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Just who are you calling "comrades?" As if anyone on this forum give two cents about you or your liberal phobia. I did'nt condem any other countries as you seem to think. Lynnm simply stated what I chose not too. Canada is more like Sweeden. So what if it is in some respects? What's so bad about Sweeden? Your one to talk about posting what you call "propoganda" on an audio forum. What you fail to realize is YOU have yet to post on any audio subject or offer ANY productive thoughts or help anyone! So before you go getting onto others about there non-audio related posts take a look in the mirror and you will see the only one injecting propoganda onto this board is YOU! Do you think you may just be able to refrain from attack others? Maybe that's too hard for you to do, I guess it makes you feel good to make fun of others. Classic way of hiding your own insecurity.

Have a nice evening!

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"Quite possibly and had that come to pass I have a strong suspicion who the Nazi would be!"

Ironic you infer me as A Facist when it IS YOU who are on the Left, and all of History's Great Facist Dictators Rose from the Left. Like Hitler who began as the Great Socialist. I bet you still drive your VW Beattle. LOL

I say again Adios Comrades, because you are Left and Blind. Long Live freedom from Statist Power and Death to those who Threaten it. May Mediocrity fall on those Who support the Machine against Individual Freedoms.

PS, Comparing Canada's Economy to the US is like comparing Ethel's Stop and Shop to Wal*Mart, Inc. LOL

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Please see my earlier post regarding the end of Canada's colonial status. There was, (because I had a brain fart ) a serious factual error which I corrected.

In that earlier version I had said that Canada ceased to be a colony of Great Britain in 1911 when in fact Canada gained independence in 1867. Certain vestiges of British Colonial authourity remained in force until 1911 however.

As Homer would say DOH!

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Your understanding of history and politics is so feeble as to be moronic. Under the rules of formal debate he who quits a debate has lost and I therefore declare you the winner.

I forgot one of my prime rules:

Never engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man !

PS. I would never infer that you are a fascist at heart. For the record you ARE a fascist and a buffoon.

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LynnM Said......."WTO statistics show that the Canadian economy has out performed the US economy for the past 2 years (not that the Canadian economy has been anything to write home about in that time either)."

LynnM- Please enlighten us with the specific details/facts about which portion of Canada's economy "out-performed" the US economy for the past 2 years.

This ought to be good. I/we anxiously await your SPECIFIC answers. I don't even think Canada can out produce Beer against the US and I love Canadian beer.

FACT: One of my US dollars in Detroit is worth $1.54CAN just over the border in Windsor, Ont.....Conversely, one Canadian dollar is worth about 66 cents in the US.

FACT: The Canadian one dollar coin is called the Loonie

Pop Quiz: What is the Canaian two dollar coin called???????????????????????????????????????

"Twonee", pronounced two-knee.........No joke.

Windsor, Ontario is turning into the Amersterdam of North America. TOTALLY NUDE DANCERS (This is a good thing btw), legalized prostitution (under the cover/label of "Escort services") gambling up the wazoo (just like Detroit)...the equivalent of additional taxes on the poor, and a bill that is being considered in Ontario/Canada to legalize marijuana use/possesion will push this city over the edge. Massive taxes GST/PST that total 15%!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on almost all purchases and that's after you pay your income tax there.

Great Beer and Gentleman's clubs though......Oh I almost forgot you can buy Cuban cigars in Windsor Ontario (illegal in the US to posess or import) and they will also sell you the wrappers saying they are domincans so they are easy to smuggle over the border.

After noting all the differences I love Canada......not to live there, but just a convenient place for dining, and entertainment and also a great place to buy Klipsch with the US dollar due to the exchange rate.

Outperformed the US economy!!!???? Right (sarcasm).

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I don't have the specifics on hand at the moment but the information can be looked up if you are that anxious to know.

In any event the measures used are relative - in other words they measure performance and not the size of the economy. The U.S. economy is obviously much larger than the Canadian but the Canadian economy has been relatively more stable and our debt performance better than the US.

The value of the US dollar while theoretically tied to the performance of the economy has been inflated by the frenetic trading in the currency markets. The fact that the U.S. dollar is overvalued actually is an advantage to the Canadian economy making our exports to your country less expensive and conversely putting US goods and services at a disadvantage. In addition since the US dollar is inflated in relation to all other currencies there exists extra incentive for American jobs being sent offshore. Therefore your high dollar bragging rights carry a cost.

Your comments about Windsor being the new Amsterdam would carry some weight had Detroit been the bastion of wholesome family fun that you seem to think it is but the reality is that Detroit has had a long history of being no better and no worse than any large city. Therefore all of the sinful decadence you smear Windsor with had been available in Detroit long before Windsor opened a casino.

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That must have been a pretty old Atlas 9.gif

Not joking here - when did the Louisiana Purchase occur ? I don't doubt that there are old maps that show "New France" as extending down to the Gulf of Mexico.

There is some truth to your comment about most Canadians living in the southernmost part of Canada. I don't have the figures right in front of me but something like 70 % of Canada's population lives within 200 miles of the border.

For the most part the folks of French Canadian descent haven't gone anywhere.

