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Everything posted by Schu

  1. Absolutely the most impressive photochemical to bluray conversion ever done. this print is superb and no library should be without this title. I wish ALL movie were done this well... sales would be 10x what they are now.
  2. 4k upscaling is definitely desirable... but I just bought a brand new 1080p monitor so any 4k upscaling wont be needed by me for YEARS to come. another thing is a used 93 will save you some capital.
  3. I came from a PS3, now I supremely happy with my 93... buy it and do not look back. up-scaling is superb, and music is also extremely nice... not analog nice, but very very good.
  4. what... that a fathers struggle with internal moral demons of good and evil(maturity/spirituality vs impetuousness/desire) can transfer to and affect his children? the telling scene is at the end of the movie where flynn has to grasp and hold onto his evil alter ego(clu), internalizing all the negative energy and effectively sacrificing himself by keeping that negative energy inside so as to not transfer this to his child... the legacy. that old chestnut? I think the movie played WAY over most peoples head.
  5. I am currently using heritage and a usp1... but ONLY for analog signals(vinyl). if I play digital formats, I just patch straight into my amp( I dont see an advantage in patching into it for digital). for analog the usp is good... no complaints even though I am sure there is much better out there.
  6. boy, I wish I had the skill set to make these. very nice
  7. eXistenZ this movie just keeps getting better and better everytime I re watch it.
  8. ugh... I hate when I have to consider upgrading. I am currently happy as is though.
  9. ^one favorite for sure... I wish they would release a disc that is worthy of that movie. the curent release is terrible. speaking of thomas... I have sometime this morning, I think I will toss on Jarmusch.
  10. ^nice... it looks great on BD ------------------------------------------------------ another import
  11. reuse for now... there is always time for upgrading later. you are going to be VERY happy.
  12. it would help if you could post a picture OP... I can not imagine 7ii's not being banana friendly.
  13. Heuy, Deuy and Leuy... oh, and Bruce Dern Silent Running.
  14. depending on the monitor you choose... you may be bale to do it wireless. if you are getting it for comp usage, I might suggest a non plasma unit as plasma will sustain burn in. if you are getting for the best picture... get plasma.
  15. thanks guys... I dont think he would/could have known why they let him go. Dad's been gone for years now.
  16. I thought I would share an old article of my dad before archiving it... maybe I already posted this, I can never remember. Jules F Schumacher
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