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Rights of an Audiophile


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However, an unavoidable fact of special relativity is that the greater the force of dollars applied to an audio component, the more asymtotic the approach to perfect reproduction becomes. Absolute perfection of audio reproduction is impossible, and would require an infinate amount of money invested over an infinately long time. In the equation F = MA , the linear relationship between F and MA exists only at relatively low values. Expanded into general relativity, it can be seen that the audio component's dollar mass will result in an actual warping of space and time in the vacinity of the component, curving the path of any audiophile that approaches within Roche's limit of the component into an unending spiral of increasingly ineffectual applications of money.

Ray, the same thought occurred to me a year ago or so. It seems that an audiophile rule is closely related to quantum theory.

At the start, reasonable changes are made with reasonable amounts of money. As you pump more change (money) into your system, it takes more and more money to effect changes. I used to be able to impart significant (positive) effects on my stereo for under $100. Nowadays, that number approaches ten times a hundred.

Envision that you are holding a large brass cannon-like hose and shooting a continuous stream of $20 bills at your stereo. Nothing happens, and nothing happens, your hands start to grow numb and then BOOM! A quantum jump. Not to say the jump is significant, or is factors larger than the previous. Rather, that any change at all requires huge cubic dollar investments.

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Ray, great post.

You have quite a way with words.

Here's a couple of my rules.

1. Quantum waves are oscillations of possibilty.

2. Sattinger's Law: it works better if you plug it in.

3. When in doubt, get a larger amp.

4. Never touch an audiophiles' settings. Never.

5. No launguage which lends itself to visualizability can describe the quantum jumps.

6. The musical truth: An unalterable and unquestionable law of the musical world is that the German text of French operas sung by Swedish artists should be translated into Italian for the clear understanding of English speaking audiences.


You should of heard just what I've seen.

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Myth in

Logic out


Receiver: Sony STR-DE675

CD player: Sony CDP-CX300

Turntable: Technics SL-J3 with Audio-Technica TR485U

Speakers: JBL HLS-610

Subwoofer: JBL 4648A-8

Sub amp: Parts Express 180 watt

Center/surrounds: Teac 3-way bookshelfs

Yes, it sucks, but better to come. KLIPSCH soon! My computer is better than my stereo!

For JBL related subjects and more fun, click: http://www.audioheritage.org

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3. The size of said male audiophile's speakers are directly proportional to same audiophiles' perception of the size of his own penis.


Perception is a weird thing...

3. The size of said male audiophile's speakers are directly proportional to same audiophiles' perception of the size of his wallet which he then spent big $$ on specialty super duper esoteric solid core, zero oxygen, gold plated, written up in some magazine as the best ever tested and a must have for any "serious" audiophile so it must be true, speaker wire... LOL

Ok, sorry, I had to throw us back into reality.

So if I own k horns...OMG...I must be a beast!!!

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I think Randy's post has a certain beauty. Of couse, the "Audiophile" thing has been worked to death over the years so much so that those that remain locked in that hell hole have no clue while the old "audiophilos" have graduated to something on the other side, perhaps an even deeper hell that considers mere "audiophilosis" rather passe.

I think even more humorous would be a thread indentifying a "Klipsch Forum Mutant" which I have come to find is a very peculiar breed. This place houses its own special type of dementia, something that is quite hard to pin down but seemingly involves a strange mixture of SPECS respect along with a seemingly lost in time aspect with a healthy lack of awareness to anything happening in underground audio besides items of Klipsch nature, which in some ways, is further underground than the men trapped in the coal mine in central PA. On the other hand, there is a certain love and devotion to brand that is almost second to none. I know of no other make the brings this brand devotion along to quite this same level. It is truly an anomaly!


ps- Of course, the HORN worhsip "High Efficiency Speakers" clan is right there and in their own special place...Right, Tom? heh.... It is the most endearing bunch however... I think more unique personalities exist there then just about anywhere.

This message has been edited by mobile homeless on 08-30-2002 at 03:46 AM

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Every audiophile:

1. Secretly believes that his system is the best that can possibly be had for the money and will usually compare that system to ones costing 5 times more (never 4 times, never 6 times - no idea why).

2. Anyone who has spent more money on their system than the audiophile in question is a lunatic/mug/victim.

3. Anyone who has spent less than the audiophile in question is not a proper audiophile.

4. Can exercise his inalienable right to critize any piece of equipment he has not heard on the basis of something he has read even if that did not refer to the item in question.

5. Knows deep down which is actually the best playback medium for music and anyone who disagrees is obviously deluding themselves.

6. The word audiophile can never appear in the same sentence with the word. Bose.

7. Recognizes that music has nothing at all to do with the art of building a proper audiophile quality system. Such music as must be bought should be entirely made up or recordings suitable for either testing or for showing off the strengths of the aforementioned system. It is an added advantage if the music chosen is unlistenable too in the persuit of mere relaxation.

