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Everything posted by JJkizak

  1. 1...K-horn 1947 2...K-horn 1948 3...K-horn 1949 4...K-horn 1950 5...K-horn 1951 6...K-horn 1952 7...K-horn 1953 9...K-horn 1954 ETC. JJK
  2. It's the little things that count. Was the ham set tubes or solid state? JJK
  3. You can also add sound, it's the stuff that comes out of speakers. Streaming DTS/THX. JJK
  4. So I guess the "potentials" are "potentialating" through the wire. JJK
  5. I have had the MRD-200 (burned up), T165 (first one DOA, second one OK), and the LG (gave it away), and the MY-HD 120 computer HDTV card. The only one that matches the performance of the Sony LCD Bravia 1080P tuners (37XBR6, 46XBR2) is the MY-HD but it is maxed at 720P. The Tuners in your HDTV sets are far better and more sensitive and faster. The Samsungs need a big fan or they smoke. JJK
  6. Today's rock could make Johnny One Note into a star---one guitar cord for 3 minutes---awful stuff. Today's rock singers hit every note but the right one. It goes well with the one cord thing. Perfect stuff for pre-puberic children. JJK
  7. I think he is too busy with kids and family stuff. JJK
  8. Your right Doctor Who. In RF the electron flow travels on the outside surface of the wire so they went to hollow tubes or pipes to connect up stuff. Hence Hardline coax and rectanglar waveguide. Our High power DC power supplies (30,000 volts at 6 amps) used hollow copper tubes about 3/4" to 1" in diameter to connect up capacitors, inductors, transformers, rectifiers, and other stuff. Stranded wire ia also used in conduit as it does allow bending to go around a curve. Super finely stranded wire is used for equipment that is in motion causing continuos flexing. If you are hurting for money however, coat hangers will work as long as you don't short them together. JJK
  9. Global climate changes cause local small climate changes referred to as weather. I would worry about the 15% change in the magnetic poles, the Yellowstone super volcanoe which is 40,000 years overdue which would cause an ice age of 2000 years and possibly ending humanity, and the planet alignments which occurr every 25,000 years on December 21st, 2012. No-one knows why the poles are shifting, Yellowstone is rising 1 foot per year according to satellite measurement, and the Mayan calender ends on December 21st, 2012 when all of the Earths solar system planets and the sun will line up in a straight line pointing at the center of the Milky Way galoxy, of which contains a humongous black hole. Canned food only lasts so long. Beam me up Scotty and get me the hell out of here. JJK
  10. Size 18 shoe means he's about 8 feet tall. I won't say what my age is but nobody has me beat yet. JJK
  11. When I was a kid I didn't worry about cold or chill indexes I just went out and played all day. I didn't know that when you obtain adult status your supposed to turn into a cold weather wimp. JJK
  12. You got that right. The supply/demand thing did not work with the speculators (Wall street based) and now it's all coming to papa. JJK
  13. You know, I just gotta get me one of those. JJK
  14. A person who spends a lot of money on audio stuff of all sorts in order to hear what he or she determines are pure sounds. The determinations go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on until the house is full of audio equipment. JJK
  15. Well, that small none reported sector is used for the secret windows stuff. Also there are always some bad sectors which hve been zapped out. Now you know why to properly clean a harddrive you must Double 0 it to get rid of the secret windows stuff. Most people don't and just reformat the drive which leaves the secret windows stuff in that small segment. Also the rating is in different bits than what your computer operating system reports. The diference is between "bits" and "bytes" Now that I have explained everything I really am confused. JJK
  16. Steve Mcqueen once said "You gotta do what you gotta do" at least I think he said that. JJK
  17. No, but remember that the converter is digital only and not High Def. so if you want high def you have to by a new HDTV anyway and it already has the tuner which is far superior to the separate units, at least that's been my experience with the older units. JJK
  18. I just bought the veneer with the glue already applied and used the 400 degree iron. Don't know what kind of glue it was though. JJK
  19. Those radios go for big dollars ($1000.00) even if they don't work worth a dam. The IF can slugs also cause problems sometimes. I was weened on those babies and 50% of the time the inverter vibrator dingus went bad and the other 50% was tubes when they were new. They had a very good sound however with usually an 8" speaker in the dash. JJK
  20. Them big old speakers hangin at the roller skating rink must have been gripping the ceiling with reverse gravitosous stiffis chanous. JJK
  21. If you bumped up to the D90 (high def) you can import it into Sony Vegas Pro to edit. But actually any camera set to 2200 x 2200 jpg resolution (about 4 megs) will get you high def. JJK
  22. It was a little too professional and not very funny. I wonder how they get by all the copyrighted material without getting sued? JJK
  23. Lets see, how about the lawn chair on the left? Or small black speakers, medium black speakers, large black speakers, loose wires, green trees, ---Do I win something? JJK
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