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  1. Not to start a historical enquiry here but, my mother told me at a tender age that it was a matter of choice. I chose to let it hang down and did not suffer much for it. Names and such were ineffectual. Texas, I remember as a most tolerant state in my travels into the public domain. There, law and order paid my very long hair with no mind. Most friendly folks there, as I have met, in my younger days. In any case then, she said that the son of man had hair upon him. That was good enough for me, if I needed the edification. I have since tempered my tolerance to accept those who choose any hairstyle which they choose to have. Of course, I was always like that. Love has a way of leading to the peace, I always had but, was not aware of it's value until later. Harmony is the tricky part. Thanks for your tolerance, thus far.
    8 points
  2. Thanks and best wishes to you. Funny, last night i was about to order a new guitar...then i realized that it’s almost Christmas and i have nine grandkids. Not that it would kill me; but, i decided that i’d take care of them before i buy another thing for myself.
    7 points
  3. PEACE. Had the coolest experience on Thanksgiving. Went to my daughter’s house and one of my grandsons, probably about 6 or 7 years old, hair down to his shoulders--his Dad says my grandson wants it real long, down his back. I said that I approve and his Dad said that he’s cool with it. The boy makes me proud.
    7 points
  4. Banana pudding made with real nanas and vanilla wafers And welcome to MKP's Boss! No hippies allowed And, no bloody swearing...
    6 points
  5. Looks like we've lost our banana theme ... so sad. 'Where have all the bananas gone, long time passing....' (In keeping with the new '60's/hippie theme). Steve ... been thinking nice things about you, but I'm very shy about expressing myself. Will have to work on that. Happy Saturday gang.
    6 points
  6. Well you don't sweat much for a fat boy
    6 points
  7. Grand Saturday Morning Y'all Nothing happening here AGAIN, Onward and upward
    6 points
  8. Thanks and best wishes to you. Funny, last night i was about to order a new guitar...then i realized that it’s almost Christmas and i have nine grandkids. Not that it would kill me; but, i decided that i’d take care of them before i buy another thing for myself. You are indeed blessed. Have no known children so, yes I see. Glad you have guitars. Just a bass and amp myself. Going to hop out for a moment...
    6 points
  9. isn’t it about time to say nice things about me?
    6 points
  10. how did you make moderator with a radical view like that? My entire family was killed in a horrible barber shop explosion, so haircuts are painful memories. (ok that’s a lie). Short hair was used as a punishment for me...bad report card (which was most of them) off to the barber. One time , as a punishment, i had to get a flat top. Where i come from that an invitation for everyone in school to try and kick the crap out of you. Late in high school, the parental units relented and let my hair grow. I made a comment while visiting some of my parent’s friends when the topic of hair came up. The guy said that his kids could grow their hair as long as they desired; but, when it got long enough for him to grab--he would and throw him out of the house.
    5 points
  11. Welcome MKP's Boss....glad you joined us. I will try to behave now that we have a couple of ladies
    5 points
  12. 91% should be fine Todd. Just make sure it doesn't contain Lanolin....a skin conditioner. I use some 150 grit on the pinch rollers when they get slick.
    5 points
  13. At a party back when, was lihting a guy's *** for him when I accidentally lit his hair. Real forgiving guy,lol...He just evened up the other side and grew it back. Never bothered me for a light afterward(?) Yes, it smells atrocious What no way, ok never mind I can beleave it, hippies will try anything once, or a bunch.
    5 points
  14. Yes Steve is blessed, as many people here including me. Well you don't sweat much for a fat boy That's funny but it should be skinny boy.....................with a funny hat who hangs out with musicians Steve knows I'm kidding....he's one of my favorites
    5 points
  15. Yes Steve is blessed, as many people here including me. Well you don't sweat much for a fat boy That's funny but it should be skinny boy.....................with a funny hat who hangs out with musicians
    5 points
  16. Lol, think you knew that back aways. I am proud, but not too proud, to have played some minor part in the ascension of liberating alcohol combined with rabbit tobacco. My grandfather asked my mother if I was a hippie. Forgot again now what she told him. He was sure enough old school. Liked his shine though. There is a story there my grandmother told, when he quit it.
    5 points
  17. Your right, I have been neglecting you I apologize I'm thinking..........
    5 points
  18. Cheers to you also. I never tried Makers Mark but I did try Jim Beams Devil's Cut and thought it was good, but remember i drink about anything but Gin so my taste buds are easy. The last bunch of trips I always have some Honey whisky but was trying all different brands of Tequila. Some were better than others but when it came down to price I kept going back to Old faithful, Jose Cuervo, Now consider I was not just taking a shot on occasion so I need some volume that would kill my pocket. Strange thing, 6 beers and I will be toast, 1/2 of a 1.75L bottle of Jose Cuervo and I'm fine. I don't get it, am I part Mexican ? I was using the little bottle of lemon lime salt, but this stuff is strong if you use to much, so I switched to Tasbasco instead, much better, sounds crazy but it's good. People around the table at Rodneys would just shake there heads and say that's what you get from Louisiana pointing to me and laughing.
