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OT - Kickin' the caffiene habit


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I've come to the point in my life where feel that the most important thing that I could do for my health is to kick my caffiene habit. I've never been one for soft drinks, but I do love my coffee in the morning. The question is: how to do it? I have tried before but have always fallen off the wagon. I can get past the physical dependency - it's rough, but I can do it. The problem comes in with the mental dependency. For all of my working career, caffiene is the thing that gets me perked up and ready to work in the morning. Without it, it is so hard to get motivated. I guess I am looking for suggestions from others who have successfully kicked the habit.

Oh - and don't suggest decaff. Decaffinated coffee is like a cruel trick to the brain. The mouth tastes that good coffee taste and the brain waits for the kick to come - and it never does. Kind of like drinking non-alcoholic beer - you could do it, but why?

Suggestions, anyone?

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Your so right about decaff coffee, and non-alcoholic Beer, what's the point, no buzz...........

You can stop, it's mind over matter, I smoked cigarettes for over 40 years and quit cold turkey, and never looked back..................If you really want to stop you can...............granted I had a heart-attack, but I still quit.........YOU CAN DO IT...........

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What might be a refreshing thing is very cold filtered water... I use a brita cause its more economical Vs bottle but I'm a starving college student. Anyways, I remember in my fridge which I kept near max power the water was near ice cold with bits of ice forming! When I was getting sleepy studying I would drink that and that would wake me up plus being quite refreshing. Also I think drink lots of water is good for you.

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i was able to quit my coffee habit out of necessity, i still dont know what the whole deal was but i began to have a breathing problem and for whatever reason when ii would have coffee it seemed to get worse so i ask myself whats more important coffee or breathing, maybe you could try to convince yoursself it is making you feel bad (HA HA HA) i still crave coffe3e often and its been 3 years now i quit


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You could try "half the caff" that's what I drink in the winter.I'm not sure how addictive(physical) coffee is,I drink a few cups a day in the winter and none in the summer.I only like coffee in cool/cold weather.

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I started a diet and exercise program 5 weeks ago, and along with that I stopped drinking soda pop a week before that.

I've replaced it with 60-80 ounces of water a day, and I treat myself with an all natural flavored water such as Archer Farms or Aquafina flavored water.

I think not having caffeine has helped me immensely. I used to drink soda pop for breakfast, lunch, supper, and even sometimes just before I went to bed. My body built up such an immunity to caffeine that one time I drank two regular Cokes, a couple cups of regular coffee and a Mountain Dew from between 10pm and midnight and went right to bed.

After 5 weeks now I actually like drinking water. Before it was something that I only ordered at a restaurant if I was being cheap that day. Now I need it!

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OTOH, it's one of those relatively harmless pleasures. Sure you can become dependant of caffeine, but also to fat, sugar, alcohol, nicotine. Caffeine must be the most harmless one. I also read that a good cup of coffee a day is actually healthy, just like a glass of good red wine a day. Enjoy a good single or double espresso after breakfast (not on an empty stomach) and leave it at that and of course don't contaminate it with the horrible sugar or milk. Ok, the occasional capuchino is ok. Those sodas, that's the real crappy poison!![+o(]

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I also quit drinking soda and replaced it with water (drank about 6 mountain dews/day) but still have my one cup of coffee on the way to work. I've quit before with no withdrawal but I do enjoy that one cup. Unless your doctor tell you otherwise, I think one cup in the morning is pretty harmless.

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I have not drank a beer or smoked a cigarette in almost 6 years and I have clung to coffee like a flotation device on a sinking ship. I also drink atleast 8 glasses of water a day. I feel for you if you have to give it up. I quit smoking by doing 30 push ups everytime I wanted a cigarette. Maybe not an option in the office but its worth a try and it will help your health.

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