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Klipschorns In A Small'ish Room


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I am currently using a lovely pair of Heresy II's which are being driven very successfully by my Audio Note Oto SET, of about 8 watts... It sounds sublime

However I have always had a liking for the mighty K'horns..

My room width isn't very wide, it's about 3 metres (about 10 ft )...!!

Does anyone know if that is enough for the K'horns to sing or is it just too tight ??

Thanks for any help

If my room just isn't big enough that's ok as I will just carry on with the Heresys.... and that's just fine!!

I am really tempted by the mighty K'horn though..


Edited by ninanina
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any day is a good day for klipschorns... but 10' is smallish. they would work though

Thanks Schu for your response

Do you think the La Scala would be more suited, or just really too big for my space?


Edited by ninanina
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If you've got two good corners, the Khorns will take up less room than La Scalas, and will give you an additional octave of low frequency performance.

Edited by Chris A
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Guest Steven1963

My Khorns are about 12' apart on center. My walls are not ideal either. But I got them anyway knowing these limitations. I had lascalas before. I'm glad I made the change and I wouldn't go back or sell them now for anything.

I say do it - get them! You will not regret it. If you ever get a bigger room for them they will only sound better. They look better and they sound better than lascalas (upgrade the networks if they need it). And, as already said, they actually take up less floor space than the lascalas.

Also remember, 8 watts through Heresy and 8 watts through Khorns is alot different. About 3 times as loud different.

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Also remember, 8 watts through Heresy and 8 watts through Khorns is alot different. About 3 times as loud different.

Actually, three times louder would be 3 Bels (30 decibels). But Khorns are about 6-7 dB more efficient than Heresies, which would be a very noticeable increase in relative loudness.

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Guest Steven1963

Also remember, 8 watts through Heresy and 8 watts through Khorns is alot different. About 3 times as loud different.

Actually, three times louder would be 3 Bels (30 decibels). But Khorns are about 6-7 dB more efficient than Heresies, which would be a very noticeable increase in relative loudness.

Yuppers! My thought processes is on haitus.

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Also remember, 8 watts through Heresy and 8 watts through Khorns is alot different. About 3 times as loud different.

Actually, three times louder would be 3 Bels (30 decibels). But Khorns are about 6-7 dB more efficient than Heresies, which would be a very noticeable increase in relative loudness.

I am not after more loudness.... do you all think that the K'horns are ok at lower volumes?

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Guest Steven1963

One of the sayings with Klipsch is "pissing off neighbors since 1946." This is due to how loud they will go. Couple that with the size of the Khorns, the smallness of your room, AND your statement that you aren't interested in loudness makes me wonder just exactly what you are looking for when you say you are thinking about getting Klipschorns.

While these speakers sound very good at low volumes they YEARN to be set free and turned up. Where, in my opinion, they shine like no other.

Mind you, 'turned up' is a relative term. 8 watts through them is more than loud. I hope you don't live in an apartment.

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I once had Khorns in a room 11.33 feet wide, and 9 feet deep. It had a high ceiling though. The Khorns sounded great. With walls only 10 feet wide the sweet spot will be very narrow, but if you listen alone, it should be fine. On the other hand, reflected sound away from the sweet spot can be good, if you aren't too hung up on imaging. I used to leave the door open, and people all over the house could enjoy the music. According to Heyser (?) in Audio magazine c. 1986, one of the characteristics of Khorns is to sound good from other rooms, unlike most speakers.

If your ceiling is less than 8.5 feet high, put some absorbers on the ceiling at the first reflection point. Likewise for all other first reflection points. Don't overdeaden, though! My old, small room had 8" deep bookshelves filled with art objects and books, providing diffusion.

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Klipschorns play loud, but also sound really good at normal levels because of their low distortion. Because of your room size and angles, I suggest trying to get 1983 or newer models with the tweeters mounted on Z-brackets, as seen on the left edge of my picture. These brackets put the tweeters flush with the motorboard face, allowing better dispersion.


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Thank you to all that have posted....very interesting

The thought of moving from my lovely Heresy's to some K'horns is purely for quality of sound and definitely not for loudness. Even my Audio Note of 8 watts can get the Heresys VERY loud if that's what I want...and if the neighbours are out !!

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Thank you to all that have posted....very interesting

The thought of moving from my lovely Heresy's to some K'horns is purely for quality of sound and definitely not for loudness. Even my Audio Note of 8 watts can get the Heresys VERY loud if that's what I want...and if the neighbours are out !!

It is funny how most folks assume that large speakers are only for loud listening.

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