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Merry Christmas to me.

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I was in contact with Marshall for some time trying to decide whether or not to pull the trigger on having a pair of speakers refinished by him. Well I decided to go with a new pair. I can't say enough good things about the exchanges I had with him though, he sure is a good guy. He took a lot of time with me and I felt bad for not hiring him for his services but he didn't seem bothered at all.

Anyway I won and paid for these last Tuesday evening and they arrived today.

I wasn't 100% sure what this ws until I got past the first layer.

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I am very happy with their finish. It's a great color and has a nice "scaly" feel to it. Very cool [H]

BUT having just spent $1100 on ANYTHING I'm going to go over it with a fine tooth comb. So I do have a couple notes to make.

First I do not understand how any company can produce anything and have this happen. Plaing the speakers side by side I noticed that the emblems on the grills are not placed in the same position of their respective grills. There is a 1/8th inch difference between the 2.

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Also one of the grills did not seem to seat properly in the cabinet. I took the grill off to see if I could find out why.

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After removing the grill I found a magnet to be the reason.

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The end of the magnet swivels around so it is not stuck in that position. But in comparing it to all the other magnets this one is noticably further out from the motor board.

Back to the grills. What bothers me more than them not matching perfectly is that someone, when putting these together, had the job of placing the emblems. ANd when placing the emblems they simply put one in a different spot than the other. I assume they use a jig of some sort for guidance, how does that happen? That makes no sense to me at all.

I feel the same way with the magnet. Whomever does the final inspection looks at a speaker and sees that the grill is sticking out away from the cabinet in one spot and still gives them the thumbs up for shipment.

I guess I hold myself to a higher standard than the person responsible for placing the emblem on the grills and the person that sets the magnets in place Lol.

It probably sounds like I am unhappy with these but that is not the case. They are beautiful looking and beautiful sounding speakers. I just wish I could be 100% proud of these American Made speakers rather than 98%.

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Your table has a scratch in it, your miniblind pull strings are not the same length and the new Heresys are not properly centered on the towels.
Check this out:

Top 5 signs you are anal-retentive

March 1, 2009

in Fun

  1. You keep large redundant amounts of all your sundries such as laundry detergent so that you never risk running out.
  2. You don’t just sort the money in your wallet by $1, $5, $10, or $20, but also sort the bills by wear-and-tear so that you get rid of the bills in the worst shape first.
  3. You look up anal-retentive to see whether it needs a hyphen.
  4. You don’t just keep a grocery list, you micro-optimize order of the items on the grocery list so that you only make one pass through the grocery store.
  5. After a power outage or when Daylight Savings Time starts or ends, you feel the need to set all your clocks to the same minute and second.
  6. It really irritates you when someone says a list has 5 items and you count six.
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Well then. I Congratulate you 98%......and 2% that sucks!

I say, turn out the lights and listen to some beautiful music. [:P]

I've never bought "NEW" Klipsch, I do dream about it, but I have bought other speakers new and on some, I had to choose where to place the emblems. The emblems did not come attached.

Did you buy them new?


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I assume they use a jig of some sort for guidance, how does that happen? That makes no sense to me at all.

That's a big assumption. These are handmade products and as such they have the hallmarks of a handmade product. My custom rosewood Heresys aren't perfect either but they are darn close enough. I hope you enjoy yours as much as I enjoy mine. Are you going to use a slant riser base?

Thanx, Russ

By the way mine sound fantastic!

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Top 5 signs you are anal-retentive

http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/type/fun/' title="View all posts in Fun">

  1. You keep large redundant amounts of all your sundries such as laundry detergent so that you never risk running out.
  2. You don’t just sort the money in your wallet by $1, $5, $10, or $20, but also sort the bills by wear-and-tear so that you get rid of the bills in the worst shape first.
  3. You look up anal-retentive to see whether it needs a hyphen.
  4. You don’t just keep a grocery list, you micro-optimize order of the items on the grocery list so that you only make one pass through the grocery store.
  5. After a power outage or when Daylight Savings Time starts or ends, you feel the need to set all your clocks to the same minute and second.
  6. It really irritates you when someone says a list has 5 items and you count six.

