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Frank Speaker

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On 9/9/2004 9:16:40 AM bclarke421 wrote:


On 9/8/2004 4:26:52 PM xcjago wrote:

Perhaps it was removed because of the pornographic images that were posted. Unless, small pictures of hundreds of asshol*s is not considered pornographic.

Pornography, by definition, is designed to arouse sexually. If you considered that shot porn, you've got some real issues.


It's not your typical pornography, and no, I'm not aroused by it. If it does not arouse you sexually that does not mean it's not porn. In fact, I bet there are some people out there who would be aroused by it.

If we go by your rules, then how about I post a giant picture of someone's asshol* and write John Kerry on top? Hey it's just a political statement right? No thanks, I'm smarter than that.

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On 9/9/2004 3:13:38 PM xcjago wrote:

If it does not arouse you sexually that does not mean it's not porn.

No, that's exactly what it means, as its intent was not to arouse, merely to offend those who have no concern for what is offensive to me and others on this forum.

If we go by your rules, then how about I post a giant picture of someone's asshol* and write John Kerry on top? Hey it's just a political statement right? No thanks, I'm smarter than that.

Good point. It was just my attempt at sinking to level of the flag-waving fascists among us. In that, I think I succeeded. BTW, they're not my rules. My participation in that thread began with my strong objection to any political content on this forum. It leads to hard feelings among otherwise amiable folks (myself included). When my objections were dismissed, I opted to express my side of the issue.


On a funny note, I came across that fine piece of art merely by searching the term "a$$hole" on Google images search. Surprising, even to me, how pics of GWB came up.

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It really shown the "decency" level of the liberals!


lib·er·al - Pronunciation Key (lbr-l, lbrl)


Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, dogmas or moral judgement as long as it satisfies one's personal agenda.

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Well, now that I have abandoned the subtle approach, the weird approach, and the demented approach.....

I'm going to have to resort to the obnoxious, hormone crazed 40 something female aproach and tell you all to



Shut The Fluck Up!

Neo - Go to your room and take your dictionary with you- You have now been elevated to the title of

"Klipsch Forum Master Baiter"

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Missed all the political threads, thank goodness, however...

Do not, I repeat, DO NOT pee on the electric fence!!!

Regardless of what The Discovery Channel has to say about it, I know from personal experience that a 10 yr old standing 2 feet away from a fence, peeing on it, not realizing that it's an electric fence, Can and WILL complete the circuit to ground through his pee pee and scream and shout and cry like a little school girl!6.gif14.gif6.gif

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I don't want to argue the political side anymore, but do you really think that a picture of someone's asshol* is not pornography? Haven't you ever heard of anal sex? The are lots of people who are into it and get aroused by it. Also, I guarantee you that all of those little pictures were taken from genuine porno sites.

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On 9/9/2004 7:08:10 PM cluless wrote:

Well, now that I have abandoned the subtle approach, the weird approach, and the demented approach.....

I'm going to have to resort to the obnoxious, hormone crazed 40 something female aproach and tell you all to



Shut The Fluck Up!


I nominate Clu for the title of "Smartest Person Here." While some others have shown some brains, she's the only one that's stepped up with any sense.

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On 9/11/2004 3:39:56 PM boomac wrote:

Let's cool the name callin' and personal attacks. You know that's why threads get eliminated.


boomac is 100% correct. It's the name calling that our moderators don't like.4.gif

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