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Sooo� so I inherited this rubik�s cube right�3X3


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Sooo… so I inherited this old, dusty, stickers falling off, rubik’s cube right… I was mucking around with it.. I can never solve this gismo before, I was just happy to complete one side which was to me a massive achievement.. Anyway my sister in law grabbed it and said I know how to do it.. so she attempted to take it all apart and reassemble it.. of course she broke it.. Arrrgggg.. when she took it apart I was hoping there was a KHorn in it.. but just old air that finally escaped from its cage.

So we ended up buying a brand new cube.. for some silly reason, reason that I don’t know, I have become addicted to this thing right.. I’m on youtube, printing out solutions. I have become a rubik cube junkie. Who’s avator is that “everyone is some kind of junkie”

So now I can solve the puzzle but still some stages with the use of my notes.. the last week the amount of hours I have spent on it.. though I am lucky to complete it within 30 minutes. Sometimes over an hour..

I read on the internet that people can complete it in less than a minute, less the 30 seconds… Are they talking about the same rubik’s cube…

Can anyone do this thing without using notes but just on their ability to memorise algorithms, as I feel a long way away from this.

I want to get to a stage where if I see some person trying to solve this and has totally no idea.. I want to say.. GIVE ME THAT THING BEFORE YOU HURT YOURSELF WITH IT and then solve it within seconds. I am such a show off.
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I believe there is more than one solution to Rubic's Cube. Let me explain.

My sister had one. It was jumbled before I got to it. But when it came "out of the box" it had some emblems on the solid faces -- or so I was told. maybe there was a picture. You can imagine the squares one a solid face being numbered from 1 to 9 in a definite sequence.

I meticulously followed some instructions off the 'net to get it back to solid colors. But the emblem was jumbled.

I conclude that you can solve it to recreate solid colors but they are not really the original sequence.

I can't say for sure but that was my experience.

Wm McD

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High speed solutions you see on youtube may be backwards video - they shoot a video of the solved cube laying on the table and the solver with a big smile, then he grabs the thing and begins making faces as he turns the parts, after a little while he stops and acts like he is waiting for the start signal... then they reverse the video and post it.

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I can solve the rubik's cube in about 2-3 minutes. I solve it layer by layer. People who can solve it under a minute use a much different method. I've tried to learn, but never spent a lot of time with it.

There are all kinds of "speed-cubing" competitions where people solve it in less than 30 seconds, there are blindfolded competitions where the participant is given a set amount of time to study the cube and then are blinfolded and have to solve it as quickly as possible.

With all of that, though, people are usually impressed when I solve it "slowly" in a couple of minutes.

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ok - i am no expert by any means, but as I understand it there is no real key panel.. just the centre piece on its side is the true colour of that side, so you solve one side making sure that all edge and corner pieces matches its adjacent side, if done right you should have a T completd on all sides minus top then do middle and then last layer. I have now combined all different methods into one.. like take this bit from his method and that bit from her method, and made my method that works for me and have now got it within 5 minutes. but this is still using my notes that I have created.. I still have to memorise a few algarythms

very interesting comment about the speed youtube comment.. some people are so cheeky.. sounds like something I would do... [:D]

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also - sounds like there are a lot of people here that can solve it. a lot of smart folks here.. great minds think alike they say [:D]

it's the kids that really make us adults look like total idiots. they are so smart and they like to rub it in our faces[:P] like one time I was skiing down a mountain.. well i wouldn't call it skiing more rolling down the mountain.. I tried to ski but had no idea what i was doing and the only way I know how to stop was to lean on one side and fall.. this is very scary when you going so fast and trees and people all around.. then there were like 6 year old kids skiing like pros. friggin awesome.. its so unfair.. they fear no fear...

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The last "cube" I had in my hand met an untimely death through a 12 lb sledge hammer. For some reason I can rip apart just about every machine I know and put it back together without a hand book but that crappy little piece of ...... sorry got me going there again. lets just say I do not have the paitence for it.

That is a toy sent from Satan to show me how dumb I am.

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45 seconds that is amazing. You are right its very easy when you know. I can now solve it by myself without any notes. Just my memory and ability to memorise all the algorithms. thre is no easy way to memorise them, you just have to use a method that works for you. like one is U R U' L' U R' U' L

so i just in my head read it as YOU RULE, and remembering which ones are inverted.

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