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Did any of you see 20/20 Friday night?


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If you had a gun?


All I know is I've been banned three times now from "your trusted source" at AB Sleaze for posting benign comments, that were no more offensive than their "unbiased" report was. Don't post any comments like idiots should be outlawed from owning guns just like idiots should be outlawed from having childern, or they'll ban you too!![:)]

here's another guy's comments that keeps getting deleted:

Why do my comments on ABC's illegal method of purchasing the firearms (a Federal crime by the way) keep getting deleted? (rhetorical question)
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Lerxst2112yr97 10:23 PM
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a buddy was just telling me about this...if it was the same program and the following is his synopsis...reporter goes undercover to gun show where sign says need to show drivers license to buy and can only buy 2 guns a day...guy buys two guns, leaves, re enters and buys two more...rince lather and repeat many more times (up to 20?)...rarely if ever shows his drivers license and even tells seller, I don't have a drivers license to which seller replies, "for an extra hundred we can overlook that."...again, this is paraphrazed...

Hmmm...I wonder if undercover gets arrested for violating the law...I people who break the law with firearms should pay a stiff sentence...blame the law breaker and make them take responsibility for their actions and the world might be a better place for those who choose to obey the law...


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well that was NOT the program that my buddy talked about...so what does their experiment tell us???...the same thing we knew before hand...you just don't know what will happen...and everything that IS done will be examined ad nauseum after you do it...kinda leaves us back wherewe started doesn't it???


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Wouldn't it be better to at least have a chance? I would rather be shot in the head trying to defend myself than in the back running away. Maybe I would run anyway. There's no way to know for sure. One thing is certain, if no one has a gun no one can stop the madman.


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There are several points that one could pick apart in the classroom shootout alone. Expert shooter bad guy, trained in threat elimination, against novice. Expert shooter knows who the novice is and eliminates him immediately. Notice they all sat in the exact same middle chair? That was easy... Calling time out, before the one novice can defend. The bad guy did get shot in the upper thigh, near a major artery, but they downplayed that...did he get shot before the defender was shot?? They didn't say, but led you to believe otherwise. In real life he would have been down and bleeding to death.

I was really disappointed in the show. I thought for once, given the air play prior to the show, that it was going to be a balanced report, not some hack job. What was I thinking?[:$]

What's funny, is 99% of the comments are slamming ABC's bias. There should be a few thousand comments, but ABC keeps deleting many of them. Sadly, the irony is glaring, ABC wants to kill our 2nd Amendment rights, while they're censoring our 1st...and in the end it'll be the 2nd that protects the 1st. Go figure.

Loved the teen looking down the barrel with a flashlight. There's a Darwin candidate for you, but should he count as a gun related death?? That's the real problem. It's not the guns it's the bad genes...............

Another queation that begs an answer is will the ATF arrest the poducers of the show for gun law violations in the "straw purchase" of the firearms at the gun show? Why should they be immune from prosecution?

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I don't know why this program would elicit such a strong reaction from you? I took it as, if you are going to buy a gun, learn how to use it. I agree that their little experiment didn't prove anything, but at least everyone tried to fight back, and the blonde, as you said, may have actually taken the shooter out.

At any rate, I can't imagine too many people watch 20/20 on a Friday night, and those that do probably take it with a grain of salt. News programs like that always exaggerate, and scew the results to their liking.

And the shootout in the convenience store? They made a big deal out of the fact that nobody got hit. How about what didn't happen? The store clerk wasn't killed, as is often the case in these situations, and he didn't get robbed. So in that case, it was good that he had the gun, wasn't it?

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A good book is "The Best Defense:True stories of intended victims" by Robert A. Waters. You can get it on Amazon. Most self defense scenarios don't make national stats or news. It is over and done.

It's one of the things that got my late, sweet wife to get a carry permit and take classes. She even joined "Second Amendment Sisters". If youknew her, you would never have imagined it in a million years.

I worked for an ABC affilliate in the '70s, as a news photographer. We never biased our stories, although we always struggled to be balanced. It's a shame that it happens all the time now.


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CBS ran what amounted to an "anti-gun" story Sunday night.


Me thinks not.

Previews of coming attractions. Bet we see more shows like this and with increasing frequency.

As for showing a drivers license.....he!!, you have to show one to buy spray paint!!


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I will say that many gun owners, even those with conceal carry permits (most who spend a lot of time at the range)-- really don't have adequate training to handle themselves competently in a combat situation. Even those with some decent training quickly find how dynamic and unpredictable most of these situations are.


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I don't have a conceal carry, but often have thought about getting one. Dean, you're right, most gun owners do need more practice, but practice or not, I'd rather be armed than not.

I think all gun owners should also have to take a gun safety course. Would the NRA support that I don't know. I called around locally to try to find a gun safety course for kids, but there are none. Once of the local indoor ranges has kids competition shooting, but no safety course. Go figure, Speaking of kids, in that video, it shows kids playing with hand guns, which oddly enough were in the 'toy box",...quick pan to the shocked faces of the parents. What a setup for failure.... How many of those parents own guns? How many of those that do, have taught their kids about guns? How many of those kids without any training would be able to tell a real gun from a toy gun? ( the gun control advocates could use this line as well, I'm sure)

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  • Klipsch Employees

My 2 boys have been out hunting with me and have "helped" in taking game.

I point out how dead the game is after being shot. Blood and guts tend to make that point very well.

They have shot a gun and "so far" have never offered to mess with them.

Prez O, will get my guns when I run out of amo and I am dead.

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I think the wheels are turning now. This Mexican drug cartel battle, has the Mexican govt. calling foul on the US. I can't help but think something ugly is about to be born because out of it, Perfect opportunity for Obama, unfortunately..

There's an irony here of sorts. It used to be things were only smuggled out of Mexico, now it's a two way street, but I guess the Mexicans, haven't been searing cars coming in the same way the US does. Once again, it's OUR fault.....

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My 2 boys have been out hunting with me and have "helped" in taking game.

I point out how dead the game is after being shot. Blood and guts tend to make that point very well.

They have shot a gun and "so far" have never offered to mess with them.

Prez O, will get my guns when I run out of amo and I am dead.

I too have found taking my children to the gun range and hunting with me helps them appreciate what a gun can do. Feeling the recoil and seeing the damage first hand is an excelent life lesson.

Shooting at game is way different than target shooting also. My kids have no problems shooting targets, but my son has yet to shoot a deer. Last year my daughter went out with me. We sat in a two person side by side ladder stand. She just could not take a shot. After giving a lot of advice about always being ready etc.... I said.... Just watch me next time. The next doe came by, it was probably 15-20 seconds from when we saw her trot into our area till I got a clean chest shot and dropped her. That comes from experiance you can not get at a gun range.


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Good post Todd.

When I'm not here, I'm here: http://forums.1911forum.com/

DEAN - I knew there was more I liked about you than I could put my finger on ... I spend a vast majority of my time over there myself, swapping lies about my trusty Wilson CQB, and Les Baer 5" 1911's - wouldn't carry anything else, and I *do* carry as often as I can, three trips to TRanch when Clint was in TX, and I plan on getting to Washington when I can. "Ownership does not equal competency" thus saith Clint. Oh and the other thing he said, "Some people just need to be shot..."


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