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Hofy's Duct Tape Mounting System (patent pending)


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  • 1 month later...

So I'm tipping back a few and decide to see if the forums are still up at Klipsch's web site. Sure enough they are. I scan the headers in this forum and see one with 700+ messages and sure enough it's still here; Hofy's thread is still going strong!

A more elaborate bump: I've had Klipsch's original 4 speaker solution since it first came out. If my memory isn't failing me, that would be around October of 1999. Except for needing to spend $50 for a control pod that doesn't have a staticy volume knob, I couldn't be happier with the speakers. They're still going strong. I have never felt like I needed to upgrade the speakers on my computer.

Howdy to all of ya.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Just no way I can continue to be the only forum member that hasn't posted in this insane thread.

As me old pappy once told me, "You really only need two tools. If it's supposed to move and it doesn't use WD-40. If it moves and it ain't supposed to use duct tape."

How right he was.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used to make duct tape, in Southern Illinois! Hung out in the Humidity and made duct chucks! I also made my first Dynaco tube amps and preamps, spinning a Transcriptor Saturn turntable with the evestigal arm. I used Fulton FMI 80 speakers, glad to be back in the tube fun again

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I have the hd600s as my primary listenning source w/ a revolution 7.1 with the mad codec. It's nice, but I miss some detail because of the case fans, and I don't want to make myself go deaf, so I go w/o on my computer. I asked sennheiser if 600's were upgradable to the 650's, no reply, sennheiser doesn't have the best support in my experience. Basically the 650 is a better damper, but should I pay $450 for them just because of that w/ a better wire? I think they should let us upgrade for like $100 or something. Anyways, for the record, regardless of how good your system is, you get used to it. These things still make me smile from time to time w/ their detail, but I've gotten used to them.

On the side of non secluded listening, I got my dad to buy the microworks with the cambridge music system thing to replace his 15 year old bose. They do a fair job, the treble is lacking, and the bass is loose, but it does the job while being small and looking dad (#1 for my dad, I just had to get him away from bose). I wanted to go for the 413 or whatever, the high end sattelites, too expensive though.

Come on, this thread needs to continue.

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