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Everything posted by babadono

  1. Thanks for that..I was trying to remember their name...was thinking Focal.
  2. My $0.02...if you are going to replace electrolytic caps get 105 degree replacements. A few bucks more, who cares your labor is worth much more.
  3. Oops sorry did not see your post @RealMarkDeneen
  4. Saw a YT vid yesterday of Dr. Berg. He says anyone(himself included) who posts alternative medicine vids on YT is going to be censored or banned..more UTTER nonsense.
  5. no offense to anyone here but......what exactly is MISINFORMATION? There is correct information, there is incorrect information. I mean who are the brain police? Are you thinking wrongly? Soon you will be charged with THOUGHT CRIME. What utter NONSENSE..use your intelligence while it is still allowed....
  6. Hey @Tarheel 3300 pages! 3300 freakin' pages
  7. Just a short retort...had a great time at the reunion...160 showed + spouses. We had the whole place, kicked the normal patrons out. My buddy parked his refurb'd '45 Mack fire truck out front so everybody could find it.
  8. 3300 pages of Sheet on the forum to choose from
  9. Just wondering if and how many people I will know/recognize/remember...I weren't no social butterfly(still ain't)
  10. Off to my 50th class reunion manana..this is gonna be a trip
  11. If you WANT to hear a difference you will...especially if you are talking about 5 or 10 minutes between amps to change wires etc.... and of course not between a $50 amp and a $10,000 amp... that better be obvious. But to REALLY compare you have to match level within 0.1 dB........and wait for it...I will be told I am full of sheet.. My $0.02 YMMV
  12. why do we NEED to get over 50,000? Is this under the belief that at least 1 will have something worthwhile to contribute? or is corporate saying less = shut it down.
  13. everything I do makes noise or stinks
  14. True dat...and the phase effects of the filters on D/A conversion.....but I personally just can't hear it. Sucks to be me.
  15. There's people out there with golden ears (and auditory cortex) that claim they hear differences in digitized audio @ 96kHz as opposed to say @48kHz. Me...I'm OAF I can't hear it. And besides who creates music at 96kHz?
  16. That has got to sound good...how far up in freq can YOU still hear?
  17. Now there's a can of worms..that I'm gonna leave sealed.
  18. I usta Bose but now I knows...
  19. Where are you located? There is a servicer here in the U.S. that will re build your amp. You just ship the electronics. Edwards Electronics on EBay.
  20. My understanding is the electronics for either rsw-12 or rsw-15 are identical.
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