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House was robbed today


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On 6/26/2003 2:19:36 PM talktoKeith wrote:

To maintain a civilized society we all are required to obey laws. Without self discipline and obedience to the law we have havoc. It is our duty to uphold the law when necessary. Keep this in mind next time around Tony.



Would you explain what you are talking about here? I fail to understand your point as I did not break the law in the situations that I described above. I was attacked without provocation and exercise my RIGHT to lawful self-defense.

Please clarify your statement talktoKeith.

Tony B.


An armed society is a polite society.

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My house was robbed a little over a year ago, they took about 200 cds, over 100 dvds. The biggest shock was, they took my SVS 20-39 out of my second floor, took it all the way out to their car, and couldnt get it in. Yup, they had to leave it in the driveway. The strangest part was , I had received the sub *THAT DAY*. I had gone home at lunch (I lived really close) and hauled it upstairs, set it up, played with it for an hour...then went back to work. Got home at 5, and it was in the driveway. They passed on all my klipsch (3 heresys, 2 sp1s, 2 kg2s, sc-1, 2 ss-1s..) passed on the Marantz 8200 receiver, but took its remote (299$ yow!). Insurance ended up paying for all of it, even though they tried their hardest to screw me :)

Being robbed sucks, it made me fairly paranoid for a few months about my gear, thinking they might come back for it.


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I'm really glad everyone is safe and little was taken. Thank God he ran rather than taking your wife hostage, or worse.

Tony and others,

You seem to have done the right thing at the right time. I REALLY liked the "run to the Cops" part! Firearms are a valuable tool and should be used and protected like one. They have a proper use just like a chainsaw. Chainsaws are useful and equally dangerous when misused. I despise a Glock's trigger. 9.gif


Funny, I was thinking of other persons of color, not blacks. Do you live in the South? Don't be so touchy. Race means little, or nothing, until you cross the line of society's acceptable behaviour. Then, it becomes another identifying feature. I would have never guessed you were black; 16, but not black. If you can learn not to take offense, you will not be offended until it is directed at you personally.

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On 6/26/2003 1:43:47 AM Tony Boone wrote:


On 6/26/2003 1:10:12 AM prodj101 wrote:

ok, I really have to try hard now to not think of you as a racist. this is obvious by the fact you pointed out they were "african american" every chance you had, and the fact that it's more than likely you wouldn't have mentioned race if it were any other. you may as well just come out and replace those words with n!gger. you know you want to. and just so you know, I am an 'african american' and I have worked hard for my gear, and I never get caught up beatin on 'white boys', and my dad is too and I am willing to put everything I own on the fact that he is far more succesful than you are, or will ever hope to be. so, with that in mind, I suggest you put your ignorant preconceived ideas of any black person you ever meet behind you, or you aren't going to get far. it still amazes me that people act this way towards an entire race and expect to be treated well.


You read anything more into what I wrote at your own peril. No I didn't want or care to use the term '******' as it takes no effort to use such base words. I don't like to generalize as such. Judge if you must. I've learned not to judge until I can get that beam out of my eye.

I'd like to say that I respect anyone that makes their own way, doesn't play the victim and contributes to bettering our world. Regardless of race and all of the other characteristics that small minded people would use as an excuse for hate.

I'll admit that I do not care to be around blacks and when possible avoid circumstances that would put me in their company. I'm just a little shelled shocked from the injuries I've received from more than a couple of them in my lifetime. Does that make me a racist or am I just exercising what I beleive to be cautious and appropriate judgement that I believe is in *MY* best interest? As a free man I can choose to associate and choose not to associate with whom I will. Hate is not part of that decision process, self preservation is.

The point of my last post was to illustrate the fact that the mere possession and lawful use of a firearm does not always equate to someone getting injured or killed. Especially when that firearm is used by someone with reasonable judgement and one who is not criminally minded.

In peace,

Tony B.


Well to make this short,

I can see prodj's point of view here.


There were certain comments you made in your story with specific reference to African American's which I did'nt think was necessary. Having said that I don't think you are a racist but perhaps if you were to word it in a different manner it would not be taken out of context by some individuals.

Thank You.

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Ever hear of the phrase...."water off a duck". GET DUCKY!..Let it slide.

Speaking of guns in the house...My parents house has been broken into at least 3 times over the years...What did they steal...Guns and Money.

One of the times, they found the door between the kitchen and garage open and the garage windows were shot to snit. The guy had evidently sat at the kitchen table, drank a coke and tried out the goods. If anyone had walked up to the front door during this stoner's little demo, they would have been shot.

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Sorry to hear about the break-in. Had it happen to me once(e-3 in the Navy, no money for insurance)and I still get pissed when I think about it. The best thing is everyone is safe and posessions can be replaced. Been in my current home almost 10 years without any trouble, knock wood or my dobie or rotti's head. Hmmm, maybe thats why?

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On 6/26/2003 6:30:39 PM John Albright wrote:

Firearms are a valuable tool and should be used and protected like one. They have a proper use just like a chainsaw. Chainsaws are useful and equally dangerous when misused.


Agreed. Cutting down trees with a gun is more fun than hunting with a chainsaw. Trust me.


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On 6/26/2003 7:08:36 PM cluless wrote:

One of the times, they found the door between the kitchen and garage open and the garage windows were shot to snit. The guy had evidently sat at the kitchen table, drank a coke and tried out the goods. If anyone had walked up to the front door during this stoner's little demo, they would have been shot.


