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Everything posted by OO1

  1. the specs of the 70's -80's K-55V with the original Atlas diaphragm indicated that it extended to 6KHz whether single or dual phase plug and so does the K-55M , but the K-55M was hotter , and we all know that the newer 2001 K-55X , PD5VH including the newer D-20GB diaphragms only extend to 4100Hz .
  2. Jesse , do both passives have the same diameter or is the KD-15-ST a tad larger , does the KD-15-ST fit in the Forte II
  3. great idea , buy an AA kit from JEM + the missing parts , skip the Zener diodes , if you dont like the sound of the K-55M with the AA , you can sell these off and buy K-55V drivers , both K-55V and K-55M extend to 6KHz as long as the diaphragms are Original .
  4. too bad , that the Forte series does not have a 15 inch woofer option , call it a Forte IV Plus or X , but please , give us a bigger woofer
  5. he was favoring the Yamaha AS-801
  6. The Heresy 1,5 were Heresy 1 speakers ,all the H1 series have removable rear panels , the H II 1985 and up are sealed
  7. You're confusing the AL series for the Lascala and the AK series for the Khorn
  8. the Altec 19 was not marketed or sold as a studio monitor but it's that good , HIFI Engine lists the Model 19 as a Studio Monitor https://www.hifiengine.com/manual_library/altec-lansing/19.shtml
  9. it's the other way around
  10. the Altec Model 19 cant be compared to a Lascala -Khorn or even a Cornwall , it was basically a large 70's studio monitor with veneer and grilles
  11. the Chorus III was never manufactured , how can klipsch skip to the Chorus IV if a Chorus III was never released
  12. the KD-16 was available in 2021 , but quantities were limited ,you can always PM @Chief bonehead as a last resort
  13. Here's the reply from Klipsch Product Support ... Part number/description: 1000595 - KD-16 (M) (NO STOCK) , " we no longer have stock of that item due to age of the product (as it has been discontinued and/or is no longer in production) " ......................... I think the KD-15-ST is an option to consider , previous forum members were impressed with this newer drone 's sound , it fits tight , and minor adjustments are needed to make it perfect with a dremel tool , it's a tad larger on the outer rim but not by much. the pictures are from a previous member's Chorus II installation of the Forte III drone .
  14. it's OO1 , klipsch supplied capacitors are recommended by klipsch , sold by klipsch , and used by klipsch in all their new speakers , klipsch make these products available to Forum members who wish to restore their crossovers at an affordable price . .@JEM Performance https://jemperformanceaudio.com/capacitor-kits - klipsch capacitors restore the original klipsch sound in older crossovers without requiring to replace additional parts regardless of whether the networks are 40-45-50 years old .
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