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YK Thom

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Everything posted by YK Thom

  1. Good points all, which kind of reinforces my wish for dedicated three channel units.
  2. I would very much like to see three channel receivers or preamps become a common offering. Stereo for music and the centre engaged for TV and movies. I know several people who have dropped 5.1 and are now using 3.1 set ups. Unless you are an absolute movie buff HT can be overkill (IMO).
  3. Thank you very much - this is very informative and will be the route I take. This post should be stickied someplace. I've made a copy of it for future reference. All the best, Thom
  4. Very good point. I am on the precipice. Once I have the hardware to rip efficiently being able to store and access will be the priority.
  5. This is the sort of thing I need.
  6. I have been using an Apple TV for several years. It picks up the WiFi from my computer when I stream online. I also used it with an IPad I used to have. I have been looking for something similar although WiFi capable. Seems to be a lot of BT receivers out there but far fewer WiFi. An actual streaming component my be in the cards down the road but I really don't know much about them. Perhaps something like this might do the trick for you: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07F6ZP5WF/ref=sspa_dk_detail_0?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B07F6ZP5WF&pd_rd_w=sqy4n&pf_rd_p=887084a2-5c34-4113-a4f8-b7947847c308&pd_rd_wg=94dTG&pf_rd_r=ZYQKMEN8P6RXXMQZQPSC&pd_rd_r=579d083d-df34-43e6-a5ec-2388ac755cfc&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyOFZMUk9ZUFcwNzlIJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUExMDEzNzE2SEZPUkQ3MjNBV1ZEJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTAyODIzNzczRzBXNjNST0pIMCZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2RldGFpbCZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
  7. Looks like a good program. Are the actual physical external CD burners similar in quality? I may be using the wrong terminology.
  8. Imitation is the highest form of flattery as they say. Anyone who is interested in a Crites design is well inside the Klipsch fold.
  9. They turned out well. I'd love to hear a pair of these one day.
  10. After several years of false starts and kicks down the road, Ive decided to rip my entire CD collection. Is there a recommended external CD ripper? The drive in my computer would take years to get the job done.
  11. Very strange, I have been using a RC 62 for years and it sounds great and neutral. So neutral in fact it works with my Ohm Walsh fronts. Sounds like an amp/reciever issue to me.
  12. Shine On You Crazy Diamond - both parts.
  13. Absolutely. Any more and it just isn't enjoyable- and 96 is borderline. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.
  14. This very odd, some find the Cornwall bass almost too much in certain rooms.
  15. Looks like the perfect room for Cornwalls to me. Your sitting area should be pretty sweet and you will be able to listen to everything whilst cooking at the far end. A nice large speaker for a large room always seems to work best in my experience.
  16. If nothing within the speaker is disconnected and it isn't an amp issue you are probably looking at a blown tweeter. Replacements are available. They are a good model and worth the effort.
  17. I also use the exact same Marantz unit - highly underrated. You will be fine. It matches well with Klipsch products. go for the best speakers you can find/afford. The Marantz could be changed down the road. In the mean time you will be very pleased. I'd lean towards Fortes or if fortunate Cornwalls.
  18. Good evening all. I have a small KSW 100 sub. Bought it back in 2013 and have used it ever since. I have noticed lately that once the source is turned off it doesn't seem to kick back in when next turned on. For years I kept it on auto. The odd thing is that if I unplug and replug, it goes back into activity. I thought it might be the power bar I had it connected to - I changed it but this same pattern exists. Do the switches go after time? Once I "reboot" it things are fine. Weird...or maybe not. Anyone ever run into this sort of thing?
  19. The Forte IV is an evolution that corrected all the former weaknesses. The new Heresy IV is in the same boat.
  20. Small bookcases up flat against the walls behind the speakers could help.
  21. YK Thom

    Bob Crites RIP

    I hope you get your 50 years! Love you crazy Americans and hope to spend my winters on the gulf coast of Florida ( family tradition). Going to be 59 in two weeks, just shy of the BIG one. The men in my family are not known for our longevity so I enjoy every minute. If I make 78 I will tie the record set by my father a few years back.
  22. YK Thom

    Bob Crites RIP

    I hear you , although being a Canadian my metaphor is the last ten minutes of the third period hoping for overtime.
  23. Love it! We used to call it stereo TV. I know several people who are moving back to a straight up two channel system for music/TV movies and ditching the 5,7, 11, 224.12 systems. I do like having a centre but could live without it. What I would consider the perfect solution would be the rise of three channel "stereo" amps.
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