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Everything posted by Schu

  1. Schu

    James Garner - RIP

    Godspeed Marlow...
  2. IMHO with Klipsch Speakers no comparison worth talking about. That would be the wrong amplifier in the Cary line to use with Klipsch speakers again IMHO. Too much power and to many tubes in the signal path. The 120 would be a great amp for speakers in the low 80db range with difficult reflected impedance curves and even with those speakers "unless" blasting the walls down in the large room is a priority the VRD's would walk all over them sonically IMHO. In all reality Cary really does not offer anything that would be comparable at this time. The SLI-80 would be close to apples to applies but its an integrated amp. If I was looking at Cary for a true power amp it would be the CAD-805SE...but that I'm sure is one expensive beast... You folks do know with Cary 40 to 50% of the retail price is going to the selling dealer... If Cary produced and marketed an amplifier like the VRD it would cost 7 to $8000 a pair... you dont have anything to worry about... originally when I started this thread I was just curious because there was a Jupiter upgraded unit available on the secondary market... but that didn't last very long and is long gone. Ever experienced Boarder Patrol amplifiers?
  3. Schu

    What I Got Today!

    so your getting the same setup as A1uc?
  4. Looks great.. gl with sale
  5. Eh... I have other options.
  6. Any dicussion about a Stradivarius in relation to a guitar without mentioning CF Martin is not even worth mentioning.
  7. We do?... The main difference is that one of those two examples, interconnects and cross overs, actually makes a tremendous impact... the other is smoke and mirrors.
  8. Is this built on a board or is it point to point?
  9. No... this is still presented in 1080p bluray, but the scan from the original camera negative was done at 4k. For what its worth, I would watch them in this order.... The good, the bad, the ugly Fist full of dollars For a few dollars more Thats the correct sequence as good bad ugly is a prequel to the other two older movies, the yojimbo remake fist full of dollars and the ending "off into the sunset" movie few dollars more.
  10. Do you use photoshop actions? Not actions... I hand mix most of my photos. I might make a gif or two but generally like to not use automated functions.
  11. why not call them all reference... there is nothing special about the 7ii's that make them more "reference" than any other RF speaker. it's just a product name.
  12. Scarface (1936) One again Proving the 1930's, and indeed Howard Hawks himself, are supremely at the top of the list in terms of cinematic creme de la creme excellence. De Palma's re-visioned version of Scarface is purely comical and pales when compared to the original Howard Hawks movie with it's underlying story originality that was based on actual events and persona's... namely the real scarface, Al Capone. Howard Hughes himself produced this post depression era film staring a wonderful Paul Muni (Tony), Ann Dvorak and George Raft, and also has Boris Karloff in a small role. Howard Hawks brilliantly controls the camera and cinematography in this film and the opening sequence is to die for as it tracks for a couple minutes in a linear fashion while "Tony" stalks and kills a rival bootlegger. Hawks art direction, set design and detail are unmatched... and his control over action sequences are superb. The Saint Valentines day Massacre sequence is especially stunning as all action take places via shadows on the wall, and as the men are killed the shadows miraculously disappear and the camera pans upward to reveal the bracing of the ceiling that poetically take the shape of large series of "X's"... great stuff. Do yourself a favor and see this 1930's era movie if you ever have the chance...
  13. Scanners (1981) I just received my newly released Criterion version of Cronenbergs Scanners... film has never looked better. Scanners seems to drive a wedge between Cronenberg loyal fans... some thinking it is the worst Cronenberg movie made, others Reveling in it's "Good versus Evil" over tones in an age where movies like the Omen and the Exorcist ruled the roost. This release is good looking give it's originals and budget restraints and unfortunately only comes with a mono uncompressed audio and sound track. A horror movie only in the most simplistic terms, Cronenberg seems to have purposely chosen a Jewish looking man to play the lead Good Character, albeit naive, Cameron Vale... and an Arian looking man to play the lead conniving Bad Character, Darryl Revoc. He tells a story of a naive Scanner that is lead from afar into a world of good versus evil by Patrick McGoohan who is no less aptly named Dr. Paul Ruth... as in Ruth from the "book of Ruth" where Ruth accepts God of the Israelites as her God and the Israelite people as her own. Ruth states... "Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried"... and so it is with Dr. Paul Ruth as he seeks to save and care for (as a father would save and care for his children), as many Scanners as he capable of saving. As with the book of ruth... Dr. Ruth seeks inclusion and stress's the need for acceptance of outsiders and foreigners in an otherwise closed off secular world of the lonely Scanner. Ultimately, good must do battle with evil and as such the movie points out the duality of man... the polar opposites ingrained in much of humanity to do either good or to do evil. In the end, both good and evil must learn to live inside a single body with one being the dominate personality over the other and keeping that personality under control.
  14. I watched the newly released remastered version of "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" last night.. Leone's brilliant Prequel to the "man with no name" trilogy. I must have seen every version of this film beginning with US theater versions and VHS versions ever since the 1970's... I have to say this new 4k scan made from the original camera negative and not some inter-negative or cobbled parts of prints is superb... the best the movie has ever looked... even Theater versions I have seen. I have two other Bluray versions that were remastered, but they were done in a HD 1080p scan and not 4k scan, and were made from corrected prints and not the direct camera negative... they can not compare. in addition to the new resolution, there is some very interesting framing that has never existed (except for the Italian original release)... there is a lot of new frame area round the tops and bottoms and more notably the left and right sides. this doesn't reveal any additional really important images, but it does reset the layout to something more akin to Leone's original vision... and I do agree it looks much better. More relaxed and much less compressed, which is great even though we have all gotten used to the cropped tight image that we've been accustomed to over the years of seeing this movie. there is one element that is controversial... it is the "TINT" of the movie. the movie has a very distinct yellow tint to the image... something that no one foresaw, but it has been confirmed that this "yellowish tint" as being Leone's original vision... and combined with the additional framing area, restores the directors idea for the movie. Overall I have to say that this movie benefits greatly from this 4k scan as many of the scenes actually come alive with depth and dimension almost to the point where they look three dimensional. some shots to compare with the original Bluray remaster done a few years ago... new release is second.
  15. okay okay... what type of post processing are you using?
  16. this "throbbing" you speak of are merely the sound waves interfering with each other as the two tones resonate at different frequencies. it's akin to a moiré pattern in visual terms... as the two frequencies become closer they modulate slower and slower until they are nearly indistinguishable from each other and become "in tune". 440hz for the musically uninitiated as a generalized standard.
  17. Lets not get carried away now...
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