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Pics of the Dtel's Cornwalls are up......

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I asked about that on the tour. They are in front of large vents that pull ALL of the fumes away from them.

Our painters here at Gulfstream work in water-wall downdraft booths as well. But you won't catch one in there without eye and respiratory protection. In fact, it's a termination offense to be sans the protective equipment due to our company's focus on safety. In fact, we encourage employees to take home Personal Protective Devices (PPD's) that the company provides.

And personally, I wouldn't care less what the company's "official" policy is, I wouldn't spray ANY substance without some type of protection. Wouldn't be the first time a company said that they didn't think it would be harmful, ya know??


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Yeah, I made comments about the lack of breathing protection, as well. From where we all stood, the smell of laquer was almost overwhelming. I know after you've been spraying that stuff for a while you don't even smell it anymore, but that's no excuse for not protecting your lungs (and central nervous system). My concern is for those great folks at the factory (who probably think safety equipment is a PITA).

Larry, I have been meaning to talk to you about hearing loss. I occasionally (for a few days every 2 weeks or so) loose what seems like 80-90% of my hearing in one ear. It's down a bit from the other all the time. This has been going on for a few months. I'll be seeing the Dr. next Friday. I had them hosed out a few weeks ago, but that didn't help. Any ideas?

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I occasionally (for a few days every 2 weeks or so) loose what seems like 80-90% of my hearing in one ear. It's down a bit from the other all the time. This has been going on for a few months. I'll be seeing the Dr. next Friday. I had them hosed out a few weeks ago, but that didn't help. Any ideas?

Do you have Meniere's in that ear? I have a narrow, but unfortunately all too in-depth, understanding of Meniere's symptoms -- I was doing fine for a number of years, when all at once I started having sudden drops in my mid- and high-frequency hearing in my left ear, the sick one. The hearing would return just as suddenly, often if I was in a very quiet place. Finally, though, the dropout stayed and normal hearing never returned in that ear. It got much worse over time.

I think you should see the very best expert in inner-ear and Meniere's diseases you can -- I've NEVER been impressed with run-of-the-mill ENT guys. Medical ignorance in this area was terrible about 10-20 years ago, and is only fair even now.

I hope you don't have Meniere's, as things just don't get better with that disease. It's very kaleidoscopic, so one person's symptoms can be very different from another's, and very different over time. Glad your problem is in only one ear. Good luck!


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Sorry dtel to take a side-track on your thread, but...

Larry, how do I evaluate ENT docs? Do I rely on my primary physician's recomendation, or is there a registry or rating system somewhere I can access? I'm reasonably close to UCSF and Stanford.

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I'm not sure how you'd track down the "best." You might seek recommendations from more than one source. You can see what your primary care doc says, but this is a highly specialized area, and a good general ENT reputation may not reflect special ability with Meniere's and inner-ear conditions. Bryan's ENT group might give you thoughtful recommendations, or they might just recommend their in-house guy.

While that might also be true at the UCSF and Stanford ENT departments, I myself prefer academic medical settings for difficult issues. They are likely to be doing research on the subject and have as good a level of knowledge as there is.

All that said, all the above parties might turn out to be pretty good. It's just that I've been disappointed in the past with the quality of knowledge of inner-ear and Meniere's diseases.

It's also disappointing there's often little anyone can do about these conditions. I suggest that you pay close attention to preventive measures. For example, if you are in a noisy environment, I believe you should wear good ear protection. That's actually the first thing I thought of when I read your post.


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Fini it's everybody's thread, kind of been interested in what has been said with all my hearing damage from jobs 20, 30 years ago.

A lot more careful now, people ask me why I wear ear protection to cut grass and with a weedwacker or anything that is over a moderate volume for more than a couple seconds.

I'm trying to save what I have left, I could not imagine not being able to hear music.

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Yep, same with me, dtel. Skilsaws, nailguns, compressors, ShopVacs...I'm saving what I've still got, too! I've been wondering what detrimental effect driving around with the window down has had on my left ear (the bad one).

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Yea I know just what you are talking about, enough to give you a headache after a while.

Then a big truck passes and it's so loud you can't even talk to the other person with you, can't be good for your ears.

