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Everything posted by richieb

  1. I'll double down on Thaddeus - Real old news. They've been hoping to sell that pair of speaks, probably the same pair, for several years. Yeah, I'll pony up Ten Large for KHorn copies??!! Too bad I've already invested, wisely, that $10K into beachfront property outside Omaha!
  2. Now the real concern would be has a recon mission been done for a Del Taco near your new digs? Is a four hundred mile run for a Del Taco fix out of the question? Or have you assigned a five hundred mile radius as the limit?
  3. ^^^^^ Now that's funny - and so true. Which is why I steered clear of that rabbit hole.
  4. Point well taken. Kinda like a TexMex version of "Cheers" for BSM.
  5. Many higher end Chinese tube amps are wired like this. Take a look under the bonnet of a PrimaLuna for example.
  6. He will need to use sign language to place his order at Del Taco --
  7. Although very gracious you are letting him off Way too easy ----
  8. ^^^^^ No, its true ----- ?
  9. ^^^^^ Yep memory Served me well.. Appears USN was Over-served! It was only 8-10 shots away !
  10. ----- like was said during the French Inquisition - "off with their heads" . Ouch!!
  11. I could be mistaken, remember Carl was shakin' up a storm, but I believe Thaddeus brought one of Maynard's amps to Hope last year and played it in rotation with several others. Jimbo brought a Mc, I brought a Dennis Had and I think an HK made a showing as well.
  12. ---- or so you were promised! I heard that amp in Hope -- finders keepers you know !!?
  13. ---- ate up or being eaten up??!!
  14. --- and this ever popular slight ---- LUCAS - Love Unfulfilled Cause Another Short Applies to Triumph bikes too. Always an eventful ride home after dark on a country road when suddenly your headlight was --- the MOON.
  15. ^^^^^ a nice "little" system for those long bathroom stays ----
  16. Twenty? 20? Or do you mean two? 2? Twenty??? Not that's any of my business but are you in the sound reinforcement business? Looks like reinforcements are on the way!!
  17. Had one, could never find it after dark. Sold it on a sunny day --
  18. richieb

    Good Bye Larry

    Saw him live with "Fourplay" in a quant setting at an outdoor amphitheater in the central Missouri town of Marshall, hometown to Fourplays' Bob James. A most unlikely setting for such a renowned jazz band but man did they light it up, Larry too.
  19. I'm not one to alert/notify/pimp others goods here but with many Juicy Music fans here I thought I'd say -- a JM Peach ll on AudioGon being sold by Mark Deneen himself. Looks sweet and being direct from Deneen should be a ++. --- fifteen hundred bones ---
  20. "mothers corpse" - that should brighten everyones day -
  21. 'Timer, I've never known you to come up blank. But ya, I sees what what you two are seeing - nothing.
  22. OVER RULED!!! Now please sit down, Sir. Sir ---- Bailiff, please bring order to this court or Mr. Eth will be held in contempt!!
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