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Tube Amplification(?) + (Music?) + Cornwalls =?


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(needing no CORNer, or WALL to operate, hence the name CORNWALL


I'm glad you said that. How many times do people get this one wrong? Too many.......






Loving it Shakey, This corner issue is the Cornwalls strong suite. Also why my name is Corn man , I love um. But to answer op question about tubes (& I am a devoted tube man) with your music preferences I am surprised your not content with SS. Have you done any direct comparison tests (Tube vs SS) in your own listening room?

Welcome t the wonderful world of klipsch. If you go slow you will save a ton of money & get just the sound your looking for .

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Cornwalls are fantastic speakers.  They were my first Klipsch that I held onto for about ten years or so.  I sold them as I had acquired Klipschorns and have owned all the Heritage models and many of the non-Heritage as well.  I think i ended up preferring the Cornwalls over all other speakers aside from the mighty Klipschorns.  While the La Scala/Belle have cleaner/more realistic bass, they just don't go as low as the Cornwalls and I think I eventually came to the conclusion that I preferred the overall Cornwall sound.  That wasn't my initial expectations as I had longed for La Scalas for many years but "settled" on Cornwalls when I came across a pair of used ones for sale at my local Klipsch dealer.  I eventually picked up another pair of Cornwalls just about a year ago and they amazed me again with just how great the sounded.


For the kind of music you like, tubes will definitely make them sound great.  Tubes do great with all music, including rock and roll, heavy metal, etc.  Tubes will take the sound to another level as you heard at that store.  Until I heard my Cornwalls with a good tube amp, I believed there were more refined speakers out there that were also much more expensive.  That went away once I hooked up the tube amp and heard how great they sounded AND incredibly MUSICAL!  Get Cornwalls and tube amps and you will never look back, although you may start looking forward (to Klipschorns!). :)

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I have Cornwalls with SS and they sound great - no needf or tubes or any expensive gear - any 100 watts amp will do if it is good quality -  find a class A amplifier of 25 watts SS per channel and you will be amazed   - no need for tubes at all -

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I have Cornwalls, tucked into the corners (custom bass bins, gasp), with a 3wpc SEP tube amp. That setup plays everything I throw at it without breaking a sweat, up to and including deadmau5.*


Very musical, very revealing, very pleasing to me.














*in near field listening, at max 95dB

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  • 1 year later...

I do apologize to everyone for the super late reply. Thank you for all the replies. 

My sistuation has changed. We now live in an apartment and I am now just getting around to figure out what direction I should go.

Few months ago I was able to listen to two different sets of Cornwalls. One set was stock and the other set was upgraded with new crossovers. Both sets sounded fantastic. 

Here comes the "but" I'm thinking the Cornwalls might be to large for the apartment. I won't be able to listen loud like I was able too when we had the house. 

Onto the valve amplifiers and pre's. I looked into Bob Latinos amps, McIntosh and then came across a fellow named Craig from NOS Valves. Everything I read about Craig and Bob have been positive. 


So.... this is what I'm looking for and need a push in the correct direction:


Gear will be in the living room. 

Want a tube pre and tube amp

Media: CD and Viyl

Listening levels will be no higher then medium?? 

Looking for detail on lower listing levels. 

Music is classic rock to metal. 

(Led Zep-Metallica)


I can provide room dimensions this evening if anyone needs to know. 

Thank you again!!!!



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I had Cornwalls in a 12x12 room and they sounded great. I only sold them to try out the different models. I cant comment on a tube amp but I do like my Juicy Music Peach pre amp. Craigs has a great reputation here adn I have heard is monblocks and they are awesome. Tool shed audio also makes a fine tube amp. LOTS of options this is a great hobby enjoy the ride.


P.S. I listen to the same type music you do and I prefer solid state to get my CF4's moving!

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I tried using a tube amp with my Klipsch RF-3 speakers and it sounded great at low to low/medium listening volumes.. it distorted at higher volumes as I listen to a variety of music including bass heavy hip-hop.. Seems like music with a lot of bass robs all the power of low power tube amps.. just my personal input, hope this makes sense. by the way it was a 7 wpc tube amp. 

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Hi wdeho, the amp that I used was a Grommes PG10.. It sounded nice but just didn't have quite enough power to drive a lot of bass. Female vocals however were very nice. What do you suggest for a good PP or SET amp without costing an arm and a leg? I own Cornwall II's, 2 pair of Heresy 1's, a custom Heresy build, and a pair of Cornscalas and a few others but no tube amps. Been wanting to try another tube amp, but it can get a bit confusing as far PP and SET.. I have read that there seems to be magic with Klispsch speakers and SET amps. What is a good 35 wpc chineese amp? I have seen a lot on flea bay but get lost after a while. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

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