My daughter has a new Saturn Vue, 5 of us went to a birthday party Sunday and while on the interstate I put down my rear window about 1/4 for a minute and the air made a loud pulsating bass sound that surprised everyone, you could not drive like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yep, same with me, dtel. Skilsaws, nailguns, compressors, ShopVacs...I'm saving what I've still got, too! I've been wondering what detrimental effect driving around with the window down has had on my left ear (the bad one).


I know this is an older thread, but what you are describing will cause hearing loss in th ear toward the window. Happens to cab and truck drivers all the time. That's one of the reasons I allways ride with the windows up and use the air conditioning, even when the temp outside would be comfortable.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I have a coworker with Meniere's. We are 6 floors up and a thumpin' car with subs outside can set it off. She just goes somewwhere in the office to lye down and visually concentrates on an object to make the dizzyness go away before she loses her cookies.

She has a hearing aid but I still have to talk rather loudly sometimes at her.

Well lookie thar!! You have speakers built by Anthony Hopkins!!![:D]

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Those are beautiful. Nice touch by Klipsch with the special certificate.

Dtel - I've a question..... I see speakers hanging from the ceiling. What are they and what are those brackets holding them up? I've contemplated doing this and those brackets appear pretty solid.


I know you asked this question of dtel, but I happened to log onto to the forum first.

Those speakers hanging from ceiling are Klipsch Forte II's. Dtel made the brackets himself and I can assure you they are most solid. They are actually mounted to the wall. If you want a more close up shot, let us know.

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Dtel's wife - Thanks. I figured they were Fortes. Good use of space IMO. I like the concept. If I tried it, my house would probably collapse.

I am thankful that my house collapsing is one thing I do not have to worry about. Dtel designed and built this house, it withstood Katrina so I know it's pretty strong.

The brackets are actually bolted into a 2x12 support beam. The wall the Fortes are bracketed to was previously the outside of our home. We added a 780 square foot addition about two years ago, which is now the "living area" and a master suite.

Space is at a premium, even in our five bedroom/two bath house. Dtel designed those brackets and made them himself. Well, maybe space wouldn't be at such a premium if we didn't have six Fortes, two Cornwall IIIs and a subwoofer in our living room.[;)] Just kidding... the furniture would have to go before I got rid of the speakers.

You know, he is pretty handy to have around. I guess I better say I do on December 9 when we renew our 28 year wedding vows along with my daughter and niece's marriages.[;)]

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I am not well versed in all things audio. But here goes, depending on what size room you have (or will have) I can tell you...the Heresy IIIs are TOTALLY AWESOME. If I were looking for something brand new for a reasonable size room I would purchase Heresy III's, providing I had the funds available.

Dtel and I looked at each other in complete awe when the Heresy III's were playing in the listening room in Hope.

I thought you had purchased Khorns at one time? I haven't read or posted a lot the last six months. Our triple wedding/vow renewal December 9 has me running in circles. (Not that I need a reason to "run in circles")[;)]

Forte II's are awesome speakers...Colter picked up his first pair of Forte II's recently and posted a review under his "birthday" thread.

The Cornwall III's are also awesome speakers, it just depends on what you are trying to achieve. We use the Forte's in a 6.1 setup and the Cornwall's for 2 channel.

I am sending you a pm.

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Yes, I have a pair of:



Cornwall (3 pairs!)

Chorus II

and my old KG4s :)

Khorns as mains, Cornwalls as rears, 1-Cornwall as center.

Chorus II, pair of Cornwalls, single Corn sitting doing nothing. I hope to make use of them when we bust down the walls to open everything up. I'd still rather have more khorns to tuck in corners. Less intrusive than most everything.

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Yes, I have a pair of:



Cornwall (3 pairs!)

Chorus II

and my old KG4s :)

Khorns as mains, Cornwalls as rears, 1-Cornwall as center.

Chorus II, pair of Cornwalls, single Corn sitting doing nothing. I hope to make use of them when we bust down the walls to open everything up. I'd still rather have more khorns to tuck in corners. Less intrusive than most everything.

No wonder your house may collapse![;)] Didn't you say awhile back that your house/living area was small? Maybe I am confusing you with someone else, that is possible these days.

Why not pick up more Khorns and liquidate some of the other stuff?

Have you heard the Heresy III's?

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