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Everything posted by Rivervalleymgb

  1. Regardless of how we feel about him. He was a lightening rod for his time. He was the greatest boxer to have yet lived. He chose a confrontational type of promotion for himself and his sport. It is difficult to separate the promotion from the man. ps. One of the great things about his forum is that we can have different opinions, and still treat each other respectfully. We are all different, but have a common love of this forum and celebrating what PWK achieved. It is hard to discuss Muhammad Ali without touching on political themes. Let's leave the politics behind, and focus on what he did in the ring. BTW, I trained with a boxer that fought George Foreman. George said that he had never been hit as hard as was when he fought Bobby Crabtree. Ali broke Foreman's jaw, so that was quite a thing to say.
  2. I don't think so. He was completely right about the Vietnam War.
  3. Conscientious Objectors have been long recognized in this country. He was only vilified because of his color and religion. One of the greatest Americans to have lived in the 60's. How few could ever stand by their beliefs through all the trials society put him through? He took his own path. That amount of courage is rarely seen.
  4. WOW! The humidity is killing me! Just got through repairing the garage door on the shop that had a cable slip off one of the spools. The AC filter framing is not finished yet and working up next to the ceiling is murder. Now, I hope the rain holds off long enough for me to finish framing and Sheetrock around the new AC unit in the shop. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  5. I think the word "hatred" is not an accurate, nor fair assessment. There were some misunderstandings, as everything at the railroad museum has been done in a verbal agreement. Originally the Chamber donated the space, then they wanted to charge rent. In addition, Ms. Valerie was providing maintenance, upkeep and admission to the museum, either personally or through a representative. The Chamber refused to negotiate those items, at the point they wanted to charge rent.In fact, Ms Valerie's representative continues to personally fund and maintain the "parking space/PWK Garden" still currently located at the railroad station location. All flowers and maintenance is funded through Ms Valerie, and now personally by her representative. Construction of the garden/parking space, monuments etc were funded personally by Ms. Valerie. Not being a party to any of this, I am just going by what my old friends that were proud supporters of Klipsch and still live in Hope have said to me over the years. Hatred was too strong a word for me to use. Sorry for that. I have friends not in Hope that really liked Valerie and had a good relationship with her. I will send you in a PM what has been told to me and what I experienced when I live in Hope. As with everything, there are always two sides (or more) to everything. I can say there were a lot of hard feelings when the corporate office was moved to Indy. People in Hope felt betrayed. There was a lot that went on in the early 80's that put Klipsch in turmoil with the locals. I wanted to speak to you in private about this, but we never had the chance. It is up to us, the keepers of the flame to try and overcome this.
  6. Paul 79 Paul Hovenga http://www.manymoonsaudio.com/ Has done all my work for the last decade. Even before he opened his own shop. None better.
  7. There were a lot of hard feelings towards Klipsch when PWK sold the company. Also, Belle was dearly loved by the community, Valerie was not. There was even hatred between the Chamber and Valerie, which resulted in moving the museum at the Depot to Las Cruces. Sorry, but facts are facts. When I lived there in the 70's, everyone in town new of Klipsch.
  8. Wonderful 1st game to watch. Man, was it fast paced!!!
  9. She will be missed, but at least she has new K-Horns!!!
  10. Carl's martini is fantastic! Now, about differences in vodka: "The standard of identity for vodka was promulgated in 1949, in T.D. 5707, 1949-2 C.B. 252. The standard for vodka provided that it was neutral spirits distilled from any material at or above 190 proof, reduced to not more than 110 proof and not less than 80 proof and, after such reduction in proof, so treated as to be without distinctive character, aroma, or taste. Although no explicit definition of the term "distinctive" could be found in the hearing record, the testimony indicates that vodka is to be as tasteless and odorless as possible." per ATF and CFR.
