep it as empty as I can. When I first read about that plan, somehow it changes the type of transaction (to the CC company) and makes it so no one can file a CC dispute. It gives paypal 100% authority.
  9. Brac

    SOLD HTPC parts

    I think I was wrong thinking a 4 was better than a 2, who makes up these numbers?
  10. Brac

    SOLD HTPC parts

    Trying to figure out if this would be an upgrade from my P5LD2 motherboard and Intel Core 2 E8400 chip...
  11. Brac

    Fine Food and Music

    Haven't posted to this thread in awhile, but I thought I would stop by so folks see that I still live and still eat. You'll have to excuse the paper plates, though they are of the high class variety. The quality of the scallops really make up for it. A good friend showed up one day with a gallon ziplock stuffed to the gills with the biggest fresh off the boat scallops I had ever seen and told me to take half! There was one scallop in there the size of my fist! We had a great meal that night and also sent some over to a few friends. What could not be eaten had to be frozen (vacuum sealed of course)and I was worried about how they would come out. Fast forward about 3 weeks to last night. We thawed a package of them they them a quick rinse and dried them well. I was very impressed with the quality of these, they lost very little in being frozen, and cooked up great (did not absorb any water as frozen seafood sometimes does). Cast iron pan, VERY HOT. Add some olive oil and get the scallops in before it starts to burn. About 1 1/2 minutes and flip toward the center of the pan (gotta have alot of room in the pan, over-crowding is death) where it's still good and hot about another minute and they are medium rare and Delicious. Serve on the paper plate of your choosing. Had a side of broccoli that didn't make the pics.
  12. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-pair-of-Klipschorn-Speakers-circa-1989-/121059422047?pt=Vintage_Electronics_R2&hash=item1c2fb42f5f
  13. Thanks for being thoughtful, but don't hold for me if someone is ready and able to get them. As long as they find a good home, it's all good!
  14. Not having any luck, I have 1 more trucker friend I haven't been able to talk to but I have no idea where in the country he is. Must be as few Klipscher's there as there are here for those to have not sold yet. I have owned a few set of lascala's (have 2 now), but I've never had a set that had a WAF, so they have always lived in the shop.
  15. Buffalo sure is west. Looking into transport.
  16. If only I had a NY trip in the works.... If anybody is driving East towards Maine and could help, I'll take these. How soon do you need them gone?
  17. If Colter has never seen it, it is either VERY RARE or totally BOGUS??????????????
  18. Hard to believe all the Klipsch I've had, I never owned a pair of CW's for more than 20 minutes and that set I didn't even get to listen too. These are a bit far for me, but a great deal for someone with those upgrades.
  19. No picture, if your having trouble, just post it somewhere and put a link.
  20. That's a good deal, and I bet he would take less it says they have been listed for a while.
  21. Always great to meet fellow forum members, and get some new gear to play with.
  22. People just aren't smart, prices went at or above retail on most things.
  23. One other thing, every time I sign in they ask me for my social security number, I have put many thousands of dollars of that account buying and selling over the years. Not a chance in hell I'm gonna give my social. When they stop letting me use it I will sign up for a new account and and my social to that.
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