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Everything posted by pcbiz

  1. The deleted thread was the usual 'measurements/vs your ears' fight. It's a pattern, and the instigators are repeat offenders. It seems that censorship kicked in as referee.
  2. I dampened my La Scala mid horn with sticky rubber. It definitely smooths out the response from all three drivers. However, I also damped my Heresy I and Chorus II mid horns. The response was substantially more obvious than with my La Scalas. For the Heresy, the mid and bass cleared up, giving me a more 3D or live sound. For the Chorus IIs, that unwanted honking sound completely cleared up. This was all with tube amps, upgraded banana plug cables, and interior wiring. Your mileage may vary.
  3. QuickSilver Line Stage Preamp. This is my first tube preamp. A very simple two tube design. The sound is amazing. http://quicksilveraudio.com/products/rc-line-stage-preamp/
  4. pcbiz

    What I Got Today!

    Denafrips Ares II DAC, coming from a Schiit Modi Multibit, which was very nice. Now I'm hearing drums loud and clear on all of my reference tunes.
  5. Interesting. I've never seen these. Are they wood or plastic?
  6. These look shiny. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1003884231009700/
  7. Don't worry. Prices will come down eventually. The Feds are working on an anti inflationary money system, which will hopefully enable my buying impulses.
  8. These look nice. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/5546149295405190/
  9. One was covered, but the exposed one was at a 45 degree angle. Definitely looked a bit quirky, but the sound was excellent. I'm pretty sure he tested multiple angles, because he measures everything... probably even ants crawling on the balcony.
  10. I can't be sure. I'm just going by his description. "No crossovers!" is what he enjoyed saying.
  11. My local tube amp builder uses two Bose cabinets for his vintage Electro Voice 12trxb speakers, the ones with the K-77 tweeter in the center, and he does not use crossovers; just amp directly to the speakers. I've listened to them quite a bit. If I were to get a non Klipsch setup, that would be my choice.
  12. I made the switch. The ALK CSW-450s are back in. They add a bit more bass than the Volti crossovers, and definitely sound better with your settings. The Voltis, however, gives me better instrument separation, highs, and a more forward/live sound. They are, of course, double the cost of the CSW-450s. I'm going to put the Voltis back in for now, but will try the ALKs again when my KT150s get here; I needed two more. I'm currently living in an EL34 world.
  13. Done. I'll install them tomorrow to see how they sound.
  14. The last time I used them, the black wire was on 9, and the red was is on -0. I'm lost without the instructions/numbers... they're around here somewhere. I tried a number of settings, but those are the very last.
  15. These are the beater La Scalas I bought almost a year ago. It's been quite a journey. These speakers are literally musical instruments. I paid the owner $600 by Zelle about three hours after the ad appeared on Facebook. The next day when I picked them up, the owner told me he had several calls and messages saying to charge more or to offer him more cash to break our $600 deal. Fortunately, he firmly believes that a deal is a deal. I feel the exact same way. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/594850825290319/
  16. Yes indeed. I just got these, and I know they will be here a long time. I have two KT150 tubes, and should be getting a second pair within a month for this amp. I really love that KT150 sound.
  17. QuickSilver Mid Mono blocks and Remote Control Line Preamp
  18. https://washingtondc.craigslist.org/mld/ele/d/suburb-maryland-fac-klipsch-heresy-ii/7518731246.html
  19. The craigslist ad says Forte II, but they are a Forte I pair. https://washingtondc.craigslist.org/mld/ele/d/bethesda-klipsch-forte-ii-speakers/7525974219.html
  20. Very nice! Very inspiring as well. My La Scala beaters are still beaters. I've done all kinds of things to the guts, and they sound golden. This motivates me to make a move on the exterior.
  21. Sounds right. It's similar to the live audio world. When these digital mixers hit the market, the word from the manufacturers was that they were 'better'. They actually degraded the sound, and many drummers have thrown their sticks at the sound man that tried to prove otherwise.
  22. In guitar amp world, this means you have used the wrong fuse, which lets several things fry.
  23. Play this at low volume while you sleep. I actually connect it to a rodin coil for vibrations only. It's more powerful than melatonin as far as sleep goes, but your dreams will amuse you.
  24. I've only had relatively brief encounters with loudness. I played guitar in several bands over the years. Still do. At 60, and relatively new to horn speakers and tube amps, I recently started sleeping with ear plugs. Every little sound bugs me. Apparently I'm hearing more.
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