  11. We have taken to buying washers and dryers at auctions. Mostly estate auctions and you would be surprised at how new most are. Front loaders don't clean very well, and as you say, are subject to failure. Especially at our place. With Judy being a dog groomer, she has the washer going constantly cleaning towels. Older, larger top loaders are what we use. We always have one set aside as a spare in case of failure.
  12. The best way is to build with a knee wall in place to allow 12" of insulation over the wall/ceiling joint, AND proper ventilation over the insulation. I know it adds to the cost of new construction, but well worth it if you are building a house to live in for life. Most energy efficient designs on have a payback over a period of 30-40 years.
  13. Caught one of the games before we left for Hope. Looks close to the time I start getting hockey withdrawal.... until the Razorbacks start up again in September!
  14. Count me in on at least a minimum of Heresies!
  15. Go back and see all the finishes available in the late '70's. They should be available again. I am sure sales would increase. Not all the veneers are available any longer, but the lure of Klipsch was not just the sound, but the custom touches one could add to THEIR speakers!
  16. When Paul owned the company, nearly all the employees owned a pair. My memory may be faulty, but Heresy were $180 a pair for employees when they retailed for $700/pair. Employees could buy one pair a year. Employees nearly always started out with Heresy, then sold them for what they could buy La Scala or Cornwall for. Typically, about $400. Then, if they had the room for it, sold the next pair for K-horns. I know a lot has changed in ownership over the years, but it seems sad that employees no longer own the product they make. I remember how the Klipsch employee parking lot had a lot of Mercedes and BMW's in it. They paid the employees very well compared to other jobs in Hope. Just an old memory of how things used to be. Oh, and supervisors and up had keys to the listening room. I spent a lot of nights on the couch in the listening room with Mac gear and K'-horns with a Belle in between.
  17. Someone should take you up on this! I have two pair already. Hope you sell these soon!
  18. I think the games have been awesome! I record each one so I can watch them all. All the games this week have been must see, at least for Judy and I. Being from Michigan, she is a Red Wings fan. Her grandson played AAA Hockey with Ian Cole and still drives from Saline to Pittsburg to visit him and watch the games. Her youngest grandson is a AAA goalie for Victory Honda, following in his older brother's footsteps. The older grandson won an NCAA Championship his senior year at Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Had the chance to go on, but decided his knees were bothering him too much already and hung up his skates. Soooo, we are rooting for the Pens this year. He also played Junior hockey with Patrick Kane in Traverse City. Played with a bunch of other NHL players, but I can't remember them all.
  19. I have always liked the older Normans. Had two pair of Model Ten. Didn't like the pair of 431 I had.
  20. Guess I need to put on Jerry Jeff Walker; "Viva Terlingua" !
  21. Two glasses of sangria down. Makes me want to make some fresh sangria at Rodney's place! Ripping CD's to flac, so I may bring a hard drive with me!
  22. Rode the last train out of Clarksville, Arkansas when I was in the second grade. The school planned the trip for us. Rode the train to Fort Smith, then parents drove us in cars back to Clarksville. AFTER we visited Judge Parker's Courthouse (the hanging judge). The gallows could hang 5 men at a time. Fort Smith had the nickname of Hell on the Border. The border being the one between the US and Indian Territory.
  23. I want to commend eth2 for the excellent packing and shipping of this NBS preamp. It took a lot of time and effort to make sure everything arrived just like it was shipped. My hat is off to you! You could not ask for a better person to deal with!
  24. I thought the movie was boring. Plot sucked, and it wasn't that humorous. Definitely a waste of money for me. I would have rather watched Zootopia. I am an action movie fan and read every comic book I could get my hands on when I was young. It seemed it was written for the 14-15 Year olds. The action scenes were OK, just the dialogue sucked. There were a few scenes that had me laughing, but not many.
  25. What exactly is your puzzle? Glad to hear mom is on her way back home Mark. My specialty is liquid/solid separation. You just have to find the right chemicals in the right amount. I never find it tedious, but it can be time consuming. Very time consuming at times!
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