    5 points
  19. Evening Gang 50, cold working outside. Dam, Skeeter just flew past my monitor here. Bench electronics project places me outside on this project for about 1/2 the task. Finely get to use stuff up that iv been packin for years. This is what iv been looking forward to in retirement. Some parts on every project iv had for 30+ years, By god as many times as iv moved them in that time, im dam sure going to them. Being retired i no longer packrat componets. Once built, played with, it's outta here. I'll post pics of current toy soon. Keep in mind my hobbys are "Different". Clicking that link in my earlier post will give you a Primer. (Info Unlimited)
    5 points
  20. Lol, it is naturally good. Is your Chorus topic in the lounge, please? Like the story so far,lol! Very nice as I have a pair. Dtel, is that top shelf Jim Bean drinkable or, do you like Maker's Mark whiskey please? Knew you been in Arkinsaw so, what is good? Thanks and going to get some mullet and swamp cabbage soon, carrying Nancy down to friends near Tampa soon so, may sell my 5.5's if someone wants the pair. Anyway, cheers to you
    5 points
  21. Hell Carl you would be happy with any hair
    4 points
  22. Chuck, I couldn't find the 99% isopropyl alcohol. I picked up some 91% last night. Do you think 91% is acceptable to use on the RTR tape heads and just distilled water on the rollers? Anyone else have any input? Yes, welcome MKP's Boss! I have some catching up to do here.
    4 points
  23. Good morning everyone. Second cup in hand. Just saw this from my Amazon feed...Bye, bye Bananas! https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/12/04/the-worlds-most-popular-banana-could-go-extinct/?tid=pm_business_pop_b
    4 points
  24. Morning Gang 38 and all roof tops are white and frozen, no snow, just the freeze. I'ii give the wife another 30 Min before reveille. Coffee perfect, The Duggans is seeing to that. Swapmeet, CornDog/Three mile walk planned List of meterials of swapmeet goods. Current hobby on the bench requires few parts, as well as Mr Crow that is on it's way No more talk of Hippies: I had a good year and a half run at 14, from surfing to building Tim Learys Tabbing machines. Then one day, Dad dropped me at the front door of a Military Acd = Life Over as i knew it Ah'ha - see the wife is up.
    4 points
  25. Your approval means a lot to the young one, I am sure. Had some support myself, from my mother. Right now, I have a bob but, there was a time....Peace, Love & Happiness to you and grandson. No burrs here but, I am tolerant... Just a thing.
    4 points
  26. 4 points
  27. Sounds like an Elvis sandwich, it does sound nasty, but I never tried it so who knows ?
    4 points
  28. Going to hop down to the getting place for a Stella or other 6 pack and hop back. Will be reading this PM. Hope everyone had a good thanksgiving, and are well. What of Sancho, I wonder... Hope all is well !
    4 points
  29. You showed her your junk on a date? I'd say that's a good first date!
    4 points
  30. Could be true but that's OK. Just remember now when you do something dumb we will all now know, but if your like me it doesn't matter a bit. Years ago my wife would get stories from me about what was going on here, she eventually would read a little if it were funny. She then joined on her own I had no idea until I seen a post. About a year later she picked out and said she wanted the biggest speakers we own, it was all her and our daughters idea after hearing them. No more did I have to explain why I wanted more speakers, but now we have no more room for any speakers so it worked out.
    4 points
  31. i can't believe Chiquita and i are wearing the same shoes today!!!!
    4 points
  32. Mark your meme library is fantastic! Welcome mkp's boss. Just got caught up a little, the banana poetry was inspiring! Have a wonderful Friday everyone! Looking forward to some of the college football games over the weekend, the finish in Detroit last night was over the top! (Even if you're not a real football fan). Check out the Green Bay - Detroit highlights. Successful Hail Marys are usually jaw dropping.
    4 points
  33. as we said previously about not being able to UNSEE....lol now we got a freakshow on the dancefloor...
    4 points
  34. I need to make me a shirt like this, maby slightly different ?
    3 points
  35. great store Elden...shop there often. folks at work tell me that it is time for me to buy a new shirt...that’s because i always buy a bunch of the peace sign suckers and bring them to work.
    3 points
  36. I guess I'm in the minority here. I think long hair should be for little girls and short hair for little boys. I would never belittle a child no matter how they kept their hair though.
    3 points
  37. At a party back when, was lihting a guy's *** for him when I accidentally lit his hair. Real forgiving guy,lol...He just evened up the other side and grew it back. Never bothered me for a light afterward(?) Yes, it smells atrocious
    3 points
  38. When I put the K402 on top of my Lascala, I was awed and amazed and thought it just could not get any better. When I replaced the Lascala with the Jubilee bass bin I realized my search for better speakers was over. It was that phenomenal. So, pursue at your own rate. For me, the bass bins completed the sound stage with force and power.
    3 points
  39. Peanut butter and banana sandwich, yummytum tum!Ewwwwww...... Yo nasty billybob....MKP :-)
    3 points
  40. I dip my banana in chocolate sometime... Good stuff.
    3 points
  41. I love YouTube. A post with a link to the Banana Splits, and then YouTube shows a link to Debralee Scott. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRXUHLDma-o I always thought she was kinda hot...
    3 points
  42. Haha….I like that. Welcome to the madness, plenty of characters around here, especially Mark
    3 points
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