1. yes

2. no, I haven't carried more than $20 in years.

3. no, I already know how to spell it

4. yes

5. yes

Dang that was enlightening LOL. Maybe I should chill out a little [:$]

Yes I bought these new and yes they are beautiful both musically and asthetically.

I have them placed on another pair of Heresies at the moment. They will make their way to a pair of slant risers after I can get them stained.

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Maybe I should chill out a little

That was refreshing to hear. I just sold a camera lens that I've had for 25 years...and I bought it used when I bought it. The guy who bought it on ebay, sent me an email saying that it had 3 pin sized marks in it that I didn't disclose.

My only thought was "huh?"

I got a kick out of your badges being 1/8" off. That might be pretty good considering they might have been put in by simply eyeballing it. (and might not, I don't know how they do it....but it can't be too technical?)

Like has been said, hook em up, relax and go double check anal-retentive in the dictionary to see if it needs a hyphen. You know you now want to, just in case there's been a change in the rules.


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BUT having just spent $1100 on ANYTHING I'm going to go over it with a fine tooth comb.

Hell I better go check out my RF-83 system to see if they match up, they are two years old by now but still. I did purchase it new and got the boxes inside the house just long enough to rip them open to get the speakers out and hook them up. I didn't even bother checking them to see if anything was wrong with them....

Those are some fine looking speakers... [H]


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Dang that was enlightening LOL. Maybe I should chill out a little Embarrassed

Yes I bought these new and yes they are beautiful both musically and asthetically.

I have them placed on another pair of Heresies at the moment. They will make their way to a pair of slant risers after I can get them stained.

Sorry. Your comments just reminded me of my grandmother. About 20 years ago she got all new furniture when she moved and freaked out that it was all in horrible shape. I went to see her and there was noting wrng with any of it, but she had little stickies all over pointing to the "flaws." So I showed her how all of her walls and windows were crooked and she had never noticed before (I was only 20). I don't think that she enjoyed a day in her life. (not saying that you are like her, just brought up a memory).

They are beautiful and I would be proud to own them. I love the veneer! Enjoy them and don't sweat the small stuff. I have seen worse "flaws" in $20,000 speakers.

A friend of mine was putting his Wilson Maxx II's together and scratched one when putting the head on. Ouch!!

I bought a pair of B&W S800's and they were covered in undisclosed voodoo (little wierd "magic" things all over them, hard to describe). It took me 5 hours to remove everything and the glue. One of the tweeters was pushed in too, $200 replaceent part. Oh well, I was still very satisfied. In the end they were beautiful.

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Mr bright side says..I think the "Hillshire Farms" special editions are intentionally 1/8" different.

very rare. This is like finding the stamp with the upside down airplane on it!

My LCD TV has one bad pixel, if you stare straight at it from 5" away you can see it on a black screen.

take one step back and it's gone. No one else knows it's there, But It drives me crazy

If you try to do everything with excellence, it drives you batty when other pepole don't.

Once when I was very young, I got a hostess cupcake with no cream in the center! I don't remember this, but Mom says I flipped out.

My mom wrote a letter and got me a whole free box! (we still buy those cupcakes 38 years later)

I think if Klipsch sent you some free T-shirts, I mean golf shirts, I mean a jacket, you could put on your jacket, put this behind you, and enjoy the sound and veneer more, and they get free (good) publicity and good customer relations.

those are absolutely beautiful, and I bet they sound great, but I understand really.

Can I have a jacket too? XL please.

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These look to be the famous Lacewood Heresy III's I always see on eBay for $1100/pair. I would assume these were slightly imperfect or overstock to be sold at that price (and the seller originally had 10 sets of them). Would the absence of a few minor imperfections really be worth $500 more to you?

I thought about buying those as well - but the light color and lack of risers killed it for me. I ended up ordering Walnut H3's directly from Klipsch last night instead. The upside to yours is not only that you paid $500 less than me, but you also didn't have to wait 4 weeks for them!

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