8. When an audiophile is actually forced to listen to a piece of music he is immediately able to focus on the merits of the playback system and therefore totally unable to hear the music itself.


My System: http://aca.gr/pop_maxg.htm

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About a year ago I was visiting family in Michigan (Flint). On the way back I was on Rt.23(S) doin' about 85mph. Then the next "wave" of traffic catches up from behind doin', say, 95-100mph. And these were big SUV's and Geo Metro's alike. When they passed (there was more than one wave) my rental car did that sideways sway the same as when a semi- passes you oncoming.

To think I was worried about getting a ticket doin' 10mph over the limit!


Tom's Money Pit

This message has been edited by tblasing on 08-30-2002 at 08:53 PM

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Every true audiophile has the right to exaggerate the differences (whether or not such differences actually exist) between brands of wire/cable, types of amplification, components, etc. by using such terms as "jaw-dropping," "spine-tingling," or "staggering"--and those are from just a few of today's posts.

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"6. The word audiophile can never appear in the same sentence with the word. Bose."

that one made me chuckle Smile.gif

teen audiophiles who live with thier parents have the right to disregard thier parents shouts of "YOUR SHAKING THE HOUSE TURN IT DOWN!!!"



I. Love. MUSIC!

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You know you've made a few very valid points here.

"1. Secretly believes that his system is the best that can possibly be had for the money and will usually compare that system to ones costing 5 times more (never 4 times, never 6 times - no idea why)."

And as true as it gets,many "world class" and "academy award winning" reviewers often hype inexpensive products and say "these $200 X speakers compare well to speakers costing $2000" and "I did not miss my $2000 speakers when listening to these $200 El Cheapos!"

Well BS and BS again,I have a few great inexpensive speakers(I own them dammit)like the Paradigm Atom,Klipsch SB2,Totem ROKK(well not so cheap)and I had the PSB Alpha.You know all the above are great for the price,yes they are awsome values.But to say they compare well with great $2000 speakers is bull $hit(excuse my tasty choice of words).

I say this because I also happen to own the Dynaudio Contour range,and the Contour 1.1 puts all the above to shame(minus the Totem ROKK)in transparency,freedom from colorations,bass performance and ability to take you to the performance like few.

And yes reviewers hype and hype and hype some products too much.At this point the average Joe thinks he has Dynaudio performance for less,and this is far from any truth.

HA HA I have Dynaudio cwm17.gif

Ok this was low,I have to brag a bit sometimes. Smile.gif

To the second...

". Anyone who has spent more money on their system than the audiophile in question is a lunatic/mug/victim."

No not a victim,just a poser with too much money.The world is filled with posers and wannabes.

". Anyone who has spent less than the audiophile in question is not a proper audiophile."

No just a persone with less money or less crazy them me the audiophile lunatic(yes I am an audio lunatic).

You can be an audiophile and spend much less then most audiophiles,great headphones start as little as $60US and get you great performance.

". Can exercise his inalienable right to critize any piece of equipment he has not heard on the basis of something he has read even if that did not refer to the item in question."

Here again I dont hype anything I have not heard.The trouble is is spend time almost each week and listen to audio.Most however do not and mostly read "reviews" done by more and less competent reviewers then they hear others gossip and spread the BS.THis is why all the anti Krell anti Sunfire talk.Simply peons with no audio experience,what can I do,expose the freaks.I saw reviews complaining about the lack of power provided by a FPB class amp! Go figue the reviewer must ge inventing his review or is driving a stove and hopes to hear music DOH

". Knows deep down which is actually the best playback medium for music and anyone who disagrees is obviously deluding themselves."

Again and again,not me.Its a matter of taste and what you value most.There is no such thing as a perfect speaker,perfect amp or perfect anything.Just better suited to your taste.

" The word audiophile can never appear in the same sentence with the word. Bose."

And this is true,B0$e is pure garbage and anyone who owns a B0$e hates music and all that music is.End of story.

Also I noted people with lesser brands often insecure about where they stand in the pecking order of audio will compare the brand they have to B0$e! LOL

You see a few in the Klipsch forums compared Klipsch

to B0$e!? Why,Klipsch are good speakers why compare to such junk,you will never EVER see any Dynaudio owners talk about B0$e.Why? Simple because we Dynaudio owners compare our BETTER speakers to B&W's best,Avalon and the likes,not B0$e(The legal White Van Co. of the audio world).You simply dont compare a pearl to a pile of stinking poop.


TheEAR has spoken Wink.gif

TheEAR(s) Now theears

This message has been edited by TheEAR on 09-01-2002 at 11:36 AM

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Honestly I did not have you in mind when writing my list - but an interesting read all the same.

