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Everything posted by CWOReilly

  1. There are used LS that can be had, modded, upgraded, etc. for waaaaay less than 13k. Even newer B stock are on market used for 5-6.
  2. Sure. Find an old 8 track player and have it rebuilt. Have the tech add bluetooth to it or use an add on adapter. Hehe. 8track to cassette to 1/8th to bluetooth! Good luck!
  3. I’m inclined to agree given the room size and metal. While I run mine with the ChiFi amp mentioned above I ran them with an HK Citation 22 for a while. While 200 watts was way overkill for the space the dynamics are great. In that large of a room it’ll be amazing. I’d suggest a high current model.
  4. I'm using a cheap Chinese Nobsound NS-02g and actually enjoy it a lot. It's Class A 15 watt per channel. https://www.ebay.com/itm/133533085304?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649
  5. Almost need something custom made in order to be far enough from the wall for the speakers to be behind. I can think of all sorts of ways. None are pretty for a family room.
  6. Risers and laser badges oh my!
  7. Something to consider when/if you raise the screen. Like with speakers you want the tweeters "ear level" with video viewing you'll find it more comfortable for your eyes to have the center of the screen at "eye level". Just my opinion after spending time at friends with the darned things 6ft up over a fireplace. YMMV
  8. Yes and no. Rather than replacing just the diaphragm you are replacing the entire assembly with what many of us consider to be a superior design. There is a version called the LMAHL for the Chorus (and others) as well.
  9. Client of my wife has Bengals and a really nice B&O system. Needless to say they are declawed (I don't approve).
  10. If you have space for 3 8000f then by all means. In my situation I have the 504c and it matches pretty well (audibly) with the 8000f and fits under my TV.
  11. I moved up from RF35s and they were a drastic improvement. Not to diss on the RF35.
  12. I have the SMAHL in both my 79 CW and 75 LS. Crites in CW, JEM in LS. The SMAHL was a drastic improvement to my ears. Installed many months after crossover replacement and rebuild. I can’t recommend them enough.
  13. In my situation I purchased Crites complete crossovers for my 79 Cornwalls. The originals had been updated with “meh” caps. The Crites were a drastic improvement. Now I do intend to experiment with other caps on the originals eventually, but I got La Scalas and spent money there. Rebuilt using JEM kit and it was an improvement. All that said do you really know what they “should” sound like? I recommend the JEM kit. If it’s anything like the kit I just got for some Heresy II it’s cheaper than others. YMMV
  14. I hadn't seen this post yet. That amp should be able to handle 4 CW very well since it is 1 ohm stable. Maybe put a small fan blowing across the amp if it's an all nighter.
  15. I wouldn't recommend this to replace that gasket. You need something with no adhesive.
  16. Factory reset the receiver? Maybe try another channel? Are all 4 lugs tight on the RP 8000s?
  17. Double check your cables and tighen all connections. Were the RP 8000 new or used?
  18. Same config as the first ones. Bass into the teens and amazing soundstage. Powered by Kenwood M2A. Now my Chorus are powered with a ChiFi class A at 15 watts. I rarely go past 2/3 volume. Still amazing sound.
  19. Just gotta know when to say when. I have a pair of <ahem> Polk SDA SRS that are rated to 1000 watts. I can’t even imagine it. 220 is more than enough.
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