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Everything posted by Bruinsrme

  1. Here is your $300 solution. I am ordering one tomorrow http://www.zektor.com/hds4/index.htm
  2. Bass shakers add a little nicity. I like them because they add a decent amount of vibration without taking away from the movie, of course this is MHO. Great bang for the buck and easily installed. I simply tie wrapped them tothe coils of the sofa and recliners butts and backs.
  3. Hey stop teasing, they start wednesday
  4. UHHHMmmmmmmm Venus Hum. What a voice on her. I have watched that video a number of times. Good Stuff
  5. Thank you Ear, I agree. although some people have the special tools and whatever else but most users are only armed with the spl meter, something to document the numbers and a disk of test tones. Also it would be nice to have a standard of measure, say 1 or 2 meters. alsoit would be exceptuinally awesome if they performed the tests in home theaters of the common folk buying the products. Real wprld results!!!
  6. Well if you were living in the States I would say that is a great campaign speak. Ear you have provided excellent advice to many forum goers and if you were to write a review what tools would you use to quantify your results?
  7. Perhaps the mention of Gomer Pyle brought back some childhood experiences that were to be forgotten.
  8. Final four- finally after 4 obnoxious weeks it is over, thank the tv gods Back to more important issue, NHL and Baseball
  9. m00n and I are selling some rs7. He is in oregon and I am in massachusetts. If interested please contact m00n first. I am not going to under cut him and he has first dibs in the forum.
  10. ---------------- On 4/3/2004 9:33:07 PM m00n wrote: But I think what helps the RC7 is that it's not a BIG speaker, therefore (in my humble opinino) that is what makes it suitable for main, surround and any other kind of duty. ---------------- And m00n please refresh my memory what it is going to take to mount them in your HT
  11. Chalk up another one for the SvS boys.....
  12. Hell I am just a miserable grouch regardless of the time of day. I have been told I am an angel when I am sleeping
  13. CJ thanks for the kind words. I would love to see thepictures of the stacked PCis. Scott
  14. I would recommend calling the Customer Service number Klipsch Home Audio Customer Service Toll Free: 1-800-KLIPSCH (1-800-554-7724) Mon - Fri, 8AM - 5PM EST E-mail: support@klipsch.com
  15. James you kill me!!!!! I would think any type of beating would sould better using a direct surround vice a wide dispersion. That way one can get a directed sound from which direction the beating is coming from. As far as a shooting same here. Having a more direct sound would provide the listener with a better sense of the travel line of the bullet. now in a fleeing scene meaning the government on one side and the land owners on the other I think a wide dispersion ould provide a better surround effect. Government on the left channels and innocent land owners on the other running away screaming for their lives. And all that others experience, we still complain about our country. Take the RB75 with a good size gouge in it. Is that worthy of a complaint when others endure the fate of life based on how someone is woken up? Almost, I think I should get free speakers for life. Please don't take that seriously, the terrible things that infringe on peoples everyday life are disgusting. Governments that dictate on how they want their citizens to life are down right cruel. Life is too short and to live under such fear. It is a crime to those whom impose it.
  16. Thanks m00n for the complements. I am in the process in saving for a new laptop in which will take place of the desk top. Having 2 complete networks both with wireless capabilities and fulll coverage in the house, the designated computer area may very well be short lived. The bar will replace the computer area. This should take place next winter, I hope. My friend did point out the timing issue with the RB75 and the sub. But once calibrated the receiver has corrected for any delay issues, so it seems. The cheap looking plastic is why the covers will stay on. If they RB75s had the fronts of the RF7 line the covers would have been off in a heart beat.
  17. Yeah Joe, screw the wings, they stink. Stinking all the way to hoisting the cup again.
  18. People will ***** about anything. I have heard people complain about Sears return policy, one of the most liberal stores I have found. Bestbuy, sure they try to intimidate customers by sending to to an a person working behid that section of counter. Every buy an open box item from BB, hell usually half the things are missing. That tells me they have a liberal return policy. Best Buy is there to prey off consumers and make money. One must take the time to educate oneself or suffer the wrath of stupidity
  19. As most know I implemented a pair of RB75s as my surrounds as the RS7s were not cutting it in the music department and having a smallish HT the wide dispertion was not giving me the surround effect rather a larger stereo sound stage. The RB75s have created a better channel seperation thereby enhancing the surround effect. Quality of the speaker: The Quality control sucks!!!!!! It is apparent that the focus of Klipsch has been turned to lawsuits vice ensuring quality appearance of their product. The gouge is costing this consumer time and effort in having to repack the speaker and costing the store I purchased the speaker from two way shipping, one to get a new speaker to me and the gouged speaker back to them. If I was paying for the shipping it would have been $68 for the exchange. Quality of sound: Well in my listening years I feel Stely Dan and Donald ***en songs are one of the best to demo speakers of any brand. The music is very tight and controlled. With that said the RB75s sounded pretty damn good for a bookshelf. The mids and highs parallel those of the big brother RF7s. The lows well being a bookshelf they are lacking in the that department, somewhat, remember they are a bookshelf. I like the concept of front ports and which I feel makes them a great surround. m00n suggested there is a delay in the RB75. If he meant they lag the mains I do believe he is correct. Luckily the Pioneer 49txi adjusted for this. It is ever so slight but it does seem to exist. The low end of the rb75 is of little concern since the SvS take command in that department. Though stated the low end is sufficient for surrounds but would be lacking for mains, unless a sub was integrated in the system. Price: well I am not going to discuss that at all. The local store would have raped my wallet. As far as value for the money. With a MSRP of $600 each I feel this speaker is severely OVERPRICED. If it had an MSRP of $400 a speaker it would be a very good speaker for the money.
  20. I just start drinking an hour earlier. this way I pass out an hour earlier
  21. Looks like Klipsch is diverting their money to legal matters rather than QA issue.
  22. Maybe you'll find a pot of gold under your rainbows.
  23. the new speaker is on the way. and should be here monday. I ordered them from a store in Jersey yesterday morning around 1030 and they were on my doorstep when I crawled out of bed around 9am.
  24. Well I did receive a set today. They are very nice looking with the covers on, I will leave it at that. They are much larger than I was anticipating.. The attention to detail on Klipsch behalf is very poor. One of the speakers had a deep gouge in the veneer, about 1.5 inches long and about 1/8 of inch wide. the QA inspector was either blind or working from home. What pissed me off even more it was the worst attempt at trying to fill it. Both speakers were packed the same exact way, which has lead me to believe it hed not been previously opened. I will leave the sound quality comments out until I have time to calibrate them to my system.
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