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Just started Instagram anyone else on it ?


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9 minutes ago, sunburnwilly said:

Yeah , this and a couple of other forums are my social media . But I will be able to post things there that I can't here . That and I'm bored .

I'm also loading up my first video to YouTube .

let us know ... i’ll watch it. 

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On 4/20/2020 at 7:49 PM, BigStewMan said:

Used to be when i was going to start a venture (was told that social media was important); but have since deleted my account and no longer interested in pursuing the venture. 


Are you sure it was deleted and not stored somewhere?


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51 minutes ago, Gilbert said:

No Instigram/TikyTok or X.....    but if anyone can verify that either of these will improve my ability to catch more fish, I will seriously consider joining.

BassNpalomaGram is where you need to be. A limit of fish in the morning, a limit of boyds (say it out loud when you read it) in da afternoon. 

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