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Another Klipsch fan joins in!...


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Hey all,

I've been checking out this forum for a few months now and decided to finally register so I can join the fun! From what I've seen/read here there are some great folks that really know their stuff. I will be needing some advice for future upgrades to a couple of systems I have but first let me intro myself and my experience with Klipsch.

History (brief, but not so brief):

I first went shopping for a "real" pair of speakers back in about 1986. After reading all of the "Stereo Review" copies I could get my hands on as a recent high school grad with a few bucks to spend, I headed out to the local Stereo Shoppe with what I thought was enough speaker knowledge and an ear for what I wanted.

As I entered the showroom I was overwhelmed with all of the different brands, sizes, colors and price tags. The one thing that struck me was a couple of K-horns nicely tucked in the corners of the high-end sound room. I could hear that there was music coming out of them and asked the sales guy what they were and what were they hooked up to. He laughed and explained that they were hooked up to the Sony walkman sitting on the table in-between the two speakers.

What? why would you do this I asked,and he xplained that as a goof to kill some time they hooked up the walkman just to see what it would sound like. He then of course went into the high sensitivity issue, and how Klipsch was known as being some of the most efficient speakers on the market. That was it, I knew I had to learn more about this line of speakers and try and fit a pair into my budget somehow.

Well, later that week I went in a put down the cash for a set of Klipsch speakers. As a recent high school grad the reality of owning a set of K-horns was a bit out of reach (not to mention that I did not have a room to accomodate the "corner placement") so, I bought a set of Kg4's and a Denon DRA-555 receiver to power my new investment.

When I purchased the Kg4's, the Shoppe that I got them from had a neat promotion going on. If you purchased a set of Klipsch speakers you could use them for one full year and bring them back and trade them up for a more expensive set for full credit. Wow! what a deal, I could have an intro set of Klipsch and trade-up in a year once I've saved more money?

As the one-year mark was fast approaching I was trying to make a decision on what to trade the Kg4's in for. To make a long story short, I ended up buying a set of Cornwall II's and kept the Kg4's 'cause I just couldn't give them up!

So here I am today almost 20 years later and I still have the Cornwall's and the Kg4's and they both sound as good as the day I bought them with many many hours of music passing through them. And now I've discovered another thing about Klipsch that I wish I had many years ago--a forum of like minded people to share the passion of owning Klipsch speakers and all of the memories they have given us.

So, once again I'm fortunate to have found this meeting place and will seek advice from those in the know.

Thanks for reading


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Big Blue 2

Welcome. I enjoyed your story. I'm a Klipsch (10 speakers) owner and real soon, will have a set of 1986 CW IIs. Can't wait to hook them up to my vintage Fisher 504 SS Receiver.

If they don't sound great, have the option of using The Fisher KX-200 Integrated Tube Amp and KM-60 Tube Tuner for everyday jazz radio listening.

Best of Luck!


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Welcome Big Blue. I hope you know what you're getting into. I've been here less than a year and looked what's happened to me!

Always nice to welcome another cornwall owner.1.gif I have a similiar story but won't bore anyone with it. I've probably told it 10 times since joining the forum.6.gif

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Guest Anonymous

Welcom BigBlue 2

I relate alot with your story, but Ilost my Klipsch heresy's and corn's in 86 after over 10 years of loving them to a Wicked Ex B*** friend who locked me out of my apartment and all my worldly posessions. I strayed with other brands until very recently as you can see from my date onthe forum, and have aquired the KLIPSCH bug happily 1 more time11.gif in my life. I want you toknow the guys on this forum are in my humble opinion the BOMB, knowledgable, helpful, sincere(yeah right)2.gif CHEAP, and friendly(most)3.gif

Keep comin back and welcome


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Welcome to the Klipsch forum Big Blue2!

Your story is very similar to my own. A friend owned K-horns that sounded magnificent. When I went into a store that carried Klipsch, I listened to many brands, but the Klipsch sound won quite easily. I have never regretted buying Klipsch.

I do not understand why Klipsch doesn't put K-horns in showrooms on consignment. (Consignment means that the dealer would not have to pay for the K-horns until they were sold.) It would not matter whether the K-horns were a big seller or not. The K-horns would sell the rest of the line. Properly set up K-horns would forever put to rest the myth that Klpisch speakers are always too bright.


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Welcome BIG BLUE2...yet another Klipschoholic to add to our ranks!

Love your story...

It is amazing how a lowly Walkman can sufficiently drive the mighty Klipschorns...reminds me of my kid brother's el cheapo RadioShack Realistic SA-150 mini integrated amp that was made back in the early '80s. If I recall, this transistorized amp was only about 1.5 watts per channel...as a goof (while our parents were out shopping), he hooked up the tiny amp to our dad's '79 Cornwalls and played one of his U2 tapes on our dad's Nakamichi 680ZX cassette deck. Damn if that music didn't sound half bad, even at high levels! He never got caught, having unhooked the lil' amp and reconnected our dad's 115 WPC Technics integrated amp just before they arrived back home; to this day our dad still doesn't know about that!16.gif

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