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Why do 99.9% of women....


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ROFL, nice one Michael.

I think the reason is because women in general are more social in nature, which causes at least two differences: They would never enjoy sitting down to conduct dedicated listening because they would much rather be partaking in some form of social event. Secondly, women in general aren't as critically minded, which means they can still enjoy the music/movie without it having to sound perfect (women are far more forgiving with flaws than men are). Btw, that's not to imply that women can't be critically minded...just that they can choose not to be unlike us men who have to critizize everything. Ever notice how women always strive to keep relationships on good notes? They naturally try to focus in on the good things and so they naturally won't start focusing on the bad aspects of something. I've actually mixed concerts for a huge number of womens retreats and I must say it gets sickening at times not hearing a single negative comment the entire weekend. Women are ALWAYS trying to be positive about everything...so even if they think it sounds bad, they by nature discuss the positives (and keep the negatives inside). Women are also a lot more picky about appearances, which also has its social roots and that is why they prefer the smaller unobtrusive speakers over the big large "ugly" ones.

I also think there is a certain aspect that it's a "man's hobby" and women can easily feel out of place. It's just like the whole car hobby, not many women partake (though their numbers are increasing).

Btw, this isn't so much my opinion as what my girlfriend has told me...though Kait is a bit different than other females in that she doesn't mind any of the large stuff.

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hahaha, I hear ya. My GF rants about the size of my 7's... says they interfere with the placement of some stupid hutch. I won't let her put any dumb plants on 'em either, so that doesn't help matters.

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Women are generally not passionate about "things". They are passionate about relationships. Unless a woman is truly passionate about music ON AN EMOTIONAL LEVEL (and women do not need optimum sound reproduction to evoke an emotional response - their hearts and minds can fill in the sonic "blanks"), then its likely that she won't give a rip about having an awesome stereo system.

However, if a woman truly loves you, and she see's that you're passionate about something (like audio), she will sometimes make an effort to be interested in it as well, because she knows its important to you. She will do this for the sake of the relationship with you.

So, the key is to try to include her in your passion. To many men make the mistake of setting up their system in the "man-cave", and don't make their significant other feel a part of their passion.

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I don't know either, but I'm not so sure the percentage is quite that high. Maybe 99.7%. 2.gif

Now in my case, I married a woman whose grandfather had worked as a professional musician, and she plays piano and sings. She was a Bose owner, and when I brought the Fortes home her reaction was "My God those are huge, but if you like them I'll put up with them." Now she's taken over my Fortes, and my Chorus IIs are "the nicest speakers I've ever heard." Don't give up hope. 1.gif

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LOL, I have a GREAT woman!! She lets me do ALMOST anything I want in the house, I have spent hours setting up the HT system tricking it out to sound great. I then ask her to come in and listen. I hear the full impact of 6.1 suround sound through a extended Hearatage speaker setup with every little squeak of fingers on strings, sizzle of the hihat, chest thumping bass and she says "well, it is louder" 3.gif3.gif3.gif

Size has never been much of an issue with her, LARGE or small2.gif

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If it were up to my cohabitant GF we wouldn't even have a TV. She would rather have a room were people just just sat and talked.

There is a book I read that I found enlightening. I think the title of it was "You just don't understand!" by Dr. Tannen. It has to do with how women want conversation that is in a report ("repor") vein and men want conversation in more of a report, as in facts and figures. Women want to talk about the pretty color of the sports car that just went by and men want to talk about its 0-60 times or the tourque and horsepower it can produce.

Four years ago I loaned the book to a very pretty gal-pal of mine who was having trouble with her BF. I never got it back....

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It's simply amazing to me just how different men and women really are. Two entirely different animals. You know, if it weren't for intercourse, I wonder if men and women would even be together. Oh well, enuf'o dat...back to who's got the baddest stereo.

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Funny stuff being said here...lol.

My wife really likes to "Bop" to the music while in the house or the car but takes no interest in how a system is put together.

The only other thing is the system must not be messy looking with mismatched colored components and cables everywhere.

I can live with that!3.gif

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Very well said. Great post. Sure rings true with my experience and observation.

I've come to understand women so well, for example, that when my wife is complaining about something (other than me) I can ask, "Honey, is this one of those times you want me to just listen and make NO suggestions as how to help?" She says, "Yes, just listen, no suggestions, please."

Am I a smooth communicator or what?!9.gif

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Guest Anonymous

My wife has always loved to dance and feel the beat of good music. She has been spoiled because I have had my pair of Heresy speakers longer than our 20+ year marriage.

However, HT is a different story to her. Just to piss me off, no matter what changes or upgades I have made to our HT over the years, she says it still sounds like it comes from the TV. She even denies my three boys when they tell her, "mom your crazy, it sounds awsome."

The moral of the story, fathers, train your daughters so our sons have an easier time of it.

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On 7/15/2005 12:48:47 PM DeanG wrote:

I don't know -- I say 99.9% care a great deal. Watch what happens when you try to drag a set of Klipschorns through the front door.


Wow! That may be something I want to try... If she doesn't respond favorably, my excuse would be "Sorry Honey, I thought you were one in a million (or one in a thousand for this example)11.gif

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