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BluRay and HD-DVD


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I voted Blue Ray. It seems to have significantly more industry support than HD DVD. Personally, I can't afford to pick the losing format (unless uni players appear), so I plan to let you high-rolling, bleeding-edge early adopters sort this mess out.

Call me when the war is over. I'll be in my music room listening to my huge seven-disc DVD-Audio colection.[:$]

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HD-DVD. Why?

According to Tech sites and the like, many people within Hollywood are becoming increasingly frustrated with Sony and their failure to deliver a decent product.

So far HD-DVD has a working model, that is a console that can play HD discs as well as cd's and DVD's and is quite affordable for being "next gen".

Blue-Ray on the other hand so far is in crisis. One of the latest beta models cost several grand, and as well was unable to play even a music cd. As well, remember ther PSP? Ya, that small portable player that plays games, movies, music, interent etc.. well Sony promised that it could beat out iPod and other portable players due to brand recognition, and that they should release movies on its propriety disc, a UMD as well as DVD. As of last month, major studios have discontinued support for the UMD format in response to dismal sales.

Sony has a long history of making huge claims and over hyping the actual performance and value of their goods. I for one will not buy any player for atleast a year.


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According to Tech sites and the like, many

people within Hollywood are becoming increasingly frustrated with Sony

and their failure to deliver a decent product.

With their DRM goofs... many consumers are also becoming

frustrated with them. I think inexpensive multiplayers will be

the savior for both formats.

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And if Blue-Ray is the way to go, why not just purchase the PS3, if it can truely play Blue-Ray discs, at 600-750 for a game system that can do the same thing, its well worth it. But it looks that if you purchase a Blue-Ray DVD player though sony:


1000$. WOW! Pay 250-400 less and get a BlueRay player that also plays games.

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looking at it from a less technical view, HD-DVD is a little more in laymans (sp?) terms than BluRay.....right? I mean people already know that HD stands for High Definition, but I can see alot of people new to it all scratching their heads wondering what the hell is BluRay.

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With their DRM goofs... many consumers are also becoming

frustrated with them. I think inexpensive multiplayers will be

the savior for both formats.

Can someone say Rootkit?

And if Blue-Ray is the way to go, why not

just purchase the PS3, if it can truely play Blue-Ray discs, at 600-750

for a game system that can do the same thing, its well worth it. But

it looks that if you purchase a Blue-Ray DVD player though sony:


1000$. WOW! Pay 250-400 less and get a BlueRay player that also plays games.

I dont think there is even a guarantee on a cheaper system that does more than just plays a movie. In my opinion, Sony bit off more than they could chew in the time they have alloted themselves. Blue-Ray and the Cell micro processor could be doomed if they continue to lose support from developers, studios and ultimatley us, the consumer.

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You should have added the following formats:

1...EVD---Chinese codecs on standard DVD discs

2...FVD---Taiwan using Microsoft HD -WMV codec on standard discs and also dual layer and tripple layer standard discs/ (30 minutes 4.7, 1hr dual layer) ***

3...DVM---Indian, Russian codecs on standard DVD discs. (40 gig disc maybe)

4...HVT---Holographic discs 2007 300 gigs

5...HVX---Holographic discs 2007 1000 gigs.

6...M2T transfer stream files on standard DVD discs (30 minutes 4.7, 1hr dual layer) ***

7...HD-WMV files on standard DVD discs. (30 minutes 4.7, 1hr dual layer) ***

*** available now with Avelink and JVC SR-DVD 100U.

Bluray the only one with 1080P.


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My 2 cents.....

I wouldnt be surprised of HD-DVD wipes the floor with BlueRay. The

'masses' will decide the winner in this battle, and these issues will

determine the winner........

1. Player price

2. Movie title availability

Did you notice that quality or technical superiority isnt mentioned?

I realize that enthusists who follow and know the technical ins &

outs are pulling for BR, but I have a feeling that they are going to

get their @sses kicked to kingdom come in this approaching war.

As enthusists, we only make up a small percentage of the market, and

the masses who flood the big box chains like BB & CC will decide

the outcome.

My money is on HD-DVD, but I'm not buying until I can buy any DVD new

release in one format or the other. I dont want to own a player

if only a token percentage of new releases are available in that


When the day comes that I dont have to pay attention to which studio

made any given film to see which format it's in, I'll buy a player that

very same day.

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Bluray the only one with 1080P.


HD-DVD has the ability to do 1080p according to my reading, but the first few players will not have this feature.

I'm not sure if 1080p is going to be a huge factor or not, but I was at a local AV store this weekend and was surprised how many TVs I saw that were claiming 1080p.

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I voted Blue Ray. It seems to have significantly more industry support than HD DVD. Personally, I can't afford to pick the losing format (unless uni players appear), so I plan to let you high-rolling, bleeding-edge early adopters sort this mess out.

Call me when the war is over. I'll be in my music room listening to my huge seven-disc DVD-Audio colection.[:$]

^ I'm right there with ya. Oh, and I'll be listening to my massive eight disc SACD collection!

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I voted Blue Ray. It seems to have significantly more industry support than HD DVD. Personally, I can't afford to pick the losing format (unless uni players appear), so I plan to let you high-rolling, bleeding-edge early adopters sort this mess out.

Call me when the war is over. I'll be in my music room listening to my huge seven-disc DVD-Audio colection.[:$]

LOL Seven-disc DVD-A collection? You got me beat by 3 discs...... LOL Maybe you can call me when after they call you. ;) I voted Blue Ray however just because of Sony's backing and choice of technology with the PS3 soon to be released. That's good enough for me.

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I didn't vote because I ain't rushing out to buy either one of them. It's ridiculous that these companies expect us to pick. Or better yet, buy two $1000 players. F Them. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to watch the new formats, I'd usually be the first in line, but I'm tired of these huge corporations screwing the little guy.

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