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Everything posted by babadono

  1. Ceptin you turn the screws the other way 😁 Hey Trey good to see you @Trey Cannon
  2. Only know you through this website and yours @John Warren..beyond your realm of interest,OK...beyond your level of intelligence, nah.
  3. I'm the operator of my pocket calculator.....
  4. Chigga-chigga what? RIP Mr. Mayall.
  5. If it flips and flops all by itself without a trigger input or clock its an oscillator to me.
  6. You were thumping so loud a connection came loose? I know in my RSW-15s the LED has a connector between the amp/electronics and the LED itself. Sometimes people intentionally unplug because they don't want the light showing during movies. Pretty extreme IMHO. It could just be a loose connection, LEDs are pretty tough.
  7. @enthusiast93 You can use the processor loop out as a line level input signal to a sub. Then use low pass filter control and volume control on sub...not ideal as processor loop out will not follow volume control on amp. Or as others have posted get a speaker level to line level converter. Or build one yourself, its 4 resistors + connectors https://www.ebay.com/itm/193137291271?mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&campid=5338678874&toolid=20006%26customid%3Ds%3AGS%3Bgc%3A9aee23939afb15253511450bd16b4cc8%3Bpt%3A1%3Bchoc%3A1&customid=s%3AGS%3Bgc%3A9aee23939afb15253511450bd16b4cc8%3Bpt%3A1%3Bchoc%3A2&msclkid=9aee23939afb15253511450bd16b4cc8
  8. To add to @mikebse2a3 s post .....are they level matched when comparing? Is it important? Yep
  9. babadono

    What I Got Today!

    Hey Mook...the purpose of this is to get all the sheet out of the garage..then the garage will prolly be a she shed
  10. babadono

    What I Got Today!

    it's for yard equip. and storage. Is that he?
  11. Nowadays you have to give things more than 3 or 4 days to sell. And multiple listing sights as well will help. the economy sucks.
  12. Did it come installed on the new boat? Any warranty?
  13. this one is balanced looks like: http://bbesound.com/products/manuals/882i_manual_rev4.pdf
  14. Don't they have those with balanced connections? The whole purpose of that piece is to COLOR the sound isn't it?
  15. Might be an expensive solution in some cases. But I also use dbx 4bx range expanders in my system that some say sound horrible. Also starting to explore using a multiband compressor/expander plug in to try and recover squashed dynamics.
  16. If there is any difference to one's ears I would think it is a change in capacitance or inductance. If any 2 inch jumper is purely resistive and you can hear a difference your auditory system needs to be studied by the top audiologists in the world.
  17. @gigantic I set the threshold on the ones I use extremely low so that when there is no signal any residual noise gets gated out and the system is as quiet as possible that's all. And yes it could be set such that it would definitely gate sounds that you do not want to lose and would make recordings sound horrible. I should probably spend some more time evaluating whether I really need them anymore with the improvements I have made with amplification and room treatments.
  18. @Khornukopia and /or @mark1101 ?
  19. why wouldn't one use a noise gate on a home system?.....I use them all the time. Anyone with a Xilica uses one also even if they don't may not know it.
  20. OK I am an idiot...how do you generate the FIR files? @gigantic
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