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Everything posted by jimjimbo

  1. Carl, can you grab that fake Christmas tree too? Bring it to Hope.
  2. In this regard, I would be very happy if the TV networks would just take the time to show the National Anthem prior to each sporting event, rather than airing a commercial for KFC, or, Viagra......
  3. Well, I wouldn't say that disk space is completely irrelevant, especially for locally stored files, but certainly time and money are relevant to most...(you know, us 99%...) So, if you could find the same music and played via different formats such as DXD and others, I'd be interested to hear your impressions.
  4. Exactly what this entire thread really is. Sincerely, One of the flawed "little" peanut gallery folks.
  5. As my EX wife used to say....."Are we done now?"
  6. no, it's reckless boating. Motorboating. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Now, THAT is porn
  7. As an old geezer with a nephew named Michael, I am bound to watch the GIFs, and laugh.
  8. Hang on.....let me pause the DVD....
  9. Next time, ask for the pills, seriously
  10. jimjimbo

    New TV

    Seen much 4K content lately?
  11. You two guys are a match made in heaven....keep posting these, I am laughing.....
  12. This is the the greatest gif of all time. That is definitely a winner.....had never seen it before. I still like the pig rider though.
  13. My ego? Oh, that's priceless.
  14. Let me be blunt....(pun somewhat intended.....) perhaps not as eloquently as Mr. Mallette..... I am over 60, barely I am not an "old geezer" as you so lovingly refer to "us" "Rock and Roll", "Jazz", "Blues", etc, are stunningly general terms that you seem to use so very casually I love music. I don't live my life (or criticize others), via the lyrics in any song I'm not a low life loser because I enjoyed, (and still do) the music of those that had drug problems, sex problems, alcohol problems. There are many artists that I enjoy that don't (at least publicly) have those issues. Your "chapters" and arguments are steeped in "we", "us", "the world", "people".....etc, etc, etc. Perhaps you need to look inward, and speak of YOU. Please don't assume anything of me. Thank you.
  15. Do the crossovers not fit in the rear of the top section? Just wondering. Thanks.
  16. Sorry, I thought it was some alphabetical order something: Martin yesterday, Michael today. Dick tomorrow..... Oh, wait, he's over in the "How the World Works" thread...sorry.
  17. Yes, I understand for the most part, since I use CL occasionally, but then I'm sure there are those folks out there that don't really understand what it's all about, and just go ahead and put their usual mail address in there....I will reply to most, and if I get some kind of wacky response, then that will be the end of it......
  18. No, that's totally fine, just didn't want anything important to get lost in the multiple threads. Thanks Christy.
  19. Please don't take this the wrong way....but there are now 3 separate Ms. Valerie Klipsch threads going on at the same time...I would like to be able to follow one of them, but it's becoming increasingly confusing...can any of the mods consolidate these? Thanks!
  20. Why are gmail addresses suspect? Enlighten me please
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