Most of my comments were a bit tongue in cheek - I think we can all identify bits of ourselves in the points (and if not certainly in others).

One of the great things about belonging to an audiophile club (like the Audiophile club of Athens) is that you get to listen once a month to some really amazing systems, often put together with a totally different approach to your own.

I have to say that so far I have only attended a few meetings but to date it has been an enlightening experience. I have seen system that cost multiples of my own (upto 20 times in some cases) and can really understand the difference. Interestingly though, in many cases, they are systems I would not be able to live with, sonically as their owners have different priorities from mine.

For example I am a soundstage nut. I like the "wall of sound" effect, more so that the tunnel of sound that I have heard on other systems. For some people soundstage is an irrelevance and I watch as they happily sit listening to their system totally off axies and a country mile away from the sweet spot.

I suppose that the best thing is really that in many ways this is the best form of equipment demonstration I have yet come across. This is not some sales outlet with a poorly assembled system trying to sell you something. This is guys like you and me, struggling with very similar issues and presenting their "work in progress" towards solving the problems.

Of course there is also the flip side. Come October these same guys are all going to descend on my house to listen to what I have put together (gulp!!)

Still - should be interesting to hear their comments even though I know it will be a fairly mixed bag of conflicting advice. To date audiophiles that have come to my house have advised:

1. Change the speakers - the sound is too small.

2. Change the amps - SET is the way to go - keep the speakers.

3. Change the TT - everything else is perfectly fine.

4. Do various combinations of the above.

5. Do nothing - it is great the way it is.

I liked the last one but doubt I would be able to stick to the advice.

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An audiophile have the right to know, for sure, the ultimate meaning of terms like "accurated", "neutral" and such. If a physicist tell them that he honestly can't understand the meaning of such words in the audio context is his problem. Besides, who cares what a scientist think?

An audiophile have the right to believe the concepts that hi-end manufacturers create in order to sell equipment. Such refinements as "this amplifier/speaker/cable will give you the inner feeling, the warm and delicacy of real music" are to be taken as absolute truths. Any audiophile who questions this is NOT an audiophile. In fact there most be an undiscovered law among this. The price paid most be in exact relation to the believe strength. To bad Im not a mathematician to put it in numbers.

An audiophile will be able to hear, beyond any rational doubt, the smallest subtleties and tinny changes in sound quality. The smallest imperfection in any of his cables or line conditioners will have an audible impact of unknown proportions.

An audiophile have the right to believe that recording engineers are godlike creatures with absolute knowledge on how to make a perfect match of a true life audio event. To think otherwise is to put in danger the Entire Industry.

Me? I can't care less about this subjects. I don't care about what the recording engineer wanted, I don't believe in the hype the manufacturer/seller/buyer will make arround any kind of equipment.

Give me a signal and the tools to modify it at my will. That will make me happy.

This message has been edited by Manuel on 09-03-2002 at 09:40 AM

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Audiophiles reserve the right to purchase expensive, exotic speakers and amp and return them the following week, purchasing them only to have the experience and know what you are missing out on.

I did this today, got a $799 heapdhone tube amp from Tweeter onsale from $1499!!! open box deal i guess. Anyway, sounds great, but not $799 great for the HD-600's so it is going back tomorrow, but not until I listen to my Sarah Brightman DVD in DTS Smile.gif




promediatech@Klipsch.com /1-888-554-5665 - RA# 800-554-7724 ext 5s>

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You are so right, Justin.

We gotta know if were missing out on something.

To keep or not to keep,

THAT is the question.

For a single man, such as myself, it's seems increasingly difficult to return anything.

I find it easy justifying purchases I don't nessisarily need.

Especially, audio gear and knives.

Those are my two passions.


You should of heard just what I've seen.

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Justin belongs to the Rich and Famous club.If you want to enter you have to meet a few "Minimum specs".

First have a personal safe at a known bank,and when you walk in building the manager of the bank calls you "Sir".You dont stand in like with the rest of the flock.Well close LOL

Second you have at least achieved Answering Machine status on the Klipsch board!

And third,you have had a Amex Platinum at age 5!


I am close but failed my third trial! Frown.gif

Damn Justin! cwm23.gif


The sad part its sometimes very true,you buy a new and "improved" audio piece and find out its plain overrated and not worth the green.I found myself back at the store many times,now days I try before I buy unless I am 99.99% sure of my purchase.When I started I found myself returning most of the hyped gear the reviews labelled "BEST BUY" and "As good as gear three times it price".Yeah sure in general you get what you pay for(in general,not all the time).

The problem starts when subs,speakers and amps start at 100lbs apiece.My back hurts but my ears aprove.And that is all that counts.

TheEAR(s) Now theears

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