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It is true that some countries are gathered at their borders. To see what this war is about, and where the technologically advanced populations are located, one only has to view a nightime view of the earth.


From this view, one can see where the western style, high energy populations are gathered. Africa, including the countries which rim the southern side of the Mediterranean, is surprisingly dark. Australia is trimmed with population that lives next to the ocean. India is surprisingly well developed. Japan is completely lit up.


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Neither Liberals nor religious fanatical terrorists use reason. Both are consistently at a loss for facts and logic to support their beliefs.

The difference is in who guides their thoughts. For the radical terrorists it is their God. For the radical Liberals it is their Party & the hope for an ideal State. That is their God, and it comes before country and all else.

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A Man-Made Famine raged through Ukraine, the ethnic-Ukrainian region of northern Caucasus, and the lower Volga River region in 1932-33. This resulted in the death of between 7 to 10 million people, mainly Ukrainians. This was instigated by Soviet leader Joseph Stalin and his henchman Lazar Kaganovich. The main goal of this artificial famine was to break the spirit of the Ukrainian farmer/peasant and to force them into collectivization. The famine was also used as an effective tool to break the renaissance of Ukrainian culture that was occuring under approval of the communist government in Ukraine. Moscow perceived this as a threat to a Russo-Centric Soviet rule and therefore acted to crush this cultural renaissance in a most brutal manner.

In 1932, the Soviets increased the grain procurement quota for Ukraine by 44%. They were aware that this extraordinarly high quota would result in a grain shortage, therefore resulting in the inability of the Ukrainian peasant to feed themselves. Soviet law was quite clear in that no grain could be given to feed the peasants until the quota was met. Communist party officials with the aid of military trrops and NKVD secret police units were used to move against peasants who may be hiding grain from the Soviet government. Even worse, an internal passport system was implemented to restrict movements of Ukrainian peasants so that they could not travel in search of food. Ukrainian grain was collected and stored in grain elevators that were guarded by military units & NKVD secret police units while Ukrainians were starving in the immediate area. The actions of this Moscow instigated action was a deliberate act of genocide against the Ukrainian peasant.


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"Prod, Have you come across a religious fanatic before? One that tried to convert you into either accepting Jesus into your heart or else you'll go to hell? Combine that with a serial murderer who is more than willing to send you to hell, and you have a religious fanatic terrorist.

It's about idealogy. They think by revelation, not by reason. Everthing happens because of God and God tells them what to do. You might imagine the problems in our real world there. But then again, you think similar. By idealogy. Tends to defy common sense and reason. Or maybe you simply haven't released any facts, logic, or reason on us yet. LOL Talk to Kain. He'll give you some insight, though he's only a moderate muslim i believe.

And, our very existence and freedoms are not only a threat to their society, but a call from god for our extermination. Bases in Saudi and the phlight of the Palestinians are simply cover and excuses. Arafat denounces Al Qaeda and wants nothing to do with them.

And it's not predominately that the radical muslims are jealous of America. They hate small democratic countries just the same. They fear that our very existence and ways of life are a temptation. Democracy is a threat to a totalitarian state and to religious fundamentalism.

How many Islamic democracies can you name? Radical or Fundamentalist Islam is not open to freedom of religion. No state run by religion is open to democracy. How do you force feed religion on the citizens if they have freedom of religion? LOL

So can you imagine how much a threat a democracy, with all its freedoms, is to an islamic fundamentalist totalitarian society? And how much a threat America is with it successes and offerings of freedoms such as freedom of religion?

OBL has, or had, one main objective. The destruction of the U.S., as with what happened to the Soviet Union. He thinks he caused that, but he's wrong. The success of democracy and the failure of totalitarianism is what caused the breakup of the Soviet Union.

So that's why I ask you and yours how it feels to be a tool of terrorists. Because that's exactly what you are whether you are willing or not. Al Qaeda is counting on you to divide the country,

allow it to become weak and vulnerable, and bring about its downfall. Democracy has the seeds of its own destruction and if you look in a mirror you'll see it.

Look at yourself. Without any word against terrorism, which is PREMEDITATED WITH INTENT MURDER of innocent women and children, you instead blame America and justify terrorism. You need to wake up and realize the Liberal politicians that are brainwashing you don't care about the country as much as they do politics and opposing anything proactive this GOP administration tries to do.

Slick Clinton played games for 8 years and let this Al Qaeda threat magnify. This is serious business now. Not time for politics and playing 60s liberal war protestor, no matter how romantic it seems to you.

If we don't cut off these nuclear, biological, chemical means of mass destruction from their sources in a proactive manner, it's only a matter of time until thousands or millions more of us are killed in short order. That's why those that have the information, intelligence and vision are making the decisions, and naive fools like you and yours are practicing being devil's advocate on audio bulletin boards. I don't intend that as an insult, but a clear and present fact.

So how does it feel to be on the side of terrorists? Whether you're conscious of your terrorist collaboration or not, it's still a fact that you support their objectives. But you are too naive to know that these objectives lead to their ultimate mission of the destruction of you, me and our country. And the only thing that will stop them is the destruction of Al Qaeda and any other conspiracy like them."


live long & prosper

Cyber......OUTSTANDING post!

Take care all...


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