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Everything posted by geezin'

  1. You guys are my kinda people. Go big or go home just ain't enough. So when is the party? I guess the Harley could be up to a road trip later in the season.
  2. Buying food at MalWart??? Ewwwww................
  3. Careful with matches around all that straw.........man.
  4. Thank you. Beautiful............
  5. I spoke to him about them. He would have sold if I really wanted them. Kinda wish I would have bought them.
  6. Just would like to see some photos of nice speakers. My apologies if that offends.
  7. You know the drill no pics it doesn't exist. 😁
  8. Close..............1980 YZ465 w/1982 YZ490 forks. Da beast from the east.
  9. Well I am typing this on an iMac.............although residing in West Virginia I hail from Maryland. And SNL hasn't been funny in decades.
  10. So that's why I've never owned a TV. Thanks for the reminder.
  11. Nope just a white 2020 FLHR with a police solo installed. And then....................
  12. Thanks. Just curious. Do you need a lot of room for them?
  13. Congratulations. A fitting reward for what was surely a lot of hard work.
  14. Yeah rub it in...........I had the money in my pocket too.
  15. For me first a pair of Heresy. Then a pair of Belle. or maybe Belle then Heresy. Depends on timing and funds.
  16. Sure. I grew up farming and cows smell pretty ripe. They must bathe them a lot.
  17. My first Modi3+ went south after a few weeks. They attempted to help me sort it out then sent me a return authorization and shipped me a new one. All is fine after a few weeks listening to the new one. I'm new to streaming so no comparisons can be made. But running from my iMac/Modi3+/Fisher 440T/Klipsch R610f sounds wonderful to my uneducated ears. I'm happy with it and the company. Will consider them first when component shopping. In fact I do believe I'll eventually own a Schitt Sol TT.
  18. As I really didn't expect to live this long (men in my family rarely make past mid 40s w/o heart attack/stroke/diabetes) the surprise would be I'm alive. Not complaining mind you.........
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