That's why you keep your guns locked up when you're not around.

Storing ammo in a different area from your guns is also a good idea.

Peace, Josh

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"Would you explain what you are talking about here? I fail to understand your point as I did not break the law in the situations that I described above. I was attacked without provocation and exercise my RIGHT to lawful self-defense."

You did the right thing,gangs who attack people for no good reason better then proving how heroic and tough they are by attacking often unarmed people should be treated like garbage.

The law in Canada and the USA is way too soft on criminals,these scumbags have even TV and sometimes the internet in...prison!In my country the killer and thug would eat peanut butter toasts each F%$&'n day and get only water to drink.If any thug would start a riot I would use attack choppers and tanks to decimate the low lifes with maximum brutality.

I smile when I see the riots in american prisons,try a riot in China or former USSR prison...you will be crushed like a vulgar insect.With reason

Its time the law works for the honnest common hard working man and woman,the people who build the country and who are the future.And against the criminal rats in general.

I did live for a while in parts of the city where cops would send the SWAT because they were afraid to get shot.And if I see thugs coming my way and they are agressive I will blast the bastards like dogs.I have no pitty for thugs,they should be erased using abusive force.


Criminals no matter what color are scumbags in my view.One criminal= one bullet

Peace can go down the drain when it serves garbage

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Only the truth

One criminal = One bullet

The canadian justice is so soft with criminals it is almost promoting crime!

Any softie judge should be sentenced for life.Any system promoting reintegration of hard core criminals should be terminated and its supporters send to hang by their necks on a tight rope.

And trust me I believe in all I say.

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Geez...all this debate...I guess I live by the law of reciprocity...the world gives you back what you bring to it. Earlier today I posted that I thought the scumbag who robbed us would be scared to see my big self comin at him pissed. Truth be told, after some thought and cooling off today, I realized that's not really who I am.

We won't be getting any guns or attack dogs, we will be using the solid doors and locks we have, and we will set the alarm system everytime we leave, and every night when we go to bed. We'll also continue to try to be good to all others, and extend care and understanding to everyone, even those who do us wrong, they surely have as many problems as we have blessings. Yes, my wife was fortunate, but probably because she has spent a lifetime making everyone around her more fortunate than when she found them. Naive? maybe to some. Kharma? Think about it. A reason for everything, everything for a reason.

I will say this, the people on this board are some of the coolest, most caring human beings I have come across in some time. Warm, concerned, caring, generous, diverse, funny, look at all the gifts I received from you today, what could I be pissed and angry about?....thanks all. Goodnight.

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In case it was overlooked I have a degree in nursing and am a registered nurse although I no longer practice. Graduated in 1981 and practiced until 1994. After some time I realized it wasn't for me. I'm the sort that needs to work for himself.

That said I didn't go into nursing because I hate people or am on the lookout for trouble. Just the opposite. Really bothers me to see people suffering especially those one might consider an 'underdog'. Suffering because of circumstances beyond their control.

As I said earlier I don't drink, smoke, bar hop or put myself in situations where my well-being and safety would be compromised. It's just not a prudent thing to do and poor judgement to boot.

If I come across a situation where my nursing skills might assist some injured soul then I'll do what I can. On the other hand, I'm not going to allow some low-life to cause me or my family injury for whatever reason such an individual would use as an excuse for such behavior.

For and foremost I don't go to places where it's not prudent to go. If I find myself in a potentially unsafe situation then I immediately take action to remove myself from that place. If attacked I try to flee. If I can't flee then I do what it takes to protect myself much to the shock of the assailant.

I do not possess the energy to become involved in meaningless confrontations and to old to get caught up in physical altercations. I avoid both at all costs. I listen to that voice we sometimes hear in our mind telling us that we should do this or that. Some call it intuition, I like to think it's God directing my footsteps.

Keeping a low profile, minding my own business, staying out of other's issues goes a long way in facilitating a peaceful, uncomplicated life.

Best wishes to all,

Tony B.

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On 6/26/2003 12:14:11 PM avman wrote:

there are very bad people in this world, the 'law' or common morality will NOT protect you from, and if you haven't 'been around', you need to know.



Very well said, avman.

I too refuse to be one of the 'rabbit people', who, when confronted with an armed intruder in their own home, will have only "Please don't hurt/maim/kill me or my family" as a defense mechanism.

No Sir. Not in my house, or any where else for that matter.

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On 6/26/2003 2:19:36 PM talktoKeith wrote:

To maintain a civilized society we all are required to obey laws. Without self discipline and obedience to the law we have havoc. It is our duty to uphold the law when necessary. Keep this in mind next time around Tony.



Would you explain what you are talking about here? I fail to understand your point as I did not break the law in the situations that I described above. I was attacked without provocation and exercise my RIGHT to lawful self-defense.

Please clarify your statement talktoKeith.

Tony B.


An armed society is a polite society.

I meant you should have held your breath and squeezed gently on the trigger. Also, I believe your Civil Rights were violated. You should have consulted an attorney.


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EAR...Where is all this anger coming from? Its all over the world. Has MAN advanced to this stage? For what? Im shure we can find a safer way to live. But for now sleep with one eye open. One more thing... You can observe across an eating table. when a person eats. As he raises his hand to put food in his mouth. His eyes instincly will look up. This instinct is to keep some one else from grabbing his food. We now have advanced to not only protecting our food , to our homes, to our towns to our country. But we still keep hacking at each other......Where is all the anger coming from?

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