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Why do 99.9% of women....


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My wife didn't even comment on the last amp roll. She no longer comments on the packages of records, either. Or tubes...

She hates the Klipschorns, though she does admit they sound phenomenal, especially with the better amps I've had lately.

As far as the shoes go, cheap shoes and cheap suits are complete wastes of money, IMO.

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I agree that is probably more of a priority thing. Some do care, it just isn't high on their must have list. My wife "tolerated my Heresys" when we first got married, but was soon tired of the amout of space they took up. (can you imagine if I had kept my LaScalas?) When she finally decided they had to go, I moved them to my "cave" and she replaced them with a cute pair of Best Buy specials. it took all of two days before I was instructed to bring the Heresys back! She described the new speakers as being "Like listening to an old walkman cassette player without headphones" when compared to the Heresys!

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Don't complain. Just think if your wife or gf cared as much as you did about gear. Just imagine the arguments. For example, could any two members of this forum even be room-mates without killing each other over issues ranging from speaker wire to PP vs SET vs SS? Just be glad that they are too sensible to care about much beyond the music and give us total control over all of the "trivia".

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This is an old, old subject.

Back in about 1969-71 either "Stereo Review", "Audio" or one of the other major audio magazines of that era had a 2 or 3 page article on the subject. There was even a piece of the article provided to have your significant other read, so they would know what they were getting themselves into. My future wife (now X) read and accepted that "deal". It ended on other "issues".

If any of you have old issues of these magazines, of that period, look it up and post it. It was a pretty funny article.


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On 7/16/2005 11:17:27 AM texxas guy wrote:

I think my wife only knows three words:



Ha! Sounds all too familiar. My wife couldn't understand why I wanted to get my Reference Series speakers. "What's wrong with the ones you have?" she kept saying. So finally I went to Ultimate Electronics with her and did an A/B comparision with my current speakers and the RF-25s. "Holy crap!" was all she said. She finally got it!

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Maybe because we keep reinforcing the stereotype.

My partner loves 2 channel gear as much as I do. She hasn't blinked yet at the cost (or constant switching) of any of my gear because she enjoys the end result. She DOES think spending sp much time on the internet is foolish.

Hell, I guess we just want to tear down all the walls - I pick out the furniture and, although she does have more shoes than me, mine cost WAY more.

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On 7/16/2005 8:17:37 PM Parrot wrote:

These women seem to be in to headphones.


Strange. I never realized that women in headphones could be a turn-on.

But it is.

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On 7/15/2005 4:37:41 PM DrWho wrote:


On 7/15/2005 4:29:11 PM tkdamerica wrote:

My other guess is that 99.9% of women haven't HEARD a nice audio system. Put the question the other way around--What would happen if you replaced your system with Bose? I bet those stats would change!


I don't think it'd be worth taking the risk...


My money is on Klipsch--I agree with the majority of the posters that the "99.9%" # is skewed, at least on THIS board. Take the risk Doc 2.gif

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I already had my zebrawood corns when I met my wife in college. She knew the deal.

When we bought our current house in '94, she gave me a $5k budget to replace them because she claimed she couldn't decorate around them. We went to a hi-end shop and listened to every set of speakers they sold, some in excess of $10K. After hearing their top-of-the-line B&Ws, she just turned to me and said, "I guess we're keeping the Klipsch. These sound like crap in comparison." That's my girl.9.gif

That said, she still sees no reason for three systems, a zillion LPs and all the time wasted on the forum. But if it makes me happy........

Like Ben said, she completely ignores the LPs and other stuff that come in the mail. I used to sneak stuff in but she was on to me the whole time. She told me to stop waiting for her to get in the shower to unload my car. Did I feel stupid or what?15.gif She just told me not to try and explain why it's better then the last one I had (whatever it may be).

I must say, she loves that sweetspot! 3.gif

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Hmmm ... are we really that predictable! : ) I guess 99% of the world is not interested in "a nice audio system". Yes I agree of the 1% that is that 99.9% are men.

Well it's "boys and their toys", isn't it? We have other things to do like run a home : ) or taking on responsibilities in the world. I love my Heresies but for hearing music with not the speakers in themselves, if that makes sense. I do like their old-fashion style though. : )


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